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Tenn. State Trooper Suspended Over White Pride E-Mail

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  • #16
    Originally posted by husker View Post
    i just read what monte posted also.

    spark, there are a lot more people that think like we do than people think. THAT'S the silent majority that i am talking about, and it includes people from all races and nationalities. i am sick of special treatment for ANYONE. imigrants didn't get any special treatment 100 years ago and everyone hated them, they just busted their ass and made something for themselves. why do we have to cater to spanish speaking people or have quotas to give black's jobs? can't they get by and make something for themselves on their own? some of the worst racial thing i have heard have been from blacks about spanish, and spanish about blacks. i don't think anyone has any respect for someone that is given something (including "trust fund kids").

    I know very little about you but you come across in a very strange sense. You applaud openly racist practices by someone in a position of (the police officer) you mock anything that had to do with equal, fair treatment, of someone who works for a state agency which happens to employ minorities. You can go wave your flag, openly embrace people who practice racism and that makes you happy ,fine.

    It sounds like to me youve just realied by the year 2030 you will too, be a minority. Maybe thats why youre pissed off because youve just realized that my kids are starting to get the same opportunities as your kids have had for years and those spanish people your ripping their going to have the same opportunities as well.

    Now go see if you get that state troopers address that sent out the sheet with racial epithets, im sure you guys would have a whole lot to talk about.

    Like within the next 30 years there will probably be a latino president who is bilingual.
    Last edited by musclemann; 11-14-2009, 03:19 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Spark View Post
      Great Post ....
      Spark that is not a great post. That is a clueless post from someone that does not know their history. Every race has a legit beef. But 100 years ago people who busted their ass got ahead? You are trying to tell me that there was an equal playing field? Please....

