This is awesome material. Anyone who follows this guy should immediately check themselves in for some serious psychotheraphy.
Limbaugh On The Sanford Affair: It's Obama's Fault! | TPMDC
This FAT VICONDIN ADDICT thinks because sanford bowed and accepted stimulus to help one the poorest states in the union(unemployment, lack of health care, policemen being laid off, cities losing essentials) that this caused him to go and leave his state for 5 days without telling anyone or leaving anyone in charge while he has doing the macarena in venzuela.
Limbaugh On The Sanford Affair: It's Obama's Fault! | TPMDC
This FAT VICONDIN ADDICT thinks because sanford bowed and accepted stimulus to help one the poorest states in the union(unemployment, lack of health care, policemen being laid off, cities losing essentials) that this caused him to go and leave his state for 5 days without telling anyone or leaving anyone in charge while he has doing the macarena in venzuela.