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Without Reason, Who are the 3 worst Presidents in the last 50 years?

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  • Without Reason, Who are the 3 worst Presidents in the last 50 years?

    A little spin on the other thread....

    Here is your list to choose from.

    27. William Howard Taft
    28. Woodrow Wilson
    29. Warren G. Harding
    30. Calvin Coolidge
    31. Herbert Hoover
    32. Franklin D. Roosevelt
    33. Harry S. Truman
    34. Dwight D. Eisenhower
    35. John F. Kennedy
    36. Lyndon B. Johnson
    37. Richard M. Nixon
    38. Gerald R. Ford
    39. James Carter
    40. Ronald Reagan
    41. George H. W. Bush
    42. William J. Clinton
    43. George W. Bush
    44. Barack Obama

  • #2
    1. George W Bush- I think history will judge him as one of the 3 worse presidents of all time.

    2. Jimmy Carter

    3. Lyndon Johnson


    • #3
      OBAMA Have a LOCK ON this and he is only 11 months in


      • #4
        1. carter
        2. johnson
        3. hoover

        disagree on GW; I think George's place in history will depend on the state of the middle east in 50 years - if democracies take hold he will be judged well; if not; he may deserve a spot on this list. only time will tell.


        • #5
          Carter by far
          NBA is a joke


          • #6
            He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


            • #7
              Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
              Carter by far
              at least your consistent.


              • #8
                Bush Senior
                Bush Junior


                • #9
                  from nixon on.

                  1 carter (worst by far)
                  2 obama (well on his way to passing carter)
                  3 w bush (still have to see how some things turn out, but he opened the door for all the things obama is doing now)
                  “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                  Gerald Ford


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                    Bush Senior
                    Bush Junior
                    ur kidding right?

                    REGAN the worst?
                    u got to be kidding


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                      Bush Senior
                      Bush Junior

                      no surprises here.
                      “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                      Gerald Ford


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jordanrules23 View Post
                        ur kidding right?

                        REGAN the worst?
                        u got to be kidding

                        did you really expect anything else?
                        “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                        Gerald Ford


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                          Bush Senior
                          Bush Junior

                          Monte, a serious question here without ruffling anyones feathers.

                          How could obama be listed as a bad president after 10 months in office?

                          Because he is following through on his campaign promise of getting a health care bill signed.

                          Ive never seen this much enthusiastic hate from one side after seeing this guy in office for 10 months. I mean he hasnt lost a war, didnt stand by and watch 4000 people get killed in nyc.

                          Could you imagine what some of these guys wouldve said if he was the one in charge on 9-11?????????

                          Didnt spend trillions on a war to find wmd's which werent there.

                          No one was this angry at the trillions wasted in the middle east but now theyre all worried about the deficit.

                          Some of this hate is motivated by other factors.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                            Monte, a serious question here without ruffling anyones feathers.

                            How could obama be listed as a bad president after 10 months in office?

                            Because he is following through on his campaign promise of getting a health care bill signed.

                            Ive never seen this much enthusiastic hate from one side after seeing this guy in office for 10 months. I mean he hasnt lost a war, didnt stand by and watch 4000 people get killed in nyc.

                            Could you imagine what some of these guys wouldve said if he was the one in charge on 9-11?????????

                            Didnt spend trillions on a war to find wmd's which werent there.

                            No one was this angry at the trillions wasted in the middle east but now theyre all worried about the deficit.

                            Some of this hate is motivated by other factors.
                            are you that clueless brother????


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jordanrules23 View Post
                              are you that clueless brother????

                              You prove my point daily jordan. You are the perfect example of someone who uses race and religion to judge people.

                              You used it last night man. I have no personal problem with you at all and I know we've had our differences in the past but to call the president a muslim seconds after 13 people were murdered by some sick human being and then bring his religion into the scenario is a prime example of the prejudice that is being thrown at the muslim community. Im not muslim, I dont know crap about their religion but I judge a person for a person, not trying to figure out if their name is ali or al.

                              If this dude had been a white dude, no one wouldve even brought up his religion. Tim mcveigh???did anyone try to figure out if he was catholic or muslim?????????No he was just a sick human being who is keeping satan company as we speak.

                              I like you, think your funny as hell and accept you for the way you are but to go around with such ideas about people man.................

