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What in Nancy Pelosi smoking?
Originally posted by frankb03 View PostShe was more qualified as a VP than Obama is as a president.
If you honestly believe someone who didnt know what jobs the vice president of the united states performs is more qualified than someone who went to harvard, actually spent time in the united states senate, and was a successful qualified laywer , harvard law review editor etc comparing to palin who was a one horse town mayor went to college at five different junior colleges, im sorry she did graduate from the prestigious university of idaho, famous for saying she can see russia from her window...............
This is borderline stupid on my part for even debating you on this. Lets do each other a favor and stay out each others threads because this is asinine.
Wow, what would youve thought if the world trade centers were bombed the first year while he was in office?
That question is posed also to all the other obama bashers out there too.
As I recall I dont remember certain members bashing bush saying he isnt qualified when that happened or calling him weak.
As a matter a fact I remember certain members defending his sorry ass the whole 8 years he was in office and making excuses for his failures which includes letting the most fatal attack in the history the united states happen on our soil while he was reading tom thumb to a group of first graders.Last edited by musclemann; 11-05-2009, 10:44 PM.
Originally posted by frankb03 View PostShe was more qualified as a VP than Obama is as a president.Originally posted by 10DimeBry View Post
oh and you know what is really funny. Every Lib bashes bush for not being "well spoken". How bout obama?? Have you ever tried to even listen to him when he doesnt have the teleprompter? The guy is like uh ummmmm uhhhh ummmm.Originally posted by flarendep1 View PostDems have Palinphobia
She loves America, more than the currrent apologist in chief.
And to add what others have stated, there was no bigger bumbling idiot at the podium than G.W.Bush. He made it too easy for comedians on a nightly basis.
Originally posted by BearDown View PostEven though they won a couple of Governor races republicans / conservatives seem to be more divided amoung themselfs. The repubs lost a house seat in NY, and that's more important right now a couple of Governor's winning imo. It's something for the right to grab on to, but when it all comes down to it, the right is more divided than the left.
I love how everything these days needs a federal proclamation like we're a bunch of subjects waiting for the king and queen to speak and dole out our daily millet. Different areas of the country are just like you and your neighbor. Somewhat the same but hugely different. There are no solutions that will assuage everyone in this entire country. Allow us to be diferent instead of trying to make laws for everyone.
My state already has social healthcare. Why the hell do we need federal care??? stay out of our lives Washington.
Also...I disagree with the assumption that winning congress seats is more important than governor's seats. Governors push issues much harder and effectively than congress poeple. Sooner or later people are going to get fed up with Washington and the Governor's are going to end up being much stronger than Washington. At least I certainly hope so.
PKNo thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.
Originally posted by musclemann View PostAs a matter a fact I remember certain members defending his sorry ass the whole 8 years he was in office and making excuses for his failures which includes letting the most fatal attack in the history the united states happen on our soil while he was reading tom thumb to a group of first graders.
Who was president back in 1993 when WTC 1st got bombed??
Willie "Blow Job" Clinton
Rick Rescorla, a Vietnam veteran who also previously worked for British intelligence, is vice president for security at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and has an office in the south WTC tower. Following the 1993 bombing, he believes terrorists will attack the WTC again, this time by flying a cargo plane, maybe loaded with biological or chemical weapons, into it. Fred McBee, a close friend of his, will later say, “He assumed that it would be the terrorists’ mission to bring the Trade Center down.” Rescorla therefore wants his company to leave the WTC and relocate to New Jersey, but their lease doesn’t expire until 2006. Previously, he had predicted an attack much like the 1993 bombing: Around 1990, along with friend and ex-special forces soldier Dan Hill, he had done a security survey of the WTC and concluded that the biggest threat to it was an underground truck bomb. He had met with New York Port Authority security officials about this, but, according to Hill, was told it was none of his business. Rescorla will be in his office on the 44th floor of the South Tower at the time of the first attack on 9/11, and immediately order and supervise a successful evacuation of almost all of Morgan Stanley’s 2,700 workers from the building. Unfortunately, he will himself die when the tower collapses.He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius
Originally posted by musclemann View PostAs a matter a fact I remember certain members defending his sorry ass the whole 8 years he was in office and making excuses for his failures which includes letting the most fatal attack in the history the united states happen on our soil while he was reading tom thumb to a group of first graders.He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius
Originally posted by musclemann View PostAs a matter a fact I remember certain members defending his sorry ass the whole 8 years he was in office and making excuses for his failures which includes letting the most fatal attack in the history the united states happen on our soil while he was reading tom thumb to a group of first graders.
Now you all know its true because its in The New York Times and The Times dont lieHe who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius
Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View PostLets refresh the page and go back to when it all started.
Who was president back in 1993 when WTC 1st got bombed??
Willie "Blow Job" Clinton
Rick Rescorla, a Vietnam veteran who also previously worked for British intelligence, is vice president for security at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and has an office in the south WTC tower. Following the 1993 bombing, he believes terrorists will attack the WTC again, this time by flying a cargo plane, maybe loaded with biological or chemical weapons, into it. Fred McBee, a close friend of his, will later say, “He assumed that it would be the terrorists’ mission to bring the Trade Center down.” Rescorla therefore wants his company to leave the WTC and relocate to New Jersey, but their lease doesn’t expire until 2006. Previously, he had predicted an attack much like the 1993 bombing: Around 1990, along with friend and ex-special forces soldier Dan Hill, he had done a security survey of the WTC and concluded that the biggest threat to it was an underground truck bomb. He had met with New York Port Authority security officials about this, but, according to Hill, was told it was none of his business. Rescorla will be in his office on the 44th floor of the South Tower at the time of the first attack on 9/11, and immediately order and supervise a successful evacuation of almost all of Morgan Stanley’s 2,700 workers from the building. Unfortunately, he will himself die when the tower collapses.He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius
Originally posted by musclemann View Post
As a matter a fact I remember certain members defending his sorry ass the whole 8 years he was in office and making excuses for his failures which includes letting the most fatal attack in the history the united states happen on our soil while he was reading tom thumb to a group of first graders.
Let me state this for the record again, I AM NOT A GEORGE BUSH apologist. I think he did an excellent job of keeping this country safe in the aftermath of the attacks, but outside of that I didn't like too much of what he did. Government got way to big under Bush and the bailouts started under him.
For the record, I would let Monica Lewinsky blow me!!Questions, comments, complaints:
[email protected]
Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View PostA German Shepard next door that just had his teeth removed would be viable for you so dont smear Monica's name all over the 'netAt least they look female
Questions, comments, complaints:
[email protected]
Originally posted by 10DimeBry View PostThe left is in shambles. They own both parties of congress and the WH and they cant even pass healthcare. They dont need 1 single Republican vote and they still cant get it done. So I ask you who is more devided???Last edited by BearDown; 11-06-2009, 11:49 PM.
Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View PostFour days after the 1993 WTC bombing (see February 26, 1993), a letter is received by the New York Times that takes credit for the bombings. The letter is written on behalf of Ramzi Yousef’s “Fifth Battalion Liberation Army” and is signed by an Arabic-sounding alias. “If our demands are not met, all of our functional groups in the army will continue to execute our missions against military and civilian targets in and out of the United States. For your information, our army has more than [a] hundred and fifty suicidal soldiers ready to go ahead.” It also promises attacks on “nuclear targets.” It lists a series of demands, including an end to diplomatic relations with Israel and an end to interfering “with any of the Middle East countries interior affairs.” On March 10, 1993, WTC bomber Nidal Ayyad will be arrested and a copy of the letter will be found on his computer along with a second letter listing further threats (see Shortly After March 10, 1993). [New York Times, 3/28/1993; Reeve, 1999, pp. 61] US officials downplay the threats in the letter. One top investigator says: “There’s no reason to believe that threat is real. We can try to prepare for everything, but we can’t lock up the city.”
Now you all know its true because its in The New York Times and The Times dont lie
Clinton was in office for approximately 40 days when WTC I occured. To say that the entire operation was planned and executed in those 40 days would be giving the Yousef and his band of terrorists way too much credit. Most of the planning took place when Bush Sr. was in office
The same can be said about WTC II on 9/11. KSM started planning 9/11 in 1998, long before Bush was in office. To say Bush is wholly responsible would be just as naive as blaming Clinton for WTC I in 1993.