I want t hear her speak at the convention and maybe in a debate before I decide for or against her.I will say as a republican I was shocked that he picked her.They have something up there sleave.This pregnancy might have been it.Evangelicals are coming out of the woodwork to support her for having the child and women who might have gone thru the same thing might feel sorry for her.How many parents in the U.S. have gone thru what they are going thru now.I would say enough to make up a couple percent of the votes McCain is down.
A real evangelical(as my wife is) would also frown on the fact that the bay was born out of wedlock in the first place, and anyone with common sense would say that a 17 year old girl probably shouldn't have got herself in a position(no pun intended) to get pregnant .
I still maintain to an extent that her daughter's upbringing shows less than desirable upbringing, and yes I say the same about Obama's mother!
You mind me asking if you have any older siblings.I'm sure alot of people here are glad your not in charge.My dad was 8th in his family and his dad raised them all working in the coal mines of West Virginia.If you had it your way most of us wouldn't exist today
I have one brother who is one year older; when you were born, the overpopulation problem wasn't as severe as today.
If you don't believe in any limitation on how many children a family should have, well we just have to disagree.
I want t hear her speak at the convention and maybe in a debate before I decide for or against her.I will say as a republican I was shocked that he picked her.They have something up there sleave.This pregnancy might have been it.Evangelicals are coming out of the woodwork to support her for having the child and women who might have gone thru the same thing might feel sorry for her.How many parents in the U.S. have gone thru what they are going thru now.I would say enough to make up a couple percent of the votes McCain is down.
I think her qualifications will come out. This was a desperation move on McCain's part. He's only met her twice before? Her qualifications will be brought to the fore front. I mean, come on....She might be president and has no experience in politics. That just can't be good esp. with the way the country is headed. She's a mom and she's going to figure a way out of this crisis that we're in? At home and abroad?
The few votes that he may have gotten with her as a candidate will be negated by her lack of experience. And then some.
Joe Biden as president or Sarah Palin as president? That's just a no brainer. And that will mean more votes for Obama!
Yeah lets legislate how many kids we have, unreal.
Maybe we should legislate 60 year old men having children
64 years old to be exact.
Seriously, I have one daughter by my first wife and I am having one more. 1 and1=2. That is less than 5, and thus I am adhering to my own principles;believe me, I unlike Palin's daughter, will practice CAREFUL birth control to ensure I don't have any more-my parents taught and instilled me with certain values when I was growing up.
I have one brother who is one year older; when you were born the overpopulation problem wasn't as severe as today.
If you don't believe in any limitation on how many children a family should have, well we just have to disagree.
Maybe you Libs should eliminate welfare to help solve this problem. All these "welfare babies" would reduce your problem.
Palin should spend more time with her family and teaching them about such things as "the birds and the bees" than focusing on politics in any event.
Also, my opinion is that with a young Down Syndrome baby, that child should be her FIRST priority and NOT traveling around the country campaigning for VP let alone wanting to serve in that role in the first place;by all her statements, she is one huge hypocrite and from the Republican Party point of view anyways, should be replaced.
I do think the Right Wing propaganda machine would have a field day if the roles were reversed. I can just imagine how much shit from Sinatra's email account would be posted on here if Obama picked a similar candidate. Holy crap. And I'm not so sure McCain would do much to stop it, as Obama did. JMO
Maybe you Libs should eliminate welfare to help solve this problem. All these "welfare babies" would reduce your problem.
Let me tell you something-I may usually vote democratic but having worked for Public Assistance for 34 years until my retirement, I was not liberal re:welfare recipients and believed and still believe that ladies/girls with children who couldn't support them must get off the welfare roles and work or get an education.
Thankfully now, Mass. has pretty strict rules so that women have to take steps so that they must work(job training, education), and the Dept. will not support children conceived after she goes on assistance
I do think the Right Wing propaganda machine would have a field day if the roles were reversed. I can just imagine how much shit from Sinatra's email account would be posted on here if Obama picked a similar candidate. Holy crap. And I'm not so sure McCain would do much to stop it, as Obama did. JMO
Palin should spend more time with her family and teaching them about such things as "the birds and the bees" than focusing on politics in any event.
Glad to read you have spent time with the Palin family as you seem to know an awful lot about what they have and have not said to their children.
So Savage, your child has never done anything you have told him not to do? Underage drinking? Smoke cigarettes? Pot? Drugs? Use the car without permission? I guess they are perfect in every way and you should win Parnent of the Century.
Glad to read you have spent time with the Palin family as you seem to know an awful lot about what they have and have not said to their children.
So Savage, your child has never done anything you have told him not to do? Underage drinking? Smoke cigarettes? Pot? Drugs? Use the car without permission? I guess they are perfect in every way and you should win Parnent of the Century.
What is a "Parnent"???
Is that a golf term? Par-Nent? too much golf time for you.