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When Bush Took Office Gas Was $1.46
Originally posted by BettorsChat
Some good ones on there.
When Bush Took Office Gas Was $1.46jordanrules..................
b4 kerry, clinton, obama there were no rosies, bill maher, monte do you know you ppl have been in control of congress for awhile now???? do you KNOW the conservatives want to drill on our soil to lower the cost of oil, do you KNOW you LIBS are denying the bill to start drilling???? name 1 thing congress has done in over a yr?????jordanrules..................
Originally posted by jordanrules23do you KNOW the conservatives want to drill on our soil to lower the cost of oil, do you KNOW you LIBS are denying the bill to start drilling???? name 1 thing congress has done in over a yr?????
Alan (I just dont look dead on TV, I really am) Colmes was talking to Newt yesterday about the LIBS wanting 'alternative' fuels. When Newt asked him what he suggests for cars, Colmes said Wind Powerget out your sails boys, we're floating on down the turnpike to go grocery shopping
Our 'new' Congress has done plenty. They have saved us billions of dollars. How you ask?? Well, talk is cheap. Just think of it, with their 15% approval rating and a socialist president, I'm sure everyone who votes for this fraud will like to be told when to shit, eat, sleep, think, not think, smile, give up your guns, give up your money so those who voted for us that dont want to go out a get a fucking job can sit on their fat asses and enjoy the hard work of others. THATS THE 'CHANGE' I LOOK FORWARD TO
He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius
Obama is a puppet for the radical left wing. This country and its great history are in trouble if the Libs get there way.
Kiss your freedom away and get ready to pay more tax. Not just income tax, the hidden tax (like taxing big corporations more which will only get passed on to the average Joe).
Social healthcare, great idea, it will be like going to the MVA to get a checkup. Government employees are so motivated.NBA is a joke
maybe some of the Baracksters or Barackamaniacs out there can shed some light on their 'chosen one'.
What was Barack Obama doing seeking out Marxist professors in college? Why did Obama choose a Communist Party USA member as his socio- political counselor in high school? Why was he spending his time studying neocolonialism and the writings of Frantz Fanon, the pro-violence author of "the Communist Manifesto of neocolonialsm", in college? Why did he take time out from his studies at Columbia to attend socialist conferences at Cooper Union?
These questions were brought up by someone else about his book, Dreams from my Father.
Is B.O. still running as a full fledged African American this week? Or is he just running as an American, while dropping the White part?? Just trying to see what vote he is looking for this week.He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius