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Al Gore backs Obama for president & RIPS Bush

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  • Al Gore backs Obama for president & RIPS Bush

    (CNN) -- Former Vice President Al Gore endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Monday, urging Americans to reject what he called the Bush administration's legacy of "incompetence, negligence and failure."

    "Americans simply cannot afford to continue the policies of the last eight years for another four," Gore, the party's 2000 presidential nominee, told Obama supporters at a rally in Detroit, Michigan.

    Perceived as a senior statesman in the Democratic party, Gore brings a certain force to Obama's campaign, political analysts have said.

    Monday marked Gore's debut in the 2008 election; he had not weighed in while Obama was still battling Sen. Hillary Clinton.

    Amid thousands of cheering supporters, Gore began by addressing head-on the criticism that Obama doesn't have enough experience to lead the nation.

    The former vice president turned Nobel Prize winner playfully said he recalled one Republican nominee wondering out loud whether his Democratic rival for president was "naive and inexperienced."

    "And yet another said the United States cannot afford to risk the future of the free world with inexperience and immaturity in the White House," said Gore. "Who were they talking about? Every single one of those quotes came from the campaign of 1960, when the the Republicans attacked John Fitzgerald Kennedy for allegedly lacking the age and experience necessary to be president."

    Richard Nixon was the Republican nominee in 1960.

    Joining Obama in the midst of the candidate's two week swing through the nation to talk about his plans to revitalize the economy, Gore praised Obama as someone who could mobilize people, young and old, who had never before taken part in politics. Gore went on to praise the nominee's vision on the environment, domestic and international issues.

    Saying he will do whatever he can to support Obama's bid for the White House, Gore said Obama has "inspired" him. "I feel that same spirit in this auditorium tonight, building all over this country this year," he said.

    "Take it from me, elections matter," Gore said.

    "If you think the next appointments to our Supreme Court are important, you know that elections matter. If you live in the city of New Orleans, you know that elections matter. If you or a member of your family are serving in the active military, the National Guard or Reserves, you know that elections matter.

    "If you are a wounded veteran, you know that elections matter. If you've lost your job; if you're struggling with a mortgage, you know that elections matter." Watch Gore say Americans must let Washington know that they want a change ยป

    Gore cited concerns about the environment, lead-painted toys and food safety -- even pet foods -- as other reasons to vote for the Democrat.

    "After the last eight years, even our dogs and cats have learned that elections matter," Gore said, adding, "After eight years of lost jobs and lower wages, we need change. After eight years of incompetence, negligence and failure, we need change."

    Gore said the Bush administration has "dishonored and disrespected" the Constitution and led the nation through "eight years of the most serious foreign policy mistakes in the entire history of our nation."

    The Tennessean newspaper noted Obama was among the few senators in either party who argued against the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq prior to the invasion Gore called a "blunder."

    He called for Americans to move beyond partisanship and select in Obama a leader who can "solve the climate crisis and create a bright future."

    GOP spokesman Alex Conant reacted to Gore's criticism of President Bush. "This election isn't about changing the past, it's about changing the future," he told The Associated Press on Monday evening.

    Calling attention to the fact that Gore's 2000 running mate, Sen. Joe Lieberman, has since left the Democratic Party to become an independent and is backing Sen. John McCain, he said, "It's telling that half of the 2000 Democratic ticket endorsed John McCain early in the campaign, while the other half waited until Barack Obama had been the presumptive nominee for weeks."

  • #2


    • #3
      Gore is a loser, always has been always will be.

      Alhough he: (in his own mind)

      Invent the internet.

      Is smarter than all the scientists who dont believe his man-made global warming bs.

      We do know he takes money from anyone in order to push his agenda down your throats.

      Keep him the fuck away from your liberty. He will glady take it from you.
      NBA is a joke


      • #4
        Gore Real President


        Then Governor Bush


        • #5
          Questions, comments, complaints:
          [email protected]


          • #6
            Big shocker there Monte. Why don't you post some relevant info.


            • #7
              Originally posted by kbsooner21
              Big shocker there Monte. Why don't you post some relevant info.
              Hey KB,I got some more shocking news for.Hillary is still going to vote Democrat even though she lost in the election. I agree buddy,some things are just a given.You said Mccain would be the new "whipping boy" and I believe your right.


              • #8
                "Take it from me, elections matter," Gore said.

                "If you think the next appointments to our Supreme Court are important, you know that elections matter. If you live in the city of New Orleans, you know that elections matter. If you or a member of your family are serving in the active military, the National Guard or Reserves, you know that elections matter.

                "If you are a wounded veteran, you know that elections matter. If you've lost your job; if you're struggling with a mortgage, you know that elections matter."

                [email protected]

                I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by vols fan
                  Hey KB,I got some more shocking news for.Hillary is still going to vote Democrat even though she lost in the election. I agree buddy,some things are just a given.You said Mccain would be the new "whipping boy" and I believe your right.

                  lol, when McCain was critical of Bush, the press loved him. Now that he may defeat the chosen one, they will relentlessly attack him.

                  Monte, are you a member of the press??
                  NBA is a joke


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KazDog
                    "Take it from me, elections matter," Gore said.

                    "If you think the next appointments to our Supreme Court are important, you know that elections matter. If you live in the city of New Orleans, you know that elections matter. If you or a member of your family are serving in the active military, the National Guard or Reserves, you know that elections matter.

                    "If you are a wounded veteran, you know that elections matter. If you've lost your job; if you're struggling with a mortgage, you know that elections matter."



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by KazDog
                      "Take it from me, elections matter," Gore said.

                      "If you think the next appointments to our Supreme Court are important, you know that elections matter. If you live in the city of New Orleans, you know that elections matter. If you or a member of your family are serving in the active military, the National Guard or Reserves, you know that elections matter.

                      "If you are a wounded veteran, you know that elections matter. If you've lost your job; if you're struggling with a mortgage, you know that elections matter."


                      Yes elections matter, most veterans vote Republican. They believe in America.

                      For the rest of the crybabies looking for handouts from he government, get off your ass and go to work.

                      Supreme court just voted to give US consitutional rights to enemy prisoners in GITMO. ELECTIONS MATTER!
                      NBA is a joke


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by flarendep1
                        lol, when McCain was critical of Bush, the press loved him. Now that he may defeat the chosen one, they will relentlessly attack him.

                        Monte, are you a member of the press??
                        I made a promise to not get involved with this political discussions on this site. But you must be kidding with that comment. The press is still giving McCain a pass. They are just asking simple questions like why was he against the Bush tax cut in 2000 but is for it now. I respect your opinion but keep it fair....


                        • #13
                          McCain is a PIMP and a POS

