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are you obsessed with Mc Cain???

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  • are you obsessed with Mc Cain???

    wow? i see your boy Mr Global Warmer himself has backed your other boy Obama Huissein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this country is bacwards

  • #2
    Mcain will be the lesser of the two evils. Obama would be a disaster with his policies.
    NBA is a joke


    • #3
      Originally posted by flarendep1
      Mcain will be the lesser of the two evils. Obama would be a disaster with his policies.
      I am a registered Independent and I am asking for your aide to help me make my decision to whom I'm voting for in November. Please tell me why Obama policies will be a disaster? We in this country have a policy of not communicating with our enemies. I agree with that policy and understand it(I do not have the time to explain it to you) but we do talk communicate just through back channels. Well this morning Israel and Hamas agreed to a truce by talking. Well anyway just tell me why will his policies be an disaster?



      • #4
        Originally posted by flarendep1
        Mcain will be the lesser of the two evils. Obama would be a disaster with his policies.
        pay him no mind buddy. good capper, but loves partisan politics. Both of these guys above you hates every democrat, and they really do not even listen or research what they say because they don't have a open mind when they listen to them in the first place. Guys like this, and their partisan ways, are getting old, and its time for people from the left and right to wake up and realize they have a lot more in common than their ready to admit. It's time for civil discorse to make its way back into the realm of public conversation, or we will never evolve, and we will keep being taken advantage of by ALL politicans. If we make a comment, it needs to be more than a talking point, and something that we know, or are ready to discuss, in a mature manner.
        "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


        • #5
          Originally posted by grandmama
          pay him no mind buddy. good capper, but loves partisan politics. Both of these guys above you hates every democrat, and they really do not even listen or research what they say because they don't have a open mind when they listen to them in the first place. Guys like this, and their partisan ways, are getting old, and its time for people from the left and right to wake up and realize they have a lot more in common than their ready to admit. It's time for civil discorse to make its way back into the realm of public conversation, or we will never evolve, and we will keep being taken advantage of by ALL politicans. If we make a comment, it needs to be more than a talking point, and something that we know, or are ready to discuss, in a mature manner.
          Look at the disasters the Governor and his cronies have us in now. McCain is another Bush with his tax cuts for big corps and the rich.


          • #6
            What are the "disasters?" Are we under fire every night when we lay down to sleep? Are we struggling to eat? Is housing non existent and everyone homeless?


            • #7
              KB, no credit is given to Bush for the fact that we have not been attacked again here at home. Instead they blame him for 9-11 or say he was in on it

              I suppose the terrorists are scared of what the democrats and Obama have in store for them.

              Wonder how the terrorists want this election to go?? No experience Barack Hussien Obama or War hero John McCain?
              NBA is a joke


              • #8
                Originally posted by buddyluv1968
                I am a registered Independent and I am asking for your aide to help me make my decision to whom I'm voting for in November. Please tell me why Obama policies will be a disaster? We in this country have a policy of not communicating with our enemies. I agree with that policy and understand it(I do not have the time to explain it to you) but we do talk communicate just through back channels. Well this morning Israel and Hamas agreed to a truce by talking. Well anyway just tell me why will his policies be an disaster?

                The main thing would be that Obama does not value the Constitution as the document that it was written to be. Main example is his, and most Democrats, idea of federal government-assisted health care coverage. Incentives to get people to have insurance is one thing, but mandating coverage or subsidizing is another. The Constiution is the foundation for our country in our democracy. Everything we do is based off of that document. Nowhere in that document does it give the federal government a say in personal health care choices and insurance. It would be just as socialistic as welfare, social security, etc. As with everything else not expressly in the Constitution, that is then left up to the states. Some states (ex. MA) have a program. Again, states rights is not the same as the federal government.
                Last edited by ULikeApples; 06-18-2008, 01:23 AM.

                2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

                2010 NFL: 0-0

                2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


                • #9
                  Originally posted by buddyluv1968
                  I am a registered Independent and I am asking for your aide to help me make my decision to whom I'm voting for in November. Please tell me why Obama policies will be a disaster? We in this country have a policy of not communicating with our enemies. I agree with that policy and understand it(I do not have the time to explain it to you) but we do talk communicate just through back channels. Well this morning Israel and Hamas agreed to a truce by talking. Well anyway just tell me why will his policies be an disaster?

                  Another misnomer is that the "Bush tax cuts" are for the rich. Let's say taxes across the board are cut 10%. Obviously if you are making $100,000 a year, your tax break is going to be a higher real dollar amount than if you're making $20,000 a year ($10,000 vs $2,000). Does that mean the tax cut "favored the rich"? I don't think so. All taxes are paid on a percentage basis. If you cut each person's taxes the same percent, then that is fair for all.

                  Personally I don't think someone making $500,000 a year should pay a higher tax rate than someone making $50,000 a year. After all, why penalize a person for making more money?

                  2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

                  2010 NFL: 0-0

                  2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


                  • #10

                    Dems want Socialism pure and simple. Your logic is sound. he brainwashed cannot figure it out.
                    NBA is a joke


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ULikeApples
                      The main thing would be that Obama does not value the Constitution as the document that it was written to be. Main example is his, and most Democrats, idea of federal government-assisted health care coverage. Incentives to get people to have insurance is one thing, but mandating coverage or subsidizing is another. The Constiution is the foundation for our country in our democracy. Everything we do is based off of that document. Nowhere in that document does it give the federal government a say in personal health care choices and insurance. It would be just as socialistic as welfare, social security, etc. As with everything else not expressly in the Constitution, that is then left up to the states. Some states (ex. MA) have a program. Again, states rights is not the same as the federal government.

                      Thanks for the response. I will research what you said when I get time. But when you say that Obama does not respect the constitution especially after this administration is like saying Jumbo Shimp. One thing about Obama is that he taught the constitution. He is a constitutional scholar. His record reflects that he does. But again thank you for your feed back


                      • #12

                        Dems want Socialism pure and simple. Your logic is sound. he brainwashed cannot figure it out.[/QU
                        It's hard to talk with someone that only wants to spout one liners all the time. They do not want socialism. Not even sure if you even know what it means.
                        "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                        • #13
                          Actually, GM, many of your uninformed followers are the ones who do not realize what socilism is and where we are headed. If they did, they might think twice about Nationalized healthcare, Government owned refineries (yes that is a Dem plan) for instance.

                          Is that what you want??
                          NBA is a joke


                          • #14
                            obama is a radical, socialist evil person who has history with racist and anti american ppl...anyone who votes for this guy should be taken to the woodshed

