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Obama plans to disarm America
Originally posted by BigWeinerWhat a terrible thing, I was hoping we'd spend a few more trillion on more nukes so we could blow up the world 10X over instead of 5X.
Weapons serve a purpose to everyone. They help keep our country from being invaded and our citizens from being killed. While you may or may not agree that being prepared for war is the best possible defense. It is definately apparent through history that not being prepared will result in your extinction or control by foreign power. The protection of the citizenry of this country is constitutionally binding. Social programs are not.
Our tax money should be spent on things that impact every American. Not just your special interest of the week. Welfare and social programs take money from people to give it to some. This is socialism and I want no part in it. If you want to live like that...Go to England. They're a short-breath from becoming the next Russia.
PKNo thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.
Originally posted by poskidSo very naive...
Weapons serve a purpose to everyone. They help keep our country from being invaded and our citizens from being killed. While you may or may not agree that being prepared for war is the best possible defense. It is definately apparent through history that not being prepared will result in your extinction or control by foreign power. The protection of the citizenry of this country is constitutionally binding. Social programs are not.
Our tax money should be spent on things that impact every American. Not just your special interest of the week. Welfare and social programs take money from people to give it to some. This is socialism and I want no part in it. If you want to live like that...Go to England. They're a short-breath from becoming the next Russia.
America needs to invest in itself once again so we can become an economic superpower. If what he says is true he is a genius.
Ive said it before and I will say it again....we got attacked because lack of intel, not because we didnt have enough arms.
Originally posted by MtrCtyPimpDude America is turning into a thirld world country and we don't even know it. Maybe we can invest in technology and create something else we can be a super power in other than bullying. Spending more on arms is ridiculous since we cant even weed out those stupid Afghan and Iraqi militias.
America needs to invest in itself once again so we can become an economic superpower. If what he says is true he is a genius.
Ive said it before and I will say it again....we got attacked because lack of intel, not because we didnt have enough arms.
PEACERight on buddy!!!!!
Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.
Originally posted by MtrCtyPimpDude America is turning into a thirld world country and we don't even know it. Maybe we can invest in technology and create something else we can be a super power in other than bullying. Spending more on arms is ridiculous since we cant even weed out those stupid Afghan and Iraqi militias.
America needs to invest in itself once again so we can become an economic superpower. If what he says is true he is a genius.
Ive said it before and I will say it again....we got attacked because lack of intel, not because we didnt have enough arms.
I agree that we should invest in America, drill in Anwar for starters, fuck all these OPEC countries.NBA is a joke
I didnt say anything about being attacked by a radical group bent on harming and scaring as many people as they can. Being prepared for WAR is something completely different. While I also agree that we got attacked by terrorists because we lacked intel I do not agree that super power (a stupid term) status does not refer only to our military efficiency.
We are the ONLY country in the world who's people export BILLIONS of dollars of aid through governmental and private sector accounts. Other countries dont hold a candle to us. We are the most giving nation in the world. Compassion is a virtue that most Americans hold dear. While you may think that those of us who believe that peace through strength are a bunch of club wielding neanderthals bent on fighting the world. What you fail to realize is that we typically are just as compassionate as the treehugging liberal standing to our left.
However...I have a massive problem when someone shoves a law in my face and says that I now have to take 1/3 of my paycheck and hand it over to the government so they can give it to someone else who isnt a productive citizen. I want that person to become productive. I want them to be able to stand up straight at the end of the day and feel proud of what they have accomplished. Not go down to the mail box to grab their check.
Anyway...To get back on topic. This country is turning away from what made us great. We were not great because of how well defend ourselves or because we have this massive overseeing government. We were great because we are a collection of people from around the globe brought together to live our lives differently...To be FREE. To live as we should. Help your neighbor if you can...Or if you even want to. No forced charity here. Make yourself as stinking wealthy as you wish provided you follow some basic laws involving property and basic human rights. That is what made this country great.
Bring back proper taxation. Money spent for things that benefit EVERYONE. Simple civic programs. Law enforcement...Fire Departments. Get the spending out of Washington...Put it back into the hands of the people that matter. You and your neighbors!!! Smaller sized more numerous governments with more power than the Federal Government will make this country great again. That ladies and gentleman is what the Constitution was based upon.
If I wasnt 25 I'd run for President!!!
PKNo thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.