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Republicans And Democrats

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  • #16
    Originally posted by x0506947
    man you are stupid ignorant and dumb the only contries america helped always asked for something in return ,after ww2 the marshal plan was the only way you could find to stop comunism from growing in europe and if that hapened in western europe you had been isolated,do you dumb and ignorant mind know that israel egipt and just another handfull of nations weere the ones you actulay helped why?
    egito was just to piss of kadafi israel to screw the palestinians into sixty years of misery ,i tougth afther joining this site that you americans could be diferent than you actulay are,i was mistaken you are stupid and ignorant and all you you that support this tread are teh same
    after reading this i hope you are joking. if not, you need to get spell check and not talk about anyone being ignorant and dumb
    jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


    • #17
      es estupido e ignorante e nao precebes nada de historia nem do mundo que te rodeia.
      spell this


      • #18
        Originally posted by baseballdave
        after reading this i hope you are joking. if not, you need to get spell check and not talk about anyone being ignorant and dumb

        I didn't even know they had computers out in the coco plant fields


        • #19
          Originally posted by x0506947
          es estupido e ignorante e nao precebes nada de historia nem do mundo que te rodeia.
          spell this
          nice, now we know that you can spell spanish. now try and learn english
          jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


          • #20
            Originally posted by x0506947
            es estupido e ignorante e nao precebes nada de historia nem do mundo que te rodeia.
            spell this
            maybe you can understand this

            el bite me on my el asso
            jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


            • #21
              Originally posted by baseballdave
              nice, now we know that you can spell spanish. now try and learn english
              its portuguese dumb fuck

