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Jordan Rules?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by jordanrules23
    get my email from monte as i will be in chicago this weekend...i would love to sit and have dinner with you, or you can get is from Spark...Please Do
    So you can get clocked


    • #17
      Originally posted by jordanrules23
      so what your saying Pimp is that every Repub is rich????
      Are you poor? The Dems act like they give a crap about the poor, they feel its the rich part to care for the poor ppl...i have problems with a party who continues to give my tax dollar to ppl who dont deserve it....they give ppl food stamps, well fare, fema cards, illegal SS cards, Illegals credit and bank cards. all for what? so they can sell drugs? Trade them for cash and they only get not even 1/3 of what its worth? i know of families that have kids and more kids to just collect more wellfare money...i want our AMERICAN tax dollars to go to ppl who really needs food stamps, maybe a war veteran who This country turns their back on.....Thats absurd.......Im a middle class citizen and i donate some cash monthy to the POW/MIA, these ppl in my mind should be treated like royalty not some stupid corn row basketball player, this society is backwards where a teacher makes less than a person who bags groceries....Teachers should be paid like Doctors and then maybe our Education systems will get better, both parties could care less about that fact...The Dem views i cant understand ie..while at war we cant fire until fired upon, The Border control agents cant fire at an illegal even if the fire at them...The repubs used to have controlled fires in cali so a big fire wouldnt occur, now the Dems passed it so we can SAVE the trees....Now theres fires out of control monthly, ppl blame BUSH for everything thats gone wrong, even Bhudda and thr Tsunami, the Katrina....The mnedia is run by DEMS and they only report what they want the American public to hear and See....theres been nothing about the war in the last 4 months, thats b/c we are WINNING........but you'll never see it on the Dem outlets,.,,,,you and other ppl on this site might not understand why i am a Repub, but if your an AMERICAN, for the life of me i cant understand how someone can be a DEM unless you just go with what you see or hear......i think we should hand this country over to the mob and let them run it.......we would have no problems then....when we catch a terrorist for christ sake we cant even do anything to him without the Dems saying thats not fair, ...sorry for the novel.....
      Trust me man I am not doggin on your political beliefs because that is what makes us unique and thats the beauty of this country is you voice your opinion publicly.

      I am just stunned that anyone who is not rich would support the GOP.....all politicians are filthy and dirty but IMO the Dems build this nation from the bottom up and the GOP believes in the trickle down which is BS since 99% are on the bottom.

      In terms of all your handouts believe me I have no problems with any of that because in the end it stimulates the economy regardless and if I had my options on wasting it overseas or wasting i on govt programs Ill take the programs for the needy every single time.

      I do not agree when you say 'corn row basketball players' because thats a narrow minded statement...all people who are in the poorer neighborhoods be they white or black grow up in crappy environments and trust me there are just as many poor white people in this country as there are blacks and most of those are trapped in a vicious cycle.

      When you say grocery baggers make as much as teachers thats also a bit mother is a teacher and I know she takes in over 90 grand a year...its not like they are struggling.

      Im not trying to take sides with either party but I honestly dont think the country is any safer today then it was before 9/11 so I dont care what they say they are doing overseas. I make a decent living myself and for the most part will vote a straight democratic ticket unless someone stands out to me or like in 2000 when I voted Green Party (Nader) as he made the most sense to me at the time.

      To each his own I guess but I honestly cant understand how Democrats are not always in power because that is the best party available for probably over 250 million of the 300 Americans.

      Just my thoughts



      • #18
        Originally posted by BettorsChat
        So you can get clocked
        lets put a wager on it...ill take myself and the under in rounds og 1......plz give him my email Monte, ill be in chicago on fri-mon...ill let everyone know how it went down...thanks


        • #19
          Originally posted by jordanrules23
          lets put a wager on it...ill take myself and the under in rounds og 1......plz give him my email Monte, ill be in chicago on fri-mon...ill let everyone know how it went down...thanks
          You mean you have a Polaroid camera


          • #20
            I will try to find the footage frm the Today show... but a smart fellow such as yourself (Jordan) Should know that with the tax breaks that you can set yourself up with can set someone up with such benefits.... If you cannot afford a house that is a tax break.... If you cannot afford to set yourself up as an s-corp(small business) or a reg corporation you can write off everything from your car to your girlfriend's well in your case Jordan boyfriends apartment... Jordan talk to your CPA I mean't your dad about that...


            • #21
              Originally posted by jordanrules23
              lets put a wager on it...ill take myself and the under in rounds og 1......plz give him my email Monte, ill be in chicago on fri-mon...ill let everyone know how it went down...thanks

              How do you know you can whoop someone you have never met. Unless your Chuck Norris i wouldnt be so confident
              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • #22
                Originally posted by jordanrules23
                get my email from monte as i will be in chicago this weekend...i would love to sit and have dinner with you, or you can get is from Spark...Please Do

                keyboard ass kickicker jordan.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by jordanrules23
                  lets put a wager on it...ill take myself and the under in rounds og 1......plz give him my email Monte, ill be in chicago on fri-mon...ill let everyone know how it went down...thanks


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by musclemann
                    keyboard ass kickicker jordan.
                    did you get my info???? fine Monte please sen d me his info and ill contact him..thanks


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by jcindaville
                      How do you know you can whoop someone you have never met. Unless your Chuck Norris i wouldnt be so confident
                      Because he's JordanRules


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by jcindaville
                        How do you know you can whoop someone you have never met. Unless your Chuck Norris i wouldnt be so confident
                        I think Chuck Norris is training Huckabee. I saw him on the campaign trail with him.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by grandmama
                          Here are some facts all of us need to realize. The ruling class in this country rules this country. They are on both sides of the political aisle. The do not pay the amount of taxes that they need to. They are big media, politicians, investment bankers, CEO's of big corporations. They are on the inside, and we (middle class) will never get our fair share unless we realize what they are doing. The $98,000 tax cap is a joke. To the ruling class, we do not matter unless we make over 500,000 bucks a year. These people are centrist, and all of this political shit is just theatrics. People that stand up against them: NADAR, KUCINICH, and PAUL, well, the media, and other politicians make them to look like phonies, or crazy fucks. When in reality they are looking out for the average person, but if people realize this, they will lose THEIR FREE RIDE THEIR getting at our expense.
                          That's why we will have candidates like Hillary and McCain to choose from. The media is getting just what they wanted, but that is starting to change. Even Huckabee was heard saying don't let the media pick your candidates, and he's right. Someone has to do something about how the media controlls our elections. But, that's how most people pick their candidates. With media guy's like Chris Matthews and Fred Barnes (FOX) telling people who has, and who doesn't have a chance to win. This is why we go know where in this Country. We elect middle of the road candidates. It is the guy's like Kucinich, Gravel, Paul, Nader, Thompson, Tancredo, Hunter that make sense to the hardcore members of their party, but as grandmama wrote. They are made fun of, or beaten down on by the media. Then you have guy's like Tim Russert who should not be aloud to ask candidates questions at debates. Asking hard hitting questions like. Do you like each other? This cock sucker is about as bad as they get next to Wolf Blitzer. NBC/MSNBC should fire him.


                          • #28
                            What is the $98k tax cap?

                            How the hell does he only pay 17% tax? I believe it, but don't understand how their doing it.

