I feel the same way, but it's way better than Obama or Hillary. Note, I currently have Giuliani sitckers on both my cars. Maybe if he has money left he'll refund my donations, haha.
Rudy will go down as the dumbest person to try and get a nomination from a party. The guy had over $200 million and waited until Florida to campaign.
McCain is another POS Bush
Romney will shove his Religious views down everyones throats.
If a Republican wins or steals another election this Country is Fucked!
They should give Rudy's campaign manager the ol' "Vince Foster". Whatever advice he gave Rudy to not run through every state primary has got to be some of the dumbest shit I ever seen since I said "I Do".
McCain will have bandages all over his face by the time he gets into his second year if elected.
Romney will have everyone marrying their cousins with his mormon beliefs LOL. Seriously, I cannot vote for someone who wears more makeup than women when on TV. Justs hides more of their lies.
As for Hillary, her husband is digging her grave 1 word at a time.
Obama- Kennedy connection practically kills him.
I'll give my vote to Secretariat this year because it looks like no matter who gets in, WE ARE FUCKED
I couldn't vote for Mitt yesterday- Even if he wasa part of my Olympic Scene. His dad George Romney tried to bribe me at Walter Reed Hospital in 1972 (Pharmacy) for of all things Drammamine. He flipped his thumb over a 50 dollar bill and stated he forgot to ask the Doctor for it- could I help him out!
True story- yes I was drafted. But having his son who pays out 400 dollars for a haircut in recent alegations is not to be trusted. He will grease more palms and become a slanderous product.
As for McCain- well I voted for him - as a disbled vet- as a person interested in a knowledgeable sort who might not get sucked into war but understands our presence. Did not like the stand he took on amnesty for illegals.
The Dems - well- there is Hillary- her cotillion is making one mistake after the next but she does have experience and Florida felt "Barack Hussein Obama" has the backing of Kennedy but how he got it is interesting. He worked on Kennedy for some time and knew if he could get the vote from him that whites would feel good about him as well.
Its a crazy race and I would like to believe in Obama (good timing as there was a black president in series "24"). I don't mean to sound racial but with so many votes swinging from the spanish speaking folks- where does his allegiance go!
Good Luck on making up your own minds. It won't be as easy as you think!
"The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.
Here is just 1 reason why no matter who is elected, we will always be ass-raped by these fools.
May 23, 2007
Representative John ‘Jack’ Murtha (D-Pa.) has long been known inside the Beltway for using threats, ******, and backroom deals to control spending decisions. Now the American public has been treated to a view of the congressman’s strong-arm tactics; this time for throwing a temper tantrum and threatening his colleagues over a challenge to a $23 million pet project.
In a confrontation on the House floor captured without sound by C-SPAN, Rep. Murtha became infuriated by Rep. Mike Rogers’ (R-Mich.) motion to challenge his earmark for the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) in Johnstown, Pa. in the Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal year 2008. Aside from being pork, the earmark’s certification letter had been submitted several weeks after a March deadline and only the day before mark up.
According to Rogers, Rep. Murtha, who is not on the Intelligence Committee but does chair the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, warned, “I hope you don’t have any earmarks in the defense appropriations bills because they are gone and you will not get any earmarks now and forever.”
Rep. Rogers responded, “This is not the way we do things here and is that supposed to make me afraid of you?”
To which Rep. Murtha arrogantly replied, “That’s the way I do it!” The congressman has not disputed the exchange.
Rep. Murtha also assailed Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.) for voting with Rep. Rogers against the NDIC during the Intelligence Committee markup of the bill. Rep. Murtha threatened a Boeing project in Rep. Tiahrt’s district.
The Murtha outburst exemplifies how earmarks corrupt the legislative process. The NDIC, which is funded through the Drug Enforcement Administration, was cited last year by the House Government Reform Committee as “an expensive and duplicative use of scarce federal drug enforcement resources.” CAGW’s 2007 Prime Cuts and the President’s budget both recommended that the NDIC should be eliminated. But it will probably be funded, not based on merit, but out of fear of Rep. Murtha’s power as an appropriations cardinal.
Following the encounter, Rep. Rogers released a statement that said in part, “This is exactly why Americans are disgusted with out of control federal spending. In order to restore the faith of the American people in Congress, we must do better. We can’t allow members to be threatened and intimidated when they stand up for hard-working taxpayers’ money.”
Rep. Rogers submitted a privileged resolution charging that Rep. Murtha violated a House rule which forbids members from blocking earmarks based on how a colleague votes. The resolution sought a formal reprimand from the House and Democrats were put in the tough position of defending a senior member who openly flouted their own rules. In the end, the culture of corruption, which Democrats had pledged to eradicate, won as the resolution was killed on a 219-189 vote on May 22.
Washington, D.C. - Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today named Rep. David Hobson (R-Ohio) January 2008 Porker of the Month for earmarking funds for a public restroom and gas station.
Rep. Hobson added a $300,000 Economic Development Initiative (EDI) grant for the Springfield Arts Council for “construction of Phase III of the west plaza comfort station” in the Fiscal 2008 Departments of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development (THUD), and Related Agencies portion of the omnibus appropriations bill. EDI grants were originally intended to be competitively awarded to projects in low and moderate-income communities, but the program has evolved into a notorious pork warehouse.
A 2006 Hobson press release extolled the amenities associated with the $300,000 earmark, explaining that it would “include handicap accessible public restrooms, and a hospitality terrace where the Springfield Arts Council conducts public events.” No earmarks were passed for EDI projects in fiscal 2007, but Rep. Hobson tried again for fiscal 2008, asking for $100,000 from House appropriators. Somehow, this number increased to $300,000 in the final omnibus bill.
Rep. Hobson is ranking member of the House Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations subcommittee. His place on the powerful Appropriations Committee allowed him to rack up 37 projects worth $35.8 million in the 2008 appropriations bills.
A prior Hobson earmark of great notoriety recently came to fruition. Rep. Hobson had made it his personal mission to fund a gas station ever since he almost ran out of gas in Wilberforce, Ohio, more than 20 years ago. In 2001, he earmarked an $800,000 EDI grant to the Tawawa Community Development Corporation in Wilberforce for the project. Speedway SuperAmerica and county commissioners chipped in $900,000, but it wasn’t until December 27, 2007 that the Tawawa/Dave Hobson Plaza opened for business. A pizza place or takeout restaurant is expected to move in soon.
According to the Xenia Daily Gazette, Rep. Hobson movingly declared, “Sometimes you read in the newspaper people saying that earmarks are bad. But I’m probably more proud of this earmark and what it will do in the future than anything I’ve ever done.” That grandiloquent statement speaks volumes not only about Rep. Hobson’s visionary “work” in the House since 1990, but also about the overall degeneration of the quality of service members of Congress now aspire to on behalf of the citizens of this country. The mad scramble for pork has eclipsed any motivation to address national priorities.
Rep. Hobson had previously been awarded Porker of the Month in November 2003, along with Sens. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) and Mike DeWine (R-Ohio) for threatening to oppose the Medicare ************ drug bill, if it required competitive bidding for durable medical equipment like canes and walkers.
glad you posted something showing that its not just Democrats that do this shit, but also Republicans as some people on here don't realize that both parties are fucking USA citizens every day.
glad you posted something showing that its not just Democrats that do this shit, but also Republicans as some people on here don't realize that both parties are fucking USA citizens every day.
It is amazing how all 'parties' are sticking it to us. Just when you thought you have read it all, something more F'd up & amazing comes along. Its pick your poison come election time.
Instead of calling it Election Day, it should be called
It is amazing how all 'parties' are sticking it to us. Just when you thought you have read it all, something more F'd up & amazing comes along. Its pick your poison come election time.
Instead of calling it Election Day, it should be called