Originally posted by mercman
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Baltimore got Fucked
Baltimore blew the game themselves last night. They can't blame anyone but themselves. NE was outplayed the whole game, but couldn't put them away, when it counted.
NE won. Any way you look at it, they still won and are undefeated.
The next few weeks should get very interesting.
Originally posted by mercmanI can hate whoever I want...what is so bad about that? I think the Patriots have gotten away with alot of shit, and last night just topped it off
Of course you can....But why would you waste that emotion on someone who does not care anything about you.....
Save your emotions for real life......Good luck
Gotten away with??? If you got your way they would have 1 loss now.....Would that make your hate go away?
Or if Belechick was suspended 4 games (they stil would have won)
Originally posted by wayne1218Please ... They beat the "Greatest Show on Turf". Deal with it cuz it ain't changing anytime soon.
Originally posted by mercmanHAHAHA!!!! Go ahead Wayne, now tell me the tuck rule was a good call
If it happened to anybody's team on this forum, they would "Take It" and not give 2 shits what others thought. You know it, and so do i. Let me guess, if it happened to Carolina and they won the SB, you would be upset about winning right? Please ... Wake up!
Originally posted by rinna13Big deal, who ever wins the Super Bowl at the end of the year, is the Real Champs. Plain and simple. A lot can happen in 7 weeks.
there sure are alot of patriot haters herei hate them but i can realize that they are a great team....i will say it again the ravens cost themselves the game....and by the way wayne undefeated lives in miami until someone else goes undefeated
Originally posted by wayne1218JC, Most of the people i talk to up here, myself included, don't like the Hoody. His attitude sucks, he tells you nothing, he is about as vanilla as it gets and he is horrible at every press conference. With that said, everyone loves what he has done in his time here and nobody, and i mean nobody, wants him to leave anytime soon.
Wayne, i didnt like Bobby Petrino, till he left.
I understand
I have learned that i would rather have a dick for a coach as long as he winsQuestions, comments, complaints:
[email protected]
Originally posted by JBC13there sure are alot of patriot haters herei hate them but i can realize that they are a great team....i will say it again the ravens cost themselves the game....and by the way wayne undefeated lives in miami until someone else goes undefeated
Originally posted by mercmanI cant stand them. They won there first Super Bowl after the NFL bent Al Davis over so hard his ass is still sore. They get caught cheating this year. Who knows how long that shits been going on. And they have the biggest asshole on earth as a coach. Cant even look Tony Dungy in the eye and shake his hand. Like I said before..Fuck New England
I dont like them either, but regardless of my feelings, they do have my respect for their perfomance on the field.Questions, comments, complaints:
[email protected]
Originally posted by mercmanCant even shake the hand of Tony Dungy and look him in the eye. One of the classiest people on the face of the planet. What a fuckin cocksucker! You know you dont desreve that first ring...total garbage!
Bellidick has some social anxieties, there is no doubt about that.
But he is hired to coach, not please the fan baseQuestions, comments, complaints:
[email protected]
Originally posted by jcindavilleBellidick has some social anxieties, there is no doubt about that.
But he is hired to coach, not please the fan base
Originally posted by mercmanHAHAHA!!!! Go ahead Wayne, now tell me the tuck rule was a good call
for the millionth time:
it is a rule. the play was called correctly under the rule. we can argue all day wether or not the tuck rule is a good rule. but it is a rule, and the play was called correctly as such.
and the nfl kept the rule even after this game.