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When will this ever stop.............JESUS!!!!!!!!!

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Spark
    No one is getting banned in this forum ...

    Knock yourselves out ... but I have to say you sound like two 12 year olds ...

    Joe, you make me a moderator assistance and i will ban Kaz and Tony's ass back to the stone ages

    2-12 year ole pre teen bitches slap fighting
    Questions, comments, complaints:
    [email protected]


    • #62
      Originally posted by jcindaville
      Joe, you make me a moderator assistance and i will ban Kaz and Tony's ass back to the stone ages

      2-12 year ole pre teen bitches slap fighting

      is it slap fighting or sausage war ..................u know kaz loves takeing pictures
      rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


      • #63


        • #64
          Originally posted by LOVEjcindavilleDOC
          Joe, you make me a moderator assistance and i will ban Kaz and Tony's ass back to the stone ages

          2-12 year ole pre teen bitches slap fighting

          2013 NCAA POD Record

          8-3ATS +3.80 units

          2013 NFL POD Record

          1-2 ATS -4.50 units


          • #65
            Originally posted by 10DimeBry

            i am taking Docs job, he isnt here enough
            Questions, comments, complaints:
            [email protected]


            • #66
              Originally posted by KazDog
              Whatever Chuck....You started calling me names and then we were banned. I said I was done responding to you and asked you to do the same. Then you come in here AGAIN, calling me names, full guns ablazin'. Check yourself Chuck. For it is you that thinks so highly of himself to insult others. YOU are the one doing the name calling. Come and beat me up big boy. I'm so scared of you. You're a apathetic internet joke.

              I know exactly where I stand. I don't have a problem saying so. I am one sided. PERIOD. No one knows what you stand for. One minute you stand for this and the next minute you stand for that. Who gives a fuck?

              I could care less if I get banned. I don't 'need' this place like you do. I came back because my friends wanted me to, not because I needed to show what a tough guy I am and how I can get back on my feet. If I'm a girl like you say, I'd rather be a girl and stand for what I believe in, than a pompous PRICK like you.

              You are very right on many things you said, but i think you may be too dumb to realize.

              You do stand on 1 side. I go issue by issue, no affiliates for me. I think most Americans did before we became so bi-partisan.

              I did come in here this time. tired of seeing you turn everything into a democratic convention. all issues.

              As far as need.....You are kidding right? You are on here all day.....and typing.....I have 1 computer on BC.....while i work bro....big difference......I also happen to live in South Florida....last time i checked.....there was a shitload to do.....

              As far as coming back....that is the funniest of all......I just came fanfare....No wanting to know why....just came back.

              You are a little Diva......having to project like Dr. Laura why TTT came back to show he can get off the canvas.....Are you for real bro? this is the internet......It is fun.....but it is a forum.......and your feelings get hurt......What happens in real life when you get rejected? I assume you are not in sales or business.......Well of course not....that was silly....You have the mindset of a gov't employee.

              But i will say i am sorry for the childish behavior. You are the smarter politician. i am just a guy who calls it like i see it.....but that is kettle is calling the pot black.....

              Now go take a Midol and stay away from me.....


              • #67
                Originally posted by BigWeiner

                interesting video does not alarm me though......

                It is a question that is probably delegated to someone beneath him.

                Most people do not realize the servies are under the UCMJ....but since these folks are private that would not apply (i am sure he knew that portion), but since the gov't of iraq is the gov't of law there i would think it would be there judicial system. that being said, since they can not enforce it then these companies pretty much have a green light to do as they please. Now when the gov't does have the power i would assume the pendelum will swing the other way and they will be held accountable under Iraqi law and if they are prosecuted it is their fault.

                But this to me is a video of much to do about nothing. It appears he just does not want to committ to a speculative answer.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by tonynico
                  So who decides when lying to a grand jury is a crime and when it isn't? And didn't Clinton get impeached for lying too? I guess Libby was convicted for forgetting a date.




                  • #69
                    In Reading This Forum You Can Definitely Tell Who The Fair Minded Members Of Bettorschat Are Who Keep An Open Mind And Then You Can Also Point Out Who The Close Minded Individuals Who Love To Stereotype Athletes. Its Amazing To Me That Guys Like Jordan Rules And Others Actually Follow Sports Because Its So Apparent They Are Close Minded Biggots And Hate The People That Compete In These Games.

                    Barry Bonds Used Performance Enhancing Drugs With 70 Percent Of Baseball


                    If Your Going To Bring Him In Front Of A Grand Jury Bring The Rest; Black, White, And Latino.
                    Last edited by musclemann; 12-04-2007, 06:33 PM.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by musclemann
                      In Reading This Forum You Can Definitely Tell Who The Fair Minded Members Of Bettorschat Are Who Keep An Open Mind And Then You Can Also Point Out Who The Close Minded Individuals Who Love To Stereotype Athletes. Its Amazing To Me That Guys Like Jordan Rules And Others Actually Follow Sports Because Its So Apparent They Are Close Minded Biggots And Hate The People That Compete In These Games.

                      Barry Bonds Used Performance Enhancing Drugs With 70 Percent Of Baseball


                      If Your Going To Bring Him In Front Of A Grand Jury Bring The Rest; Black, White, And Latino.

                      The only problem I have with Barry Bonds is that he perjured himself. I have lost respect for many players not for what they did because IMHO baseball condoned the "longball" and it was the ONLY way Brady Anderson could hit 50 HRs and Brett Boone. My loss of respect is to those who come off holier than thou in their denials or lack of comments ( McGwire especially, Sosa and most of all palmiero who threw his teammate under the bus).

                      I can label them cheaters as there was no rule. I can not label them cheaters because the owners loved it since it put fannies in the seats. i can not label them cheaters because the commissioner and everyone else knew about it. We judge these guys from not walking in their shoes. But if your job of multi-million dollars was at stake and it was not illegal (by MLB) and the guy who wants your job is doing them......I may consider them too...

                      It reminds me of the guys who say they would never cheat on their wives if they were a MLB player. All i will say a man is only as strong as his circumstances. Most guys do not get the hottest pussy thrown at them day in and day out. i have never cheated and hope i would never when i do get married, but i can not judge them. I do okay......but not like these guys or GG......

                      All i am saying is that the climate was different.

                      However, Barry is a jerk and has brought much of this attention on himself. JMHO


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by musclemann

                        Every? Should I reply with every one of your views=Kaz? If you think I have conservative views, you are correct. If you think I am in line with a company (party) line, you are more nuts then people assume you are.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by musclemann
                          In Reading This Forum You Can Definitely Tell Who The Fair Minded Members Of Bettorschat Are Who Keep An Open Mind And Then You Can Also Point Out Who The Close Minded Individuals Who Love To Stereotype Athletes. Its Amazing To Me That Guys Like Jordan Rules And Others Actually Follow Sports Because Its So Apparent They Are Close Minded Biggots And Hate The People That Compete In These Games.

                          Barry Bonds Used Performance Enhancing Drugs With 70 Percent Of Baseball


                          If Your Going To Bring Him In Front Of A Grand Jury Bring The Rest; Black, White, And Latino.

                          again you prove my point about u everytime you open your mouth....Well your a White Sox fan so that should tell everyone what kind of person you are


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by KazDog
                            One man is president of the country. The other is playing a game. Get the difference?

                            We had impeachment hearings because Clinton got a blowjob, yet Bush lies to the American people about the war in Iraq and his staff members out a CIA agent, yet they are virtually free of incrimination.

                            And the reason is, because the Democrats are pussies. They feel that if they go after the President it will hurt them in the elections. I mean the guy stole both elections then created a war. They don't want to go after the war hero


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by jcindaville
                              Im 6 foot 2 and 210, blonde hair green eyes and hung like a mule
                              Try more around 5'9 210 hung like a field mouse


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                       crack me up.......all these little jabs....funny little man you.....

                                the funny thing is that you are so one-sided you do not even see it......I also was not for the war...just to get that out of the way so i do not get accused by you.....

                                have i ever bragged about athletics....NOPE....but you called me fat-ass and since my name is TTT i wanted to clarify.....but you my friend are an inciter......the guy who jabs and then runs.....i.e calling me Chuck....

                                bro. i never even knew who you were until you decided to get in on the fun and photoshop me....Like, who the fuck are you? So do not play victim now......For some reason if anyone questions your views you go ballistic and turn into captain name caller. That is why the internet suits you, because in real life you would get the shit slapped out of you. So here you are Bill Maher wannabe and it suits you......and i want to congratulate you.....The John Wayne of the internet politics

                                You just are what you are........An Internet Cowboy.....

                                i get called pompous because I have an opinion yet you go off and piss on anybody who disagrees with you and that makes you what?

                                Now go think of something creative.....ooooh boy i hope we don't get banned.....that may actually crush your wittle spirit and you may take your ball and go home for good.....

                                Take care little girl

                                TTT you're as right winged as they come! And you should just admit it.

