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When will this ever stop.............JESUS!!!!!!!!!

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  • #16
    by the way Jordan, you don't even know who Jimmy Carter is, so I do not question, I know your some young ass punk that is just starting to follow politics for the first time in his life. Congrats, you really know how to copy and paste with the best of them. My advice to you is: grow up, try and finish getting your degree from whatever junior college your trying to get through, and please don't procreate our human race is trying to evolve.
    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


    • #17
      Originally posted by grandmama
      Your missing the point. I know Bonds lied to the grand jury. WHO CARES! It's baseball, he is not hurting anyone. My point is that Rove and company never even had to testify, and Libby got a pardon. I actually served this country-your welcome,and yes I am a DEM. I know they commited treason you seem not to even care if they did. Since you are playing the "what if" game. What if Clinton "outed" a CIA AGENT?

      1st, i knew you were a dem the 1st time i read a reply from you, i served as well, so your welcome....You dont think that Clinton sold out his ppl??? Plz dont tell me you dont think that


      • #18
        Originally posted by grandmama
        by the way Jordan, you don't even know who Jimmy Carter is, so I do not question, I know your some young ass punk that is just starting to follow politics for the first time in his life. Congrats, you really know how to copy and paste with the best of them. My advice to you is: grow up, try and finish getting your degree from whatever junior college your trying to get through, and please don't procreate our human race is trying to evolve.
        i dont know who jimmy carter is??????????? lol,,,,,,, my advice to you is to keep hiding behind jessie and Al and whoever else gives you a pipe dream.......


        • #19
          another Moron that proves my point daily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #20
            I'll stop here. I'm not suggesting Clinton was the best president ever, but selling out a CIA agent was something he never did. Since you also served I thought you would be more upset about this topic. What if it happened to you. The only reason they sold her out was because Joe Wilson (her husband) wrote an opinion editorial countering all the arguments they made for war. It is the most unpatriotic thing someone can do, and it sickens me. Best of luck.
            "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


            • #21
              Originally posted by jordanrules23
              if you think he is being investigated for only doing something to his body, then i question your IQ......he's being investigated for lying to the Govt, and the grand Jury, but your sooooo blind and naive that you only read what the media tells you, ill bet any money that your a Dem......

              am i right???????????
              One man is president of the country. The other is playing a game. Get the difference?

              We had impeachment hearings because Clinton got a blowjob, yet Bush lies to the American people about the war in Iraq and his staff members out a CIA agent, yet they are virtually free of incrimination.

              [email protected]

              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


              • #22
                Originally posted by KazDog
                One man is president of the country. The other is playing a game. Get the difference?

                We had impeachment hearings because Clinton got a blowjob, yet Bush lies to the American people about the war in Iraq and his staff members out a CIA agent, yet they are virtually free of incrimination.

                So who decides when lying to a grand jury is a crime and when it isn't? And didn't Clinton get impeached for lying too? I guess Libby was convicted for forgetting a date.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by grandmama
                  Your missing the point. I know Bonds lied to the grand jury. WHO CARES! It's baseball, he is not hurting anyone. My point is that Rove and company never even had to testify, and Libby got a pardon. I actually served this country-your welcome,and yes I am a DEM. I know they commited treason you seem not to even care if they did. Since you are playing the "what if" game. What if Clinton "outed" a CIA AGENT?
                  So you think lying to a grand jury shouldn't be prosecuted? Or do you think a seperate standard should be established for who is lying?


                  • #24
                    I voted for Bush but I have $10,000,000,000,000.00 reasons why something has to change.The AJC(Atlanta Journal-Constitution) has a good article about the National Debt if anyone is inetrested.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by vols fan
                      I voted for Bush but I have $10,000,000,000,000.00 reasons why something has to change.The AJC(Atlanta Journal-Constitution) has a good article about the National Debt if anyone is inetrested.
                      Is that the $1,000,000 a minute?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by tonynico
                        Is that the $1,000,000 a minute?
                        Yes,something like $30,000 a person in America.Crazy isnt it.The National Debt clock in Time Square doesn't even have room for all the zeros.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by tonynico
                          So you think lying to a grand jury shouldn't be prosecuted? Or do you think a seperate standard should be established for who is lying?
                          I think lying to a grand jury is wrong, and one should be prosecuted, but I don't care about Barry Bonds and the home run record because its a sport, and it doesn't effect me. The other thing is a much BIGGER LIE, and they never even had to testify before a grand jury. That's the crime my friend.
                          "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by tonynico
                            So who decides when lying to a grand jury is a crime and when it isn't? And didn't Clinton get impeached for lying too? I guess Libby was convicted for forgetting a date.
                            So when does Bush get prosecuted for lying about the Iraq war? When does Cheney get prosecuted for treason for outing a CIA agent? Benedict Arnold was hung for treason....

                            Both Clinton and Bonds have been or are being prosecuted for their acts. I see the severity of Bushs' crimes and Cheney's to be a lot more severe than Bonds' crime or Clinton's for that matter.

                            One man got a blowjob and lied. One man took steroids and lied. Both prosecuted.

                            One man lied about a war and thousands of people have paid with their lives. One man committed treason to this country. Neither is facing criminal charges.

                            You can be the judge as to the severity of the crimes committed. I know where I stand!

                            [email protected]

                            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by grandmama
                              I think lying to a grand jury is wrong, and one should be prosecuted, but I don't care about Barry Bonds and the home run record because its a sport, and it doesn't effect me. The other thing is a much BIGGER LIE, and they never even had to testify before a grand jury. That's the crime my friend.
                              So is the standard if it "doesn't affect grandmama" and "grandmama doesn't care", or grandmama determines the size of the lies?
                              If you are calling for all political liars to be called to testify in a grand jury, things might be interesting for everyone!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by KazDog
                                So when does Bush get prosecuted for lying about the Iraq war? When does Cheney get prosecuted for treason for outing a CIA agent? Benedict Arnold was hung for treason....

                                Both Clinton and Bonds have been or are being prosecuted for their acts. I see the severity of Bushs' crimes and Cheney's to be a lot more severe than Bonds' crime or Clinton's for that matter.

                                One man got a blowjob and lied. One man took steroids and lied. Both prosecuted.

                                One man lied about a war and thousands of people have paid with their lives. One man committed treason to this country. Neither is facing criminal charges.

                                You can be the judge as to the severity of the crimes committed. I know where I stand!

                                Wasn't this investigated and adjudicated with Libby's prosecution? If there's SO much evidence backing your claims, why no action?

