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Bush's homeland security adviser steps down

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  • Bush's homeland security adviser steps down

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Fran Townsend, the leading White House-based terrorism adviser who gave public updates on the extent of the threat to U.S. security, is stepping down after 4½ years.

    President Bush said in a statement Monday morning that Townsend, 45, "has ably guided the Homeland Security Council. She has played an integral role in the formation of the key strategies and policies my administration has used to combat terror and protect Americans."

    Her departure continues an exodus of key Bush aides and confidants, with his two-term presidency in the final 15 months. Top aide Karl Rove, along with press secretary Tony Snow and senior presidential adviser Dan Bartlett, left earlier this year.

    "Fran always has provided wise counsel on how best to protect the American people from the threat of terrorism," Bush said in a statement Monday. "She has been a steady leader in the effort to prevent and disrupt attacks and to better respond to natural disasters."

    Townsend, who at one point had figured in speculation as to who would head the then-new Department of Homeland Security, was a familiar face, often appearing to argue the administration's position on morning news and Sunday interview shows.

    When Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold called on Bush to refrain from using the phrase "Islamic fascists" on grounds it was offensive to Muslims, Townsend explained the president's use of the phrase.

    "What the president was trying to capture was this idea of using violence to achieve ideological ends -- and that's wrong," Townsend said at a news conference. "Regardless of what label you pin on it, it is this form of radical extremism that really wants to deny people freedom and impose a totalitarian vision of society on everyone, that we object to."

    She had a high profile in the administration's recent response to the devastating wild fires in California, defending the White House reaction to the disaster as going "exactly the way it should be" and assuring Californians the federal response would be "better and faster" than its performance in the wake of Hurricane Katrina's strike against the Gulf Coast states in 2005.

    "This is not the end of federal assistance. It's just the beginning," Townsend said in connection with the wild fires.

    Bush noted in his statement that Townsend prosecuted violent crimes, narcotics offenses, Mafia cases and white-collar fraud as an assistant district attorney in Brooklyn, New York, and as an assistant U.S. attorney in Manhattan.

    No reason was cited for Townsend's departure, and there was no word on a successor.

    Bush has seen a substantial revamping of the lineup of players on the team he brought to Washington as the just-elected president in a disputed election with Democrat Al Gore in 2000.

    He saw longtime friend, aide and confidant Alberto Gonzales resign earlier this fall in the face of a convulsive uproar on Capitol Hill over the dismissals of a slew of federal prosecutors and in connection with the administration's warrantless wiretap program. And Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld resigned just after the time of the 2006 elections in which Democrats, harping on a get-out-of-Iraq theme, regained control of Congress.

  • #2
    Another one bites the dust


    • #3
      The rats are jumping the sinking ship. Thanks for fucking us guys. The dollar should be worth less then the peso soon. Yo hablo Espanol


      • #4
        Originally posted by BigWeiner
        The rats are jumping the sinking ship. Thanks for fucking us guys. The dollar should be worth less then the peso soon. Yo hablo Espanol
        thats what the DEMOs want....MexiAmerica....


        • #5
          I think if you knew your job was coming to an end, you would be seeking employment elsewhere. To try and paint it as "rats leaving a sinking ship" is stupid in my opinion.


          • #6
            Originally posted by tonynico
            I think if you knew your job was coming to an end, you would be seeking employment elsewhere. To try and paint it as "rats leaving a sinking ship" is stupid in my opinion.
            Hilarious. Yea they're seeking other employment opportunities. Maybe Bush should start looking for other job opportunities as well, is Mickey D's hiring. What a joke.


            • #7
              We're at "war" or "Iraqi Freedom" or whatever you want to call this garbage, the homeland security adviser steps down, and your telling me he's just looking for a new job before his old one ends? That's absolutely ridiculous.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BigWeiner
                Hilarious. Yea they're seeking other employment opportunities. Maybe Bush should start looking for other job opportunities as well, is Mickey D's hiring. What a joke.
                I thought we were talking about his staff leaving. I thought I was staying on topic, not about Bush and his job. Tony Snow left for the private sector. So whatever it is that you do for a living, you know your job is over in less then 15 months. I guess you aren't going to seek employment elsewhere? You're just going to work until the last day and then start looking?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tonynico
                  I thought we were talking about his staff leaving. I thought I was staying on topic, not about Bush and his job. Tony Snow left for the private sector. So whatever it is that you do for a living, you know your job is over in less then 15 months. I guess you aren't going to seek employment elsewhere? You're just going to work until the last day and then start looking?
                  If the company I worked for was a complete disaster, I would start looking for a new job. If my job was coming to end in 15 months, but my company was doing great, and I was the reason for it, and my company needed me to stay to the end, I would, because I sure as hell would find another job when it end. You can sugar coat it all you want. How about especially if the whole country was depending on you. When you jump ship?


                  • #10
                    How was I not staying on topic? I said the rats were jumping the sinking ship. That includes your buddy, the worst president in U.S. history.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BigWeiner
                      How was I not staying on topic? I said the rats were jumping the sinking ship. That includes your buddy, the worst president in U.S. history.
                      A. How is it now "my buddy"?
                      B. You brought up Bush looking for a new job, not me. I stayed on topic about the article and an advisor leaving.
                      C. Do you think this person, who is President Bush's advisor, is going to have the job when a new president is elected? So regardless of how they are doing, odds are they are out.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tonynico
                        A. How is it now "my buddy"?
                        B. You brought up Bush looking for a new job, not me. I stayed on topic about the article and an advisor leaving.
                        C. Do you think this person, who is President Bush's advisor, is going to have the job when a new president is elected? So regardless of how they are doing, odds are they are out.
                        b) bush has plenty of money in oil

                        we was talking about the other rats that were blind and walls are fallling in.....they are running for cover because something ugly is brewing in on them
                        rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by tonynico
                          A. How is it now "my buddy"?
                          B. You brought up Bush looking for a new job, not me. I stayed on topic about the article and an advisor leaving.
                          C. Do you think this person, who is President Bush's advisor, is going to have the job when a new president is elected? So regardless of how they are doing, odds are they are out.
                          A.) He's not, oh I thought he was best friend. Ridiculous question.
                          B.) Yea I brought up Bush getting a new job, I was staying on topic, I said the rats were jumping ship and he's one of them. He has no choice but to stay in office, or get impeached.
                          C.) With that great logic, they should all step down and look for new jobs. The timing is perfect.
                          Last edited by BigWeiner; 11-19-2007, 05:32 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jmarty6969
                            b) bush has plenty of money in oil

                            we was talking about the other rats that were blind and walls are fallling in.....they are running for cover because something ugly is brewing in on them
                            I don't know any of that to be true or false, as I was addressing the thread topic of an advisor leaving. Aren't the President's tax returns public? If they are, has anybody looked to see how much he has made while President, and see how much he has made onn skyrocketing oil prices?

