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White Sox

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  • White Sox

    Our they the worst team in baseball? They have no heart at all. I am ranting partially for being dumg enough to bet a under in which their involved. Their bullpen couldnt get anoyne out even on the little league world series teams. How in the fuck did the ever win the World Series .I am putting the Curse of the Herbwiser on them to never win a league Title let a world series Bunch a worthless fucks. Everyone makes fun of the CUBS Ozzie Guillen is a piece of SHIT stupid no good fuck stick and his Mom and dad have to be brother and sister...............peace

  • #2
    Tha Stros are tha worst!


    • #3
      fuck the white sox i hope they get as much bad vibes cause they are the worseeeeeeeeeeee everrrrrrrrrr


      • #4
        I had Detroit today Thought I was a fucked duck but they were playing the worst team in baseball. I get a winerrrrrrrrrrrr Thanks SOX YOU TRULY BLOW

