Originally posted by TwoTonTony
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GOY MAterial
Originally posted by beerball101? kb .. guess you condone bashing ?
i dont ..i have been gambling for years !
just cause im new to this board , does this mean, i cant voice my opinion ? maybe its just an inside posting board?
btw : kb ....i didnt bash anyone here ....but called peeps out !
all i got was stay outta their thread !by asking you to stay out of Chuck's thread cause we all know of the arguing that can go on and on involving his threads...Good luck buddy and let's worry about beating the book
Originally posted by wayne1218I think it's because Spark tells him to stay out of chucks threads.
yes...spark said that ! so ..i did !
but, hell ....3 weeks later he still is screwing with peeps!
guess, i just dont know how this board works
i have no beef with anyone here ! just hate bashing !
I'm not going to argue with you or anyone else
Told ya!!!
Also you are now writing checks with your mouth that your old body could not possibly cash!!!
You can be a dick, but lets not get crazy.
I have more Boxing matches, muay thai fights and wrestling matches under my belt than you do stories........Well maybe not....but close
You can't help yourself......Now go throw on the lettermans jacket and hit the barstool....
And you are lying about drinking....You have said you go to bars before on friday nights......Who cares you smell like an old person and look like Uncle Fester and nobody likes you.....
I would hit you so hard your tan would come off!!! That would be a promise......Last edited by TwoTonTony; 07-30-2007, 11:40 PM.
Originally posted by ChuckLazarAll right. As long as he said so. I know why he said that, but it's his business and I won't mention it again.
Originally posted by ChuckLazarThis Rant and Rave section is to get stuff off your chest and to bash all you want. That what it's here for. You never read one thing I wrote or you'd say you were wrong. If you don't think so then To each his own. You don't jab, You call names and cry when they are thrown back at you.
Cry.....are you kidding......Because you made a mockery of a sick woman?? That is crying?? Before that i just called your old ugly ass out.....
Go away old man...
Originally posted by beerball101wayne
yes...spark said that ! so ..i did !
but, hell ....3 weeks later he still is screwing with peeps!
guess, i just dont know how this board works
i have no beef with anyone here ! just hate bashing !
Sorry Wayne and Spark......i was not threatening.....just a what if because i know it would never come to fruition.....
plus i think hitting a senior citizen is a felony now
Okay guys.....i will put away my gas can......I would have stopped a long time ago, but he irked me with the mother comments.......Not crying, but been through hell the last 7 weeks
Originally posted by wayne1218Spark is the best guy i know on this board. It is nothing personal to anyone else but that is how i feel. Trust me when i tell you that. Take the advice he gives you and don't take it personally. There are reasons for it.
i'll let it go !
foots are on the way !=
Originally posted by TwoTonTonySorry Wayne and Spark......i was not threatening.....just a what if because i know it would never come to fruition.....
plus i think hitting a senior citizen is a felony now
Okay guys.....i will put away my gas can......I would have stopped a long time ago, but he irked me with the mother comments.......Not crying, but been through hell the last 7 weeks
No need to be sorry ...
Thanks Wayne ... kb
beerball, I have no idea what you are talking about buddy ... I tell peeps all the time to stay out of others threads ... don't take it personal ...
I posted 1 false ticket and I'm the Bad guy
*kind of sounds like the husband who says "i only cheated on you and got caught once.....why don;t you trust me"
how the fuck dumb are you? I mean really bro?
On a very serious note. When dealing with peoples money or people trusting their money in your picks and they see less than honest your credibility is blown.....Simply put. However, America is a country of second chances especially when people are sorry and contrite, yet you poo poo it like it was some small deed and other should just trust you"
Tell me why
Originally posted by Three JackChuck, again, and not that it matters to anyone here, but I have no issue with KB asking for info or you pointing out fallacies in the 'data' he used to select a GOY. In fact, it gives others enough of a clue as to the 'accuracy' of the selection. Whether he responds or not is immaterial. Just becaus ehe was logged on does not mean he was in front of his computer.
My issue is with the line 'I love this guys GOY's'. That, imo, is a cheapshot and classless and would have prompted others to get banned. As this type of comments are usually not tolerated, that is what makes this site infinately better than the other trash sites out there. There was nothing constructive or helpful in the comment and, once again, stirred the pot and I don't know how you can be surprised that some have called you out for it.
It was not a cheapshot, but just stating that his sentence about the LAD owning Francis was totally false. Nothing more.
If I posted that same sentence in a thread and posted it as a GOY, I can guarantee, many Cappers here would come running and tell me I'm wrong.
I didn't post a Good Luck, but chose to post the correct statictics. Since when aren't we not allowed to post opinions in someones thread. He could have to me to kiss his ass, and then I would have said Good Luck.