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If Chuck Owned His Own Newspaper:

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  • #46
    Hey, i read the articles and stated what i thought. I did think it was an interesting read and many of the things chuck has always said were in many of the articles. I thought it was interesting to read the articles after listening to him over time. That's just me but at no time while i was reading did i think he was pathetic in any way for posting them. To each their own i guess.


    • #47
      Originally posted by wayne1218
      Hey, Chuck brings alot of this on himself just as Monte mentioned above and i have told chuck that. With that said, i would probably drop the articles on you too if i thought it would shut people up who pretty much call me a liar for everything i say.

      I'm not defending him here but it is ironic that after him being here for years and not posting any of those that when you make fun of him with a thread about "Newspaper Headlines" involving chuck, he drops some real newspaper clippings on you about him, and you rape him for it. You asked for others to "Post them" ... and chuck did. I find it humorous myself and i think after you posted this thread, with the thread title, you pretty much asked for what he posted and if anything, you should take it in stride and not take the route you are. Two can play the game and i think chuck played it well in this thread titled ... "If Chuck Owned His Own Newspaper:"
      My point exactly Wayne. I only did it because it does get old having TTT and some other's always calling me a pathological lier. I said earlier in this thread that if I posted articles to prove to TTT that what he's has said about me is wrong, I would be called childish for posting them.

      Today, I responded into a few of the guys threads and expressed the plays that I also was playing today and wished some of them luck.
      I posted Milw in the Konsensus thread and also told ULIKEAPPLES that I loved both his plays, Cubs and Milw. I also told Tech I liked Texas and Milw.

      So if someone asked me how I did today, I'd tell them 2-1.
      Now what's wrong with that. Am I lying...........
      You tell me.


      • #48
        Originally posted by wayne1218
        Hey, i read the articles and stated what i thought. I did think it was an interesting read and many of the things chuck has always said were in many of the articles. I thought it was interesting to read the articles after listening to him over time. That's just me but at no time while i was reading did i think he was pathetic in any way for posting them. To each their own i guess.


        i also found them i said in an earlier post.....

        however, the need to validate supercedes the any content in them for me......

        the fact that he did accomplish many things fits more with the profile of an ex-jock that can not let go than if he was lying....

        my thread was started because i recently got into the whole chuck norris humor with a girlfriend and we always try to 1 up each other with exagerrations....that was my intent the barbaro headline...the chuck norris headline.....


        • #49
          Originally posted by wayne1218
          Hey, i read the articles and stated what i thought. I did think it was an interesting read and many of the things chuck has always said were in many of the articles. I thought it was interesting to read the articles after listening to him over time. That's just me but at no time while i was reading did i think he was pathetic in any way for posting them. To each their own i guess.

          Amen twice Wayne!!

          TTT a debate is always welcome in my eyes as well!! I know Chuck has frustrated alot of people and I don't get it. Bottom line is where will all of this get us?? Take care Tony---good night!


          • #50
            Originally posted by ChuckLazar
            My point exactly Wayne. I only did it because it does get old having TTT and some other's always calling me a pathological lier. I said earlier in this thread that if I posted articles to prove to TTT that what he's has said about me is wrong, I would be called childish for posting them.

            Today, I responded into a few of the guys threads and expressed the plays that I also was playing today and wished some of them luck.
            I posted Milw in the Konsensus thread and also told ULIKEAPPLES that I loved both his plays, Cubs and Milw. I also told Tech I liked Texas and Milw.

            So if someone asked me how I did today, I'd tell them 2-1.
            Now what's wrong with that. Am I lying...........
            You tell me.

            i do not believe i ever called you a pathological liar........i believe my big complaint is your seeking validation from others by bragging atheletic accomplishments from the past......

            either way....good luck are hellbent on being right and accepted....but wolf has been cried too many times for the bulk of people to buy in anymore...continued success.....

            sorry to hurt your feelings...


            • #51
              Originally posted by TwoTonTony
              thats why in this great country we are all entitled to our opinions......

              i do not know chuck from adam.......i just know guys like chuck who talk about yesterday all the time......
              i was simply lampooning his validation of himself by bragging.......making exagerations of what he has said in the past withpu thinking if he was telling the truth ......(how could i gauge that by his track record of lies).......However, i would be lying and giving myself too much credit if i was doing what you were saying and trying to ellicit a response.......i thought it was dead a week ago when i said i was i said....i was a dick for trying to be funny.....however, i see your point.....

              i am done making fun of him......he needs help
              I accept your apology. I have expressed to some of the guys here, over the last few years, of my opinions through my experiences in sports and gambling, only to help in any way I could. Most of the guys that I personally met over the years from this site, have told me to leave and let it go. Some young people like yourself and Pimp, who have constantly said that I was telling lies, really had no clue of what I have or had not done in my life. They only believed what they read in Husker's posts( another clueless negative person ).
              I talk about yesterday, because that's when life was much more simpler and young people, respected their elders, no matter what they had to say. When a gallon of gas cost under a dollar. Remembering those days have helped me to accept today's world.


              • #52
                Originally posted by bryce
                Amen twice Wayne!!

                TTT a debate is always welcome in my eyes as well!! I know Chuck has frustrated alot of people and I don't get it. Bottom line is where will all of this get us?? Take care Tony---good night!
                It get's Monte a penny for every view from the hits in this thread.


                • #53
                  TTT, this article was in last years Homecoming program.


                  • #54


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by ChuckLazar
                      I accept your apology. I have expressed to some of the guys here, over the last few years, of my opinions through my experiences in sports and gambling, only to help in any way I could. Most of the guys that I personally met over the years from this site, have told me to leave and let it go. Some young people like yourself and Pimp, who have constantly said that I was telling lies, really had no clue of what I have or had not done in my life. They only believed what they read in Husker's posts( another clueless negative person ).
                      I talk about yesterday, because that's when life was much more simpler and young people, respected their elders, no matter what they had to say. When a gallon of gas cost under a dollar. Remembering those days have helped me to accept today's world.
                      i am sorry to hurt your feelings.....not about anything else....

                      i am also not young....i am 43 and i have been around the block brother.....

                      respect does not come because of comes at a price.....a price that is earned....

                      i respect your athletic past.....but nothing think a couple articles from "forever ago" straightens out the lies you tell....the false recors...fake bets.....apologies.....seriously bro...have some pride


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                        i am sorry to hurt your feelings.....not about anything else....

                        i am also not young....i am 43 and i have been around the block brother.....

                        respect does not come because of comes at a price.....a price that is earned....

                        i respect your athletic past.....but nothing think a couple articles from "forever ago" straightens out the lies you tell....the false recors...fake bets.....apologies.....seriously bro...have some pride
                        I don't need your respect over the Internet, because I get it everyday, from kids I coach and people I help through volunteer work in the community.

                        I made my point and at the same time, answered your title.

                        I'd like to see what your newspaper would say..........
                        let me guess..........

                        Exboxer who get''s to fulfill his Dream by becoming an Internet Debater!
                        Last edited by ChuckLazar; 07-04-2007, 02:56 AM.


                        • #57
                          Articles are impressive Chuck .. I do agree with Wayne to the reason why you posted that .... I most likely would have posted it a lot sooner ... hahaha ... I do not blame you at all for posting ...

                          Chuck I look around the board this morning and reading your post you made last night in other threads and it reminds me of old times ... We had so many laughs and good times ... Not to start any drama but I think Husker and your so called friends that left this forum really got to you .. I may be off base but I feel they led you to be the bad guy here ... just to disrupt the forum ... You were never like this years ago and quite honestly i miss ChuckieCheese ... with pepperoni ...


                          • #58
                            Hey Chuck! Nice Background! I also have accomplished much and am in my my 50's. While I excelled more in treating athletes- I still get a rise on working with world renowned athletes etc. I guess it really doesn't mean much to anyone as the memories are pakaged in my garage somewhere. Univ. of Fla., Fla St., Great Britain, MLB Players, Tri-athlon, Swimmers, Track and Field, 2 Olympics and yes - I am ready to make new memories.
                            My point is that we can teach others to have the motivation along the lines of what we did by applying our experience.
                            That is what you are doing now and I know how much your grandkids mean to you in our conversations. I applaud you for your staying the course.
                            The comments you get rather positive or negative - do not define you- nor do your wins and losses for the day really.
                            I believe that you may spend way to much energy on the Net that has a great deal of making you feel the way you do.
                            Your Chucky Cheese Threads- showed people that you are a winner as well as the clippings that you provided.
                            I respect you for that. I tahnk you for bringing attention to the -1 RL which has been successful with me.
                            Your negative remarks against others is your downfall. It places you on a kids level and you fight back first in defense then in opposition.
                            This doesn't work well on the net as others join in the fray.
                            So - do what you do best and let the bottom feeders go their own way!
                            Best of Luck Buddy
                            I am off to the lake for the week!
                            Happy 4th all!
                            Last edited by Spearit; 07-04-2007, 10:44 AM.
                            "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by ChuckLazar
                              TTT suck on these.

                              Chuck, You look like a 1970s porn star with that moustache. In any event I wanted to know if you wanted to play on my flag football team this fall. Have a happy 4th of July.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by ChuckLazar
                                My point exactly Wayne. I only did it because it does get old having TTT and some other's always calling me a pathological lier. I said earlier in this thread that if I posted articles to prove to TTT that what he's has said about me is wrong, I would be called childish for posting them.

                                Today, I responded into a few of the guys threads and expressed the plays that I also was playing today and wished some of them luck.
                                I posted Milw in the Konsensus thread and also told ULIKEAPPLES that I loved both his plays, Cubs and Milw. I also told Tech I liked Texas and Milw.

                                So if someone asked me how I did today, I'd tell them 2-1.
                                Now what's wrong with that. Am I lying...........
                                You tell me.
                                If you come back the next day and say I went 2-1 with no posts of your plays then it will cause problems. You know the last time a problem came up you said you had 1 or 2 games that you never posted on the site which both won.

                                It's simple post your plays in a thread by themselves. And make sure to post all of your plays for that day.

