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Clinton to propose rebuilding government

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  • Clinton to propose rebuilding government

    NEW YORK (AP) — Pledging to rebuild "the competence of government and the confidence of the American people," Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton says she wants to streamline the functions of the federal government and boost its accountability to taxpayers.
    The Democratic presidential front-runner was to offer details of a government reform plan Friday in a speech at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H. She was expected to propose cutting 500,000 government contractors for a savings of up to $18 billion a year.

    USA TODAY ON POLITICS: What to expect today; where she's been this week ...

    In an interview with The Associated Press, Clinton said the government needed to become more consumer-friendly, cost-efficient and transparent in the way it does business.

    "We have to bring the government into the 21st century," she said. "We expect to be able to go to an ATM machine, stick a card in and get money, but we can't figure out how to get medical records from the Department of Defense over to the VA. It makes no sense."

    Among other things, Clinton said she would propose a website that would track the effectiveness of government agencies and start a "corporate subsidy information service" to determine whether such subsidies benefited citizens and not just the corporations that receive them.

    She said she would limit the Bush administration practice of hiring private companies to perform government functions and would work to boost the performance of key agencies, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which she said performed well during her husband's White House years.

    "People are rightly disturbed by what they see as the incompetence and corruption in this administration. And that's undermined confidence in government, which makes it very difficult for us to meet the challenges we face today," Clinton said.

    Her proposals echoed "Reinventing Government," or REGO, a program launched during her husband's administration and run by Vice President Al Gore. REGO was credited with saving taxpayers more than $136 billion over eight years by cutting the federal workforce, trimming layers of management and cutting subsidies for items like mohair and wool.

    Clinton said some of the proposed changes would be made through executive order and others through legislation. She said she'd move quickly as president to implement the changes.

    "We've gone backward in many agencies and we have a string of failures" to repair, she said.

  • #2
    A lot of that stuff sounds real good, but to be honest all I think we are getting from the front runners is a bunch of bull shit. I really feel anyone out front is going to say anything they can to get elected, but no doubt something like this would be good no matter what party you support.


    • #3
      Originally posted by BearDown
      A lot of that stuff sounds real good, but to be honest all I think we are getting from the front runners is a bunch of bull shit. I really feel anyone out front is going to say anything they can to get elected, but no doubt something like this would be good no matter what party you support.
      All of the say shit to get elected or they just steal the election like the current president.


      • #4
        Originally posted by BettorsChat
        All of the say shit to get elected or they just steal the election like the current president.
        I'll be so happy when we get the next President BC.

        Don't forget, the first set of debates are coming up later this month. We should have a President in game debate thread going for that. I know it's going to be on MSNBC. I'll have to double check on the date and time. I just hope my guy Dennis Kucinich shows up this time. He's a great speaker but he just didn't fair to well in the last election when it came to the debates which really pisst me off.


        • #5
          The reason Kucinich didn't fair too well in the last election is because his views are very anti-America and almost socialistic. He's one of the most far left politicians out there and the country is very much not in that place right now.

          2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

          2010 NFL: 0-0

          2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


          • #6
            Originally posted by ULikeApples
            The reason Kucinich didn't fair too well in the last election is because his views are very anti-America and almost socialistic. He's one of the most far left politicians out there and the country is very much not in that place right now.
            Yeah I know, anti-American. Like being against the war from the start when everyone else was saying "I really don't know, but I'll vote yes because that's the way the country feels, and I might not get elected if I vote no". Well, look where we are at now. Kucinich voted no on the war and won his reelection bid. He was right about the war all along. Dennis Kucinich had, and has, FORESIGHT MY FRIEND!

            People want to talk about how he bankrupt the city of Cleveland. Here is the truth on really happend.


            Again FORESIGHT! And that is what we need. Someone who knows what's going on for a CHANGE! Mission complete my ass!

            I find it pretty funny when we as a Country go and help some other Country with whatever disaster or crisis is going on. You are call a good American, or being a good American. The very second anyone wants to do something for the people of our own Country you are called a Socialist/Communist.

            No doubt that Dennis leans left but most people want out of Iraq don't they? And that is a key issue that Dennis stands for, and yet you say

            "He's one of the most far left politicians out there and the country is very much not in that place right now.". Buddy, the Country is a lot closer than you think.

            There are not many Dem canadate's that are not for some kind of a Universal Health Care system. Which know one was really talking about in 2004 but Dennis. Again, FORESIGHT!

            All I can say is that the man is a stright shooter and he can't be bought. Dennis is someone who is going to fight for our Country, and the people of our Country. He's Ross Poirot without all the hype. Sorry BC

