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Dark and best kept secrets about Our Social Security

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  • #16
    Any chance of us giving Ross Perot another chance???


    • #17
      I think we should all just move to Canada and become CFL fans!


      • #18
        although i am a proponent of the war in afghanastan but not iraq i have to say that when someone signs up for military duty they give away all rights as we know them to pick and choose what they want to do. They simply must follow orders and do their job to make it home (since all the guys i know there say the same thing,,,they will do whatever they have to so they can make it home)....So if you join the military you run the risk of being sent to a war that you may or may not agree with. It is the chance you take when you join.


        • #19
          I hate everything that is going on right now in this country and i personally blame Monte, Dimer, Spark, frankb, gbell, kbsooner, Lovedoc and savage for all of it.

          If any of you plan on running i will help you though. Just let me know!


          • #20
            Originally posted by BigWeiner
            I wish Americans would just say fuck demos and republicans, both sides are fucked. Instead of just saying that party sucks, why don't we try to fix things. Why does everybody have to be left wing, or right wing, why can't we just be Americans and look out for the best interest of this country. It pisses me off. This war is bullshit, it was created by lies, everybody knows that, lots of innocent people are dying, and also lots of soldiers are gonna be messed up for the rest of lives. I don't care what party you claim, everyone should agree that our soldiers are getting screwed. They choose the military, because they wanted to defend our country, and that's not what they're doing.
            We need a 3rd party instead of 2 strong parties. And we need an overhaul of the Government system.

