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Baseball Fades Please Read..

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  • Baseball Fades Please Read..

    Registered User Join Date: Aug 2005
    Posts: 698

    Baseball Fades, Please Read


    Guys, if we are going to play baseball fades this summer we are going to have to purchase a minimum of 2 service reports. Rip is getting prices on reports right now and if we're going to purchase them we are gonna have to act on it quickly. We are going to have to come up with approximately $1300 to purchase these reports.

    We will need to get approximately 13-25 people to chip in $50-$100 to do the baseball fades! Last year we made over 28 units doing the baseball fades. This is a sport that we can actually hit around 50% or less and still make some nice money. Last year we played over 95% underdogs and when we start hitting dogs that pay $2.00 or more on the dollar, we are going to win some nice change.

    I am going to ask the people that are willing to chip in, to please post ur usernames in here and Rip will get ur email addresses to send you the information on were to send the money to. I am also looking for 2 more people to help tally the fades, because I work during the day. We can make a schedule up by the week, days, or even months on who is going to do the fades. We can work on this issue, after I get a couple of volunteers. The volunteers would have access to the reports to do the tallies.

    Please response to this ASAP, because it will take approximately 2 weeks to get everything together to start the baseball fades. Collecting the money, making deposits, and sending the sports services that we purchase their money for the reports.

    Please leave ur usernames in this thread if you want to donate towards these service reports. If we don't get enough people, we won't have any baseball fades this summer. To the people that donated towards the football and basketball reports, Rip and I thank you very much and hope you enjoyed playing the fades this year with us!!!!!!!!
