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  • #31
    Originally posted by frankb03
    Well said. We all lose. We have losing games, days, weeks. The key is accepting and learning from those loses.

    Instead of 'mourning' the loss of Ripple. Fellow members should be congratulating him. Gambling is a horrible addiction. Most get consumed by it. It takes over their live. I've had my differences with Rip. I wish him the best of luck. I hope he never bets again. There's lots to life besides sports and betting. It took me 20+ years of sports betting to learn some of those lessons.

    GL Ripple and GL to all
    Frankb03 & RJ, I agree with both of you guys.... I wish nothing but the best to Rip. But, I would also like to thank Truckin and Krunch and others who have taken over the 'fades' forum. You guys are doing a great job and I for one appreciate the work you guys do.


    • #32
      JR And Frank03,
      Great Posts From You Guys, I Have No Problem With It. The Point I Want To Make Is That I Dont Want Rip To Be A Stranger ( He Decided To Quit On His Term And We All Respect That). I Just Hope That He Will Stop By Here Now And Then To Say Hello To Us ( We Always Bragg That We Are Family Here)
      Just Like A Member Of Your Family Going Away And You Wish Him Nothing But Best Of Luck And Call Us Once In A While. I Dont Consider That Is Ball-licking. For Sportslvr911 To Say That We All Are, I Sense A Little Jealous And Childish To Me...
      Last edited by LSUMONSTER; 05-04-2005, 12:25 PM.


      • #33
        I agree lsu, jr and frank......

        the whole point was to wish him well. We all know how it makes us feel when "friends" try to pick us up.

        I respect what rip has decided to do....and your right....hopefully some people can learn from it. You are right frank..maybe he should be congradulated for quitting.

        Sportslvr911 can suck it.


        • #34
          Originally posted by sportslvr911
          This is a forum and opinions is what makes this work. Good or bad. And yes, I do know the whole story. Pathetic is a understatement. Im a regular here but under a different handle. Another luxury of Internet Forums.

          Leaving my opinion up shows what forums are all about. OPINIONS are what makes this work. Like I said, good or bad. Unfortanatly, mine is bad. I do not like little babies in a adult forum.

          2 Nics huh? Like HughJass


          • #35
            I am in total agreement with Frankb03. In my time on this site- heroes were the winners and everything else a by-product. We are here to make ourselves more knowledgeable about this thing we call gambling. Rip helped to expose the services for what they are. He took on a impossible task of exposing the real game. I have a great deal of respect in this manner. When he wrote that he was going to vegas and make 10 grand, I felt he was out of control at that time. This business is about expecting a downturn at any moment and playing it thusly. I myself dropped 12 units on Sunday, after a being up by alot with 5 winning days and then kicking myself for the ignorance. Made it all back the last two nights. But the emotional pain of not being able to control impulses is a good reason to get out of this racket. It consumes you and the people you love. The best to you RIP. If immaturity is present in any of you- then get ahold of your emotions and ask yourself why you felt the need to place so many bets or for so much. Vegas preys on you. As for a business- no more than 1/4 your bankroll on a given night should help to prevent chasing and all-in. Good Luck to all that are in similar predicaments.
            "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


            • #36
              Never kick a person who is down. Is it not one of purpose in life to help and encourage people that have fallen for what ever reason?


              • #37
                Originally posted by BettorsChat
                2 Nics huh? Like HughJass

                you can NEVER escape the watchful eye of MONTE!!!!!!!!

                get 'em!


                • #38
                  I don't know all the details about Rip's situation, but I have been doing this long enough to have some idea. I'm assuming he got in over his head, which has probally happened to most of us at one time or another. It happened to me about 15 years ago, when I was using three different local books for line shopping. With the book I used the most I was down 3 dimes for the week, which was a lot for me, but manageable. I stopped playing with the book I owed the three dimes to because I didn't want to owe him anymore. But stupid me started playing with my other two book because I didn't owe them any money. Three weeks later, I owed them a few dimes each too. This was an expensive lesson for me but since that day I have never used or had an account with more than a single book at the same time. You may say I should not have played with the other two books and that became rather obivious, but all I was thinking about was winning enough from the other two books to pay off the first book.

                  The reason I am saying all this is that it seems Rip got himself into a hole but I don't know why. Especially since he was winning so many of his fade plays. I think it would be helpful for some of the newer or younger players here to learn from Rips mistake, if Rip is willing to provide that infomation. If anyone agrees, can one of you that are still in contact with him ask him if he is willing to share where he went wrong so, just maybe, someone else won't find themself in a similar predictiment.

                  Rip, I feel for you but I think you are smart enough to know you are not the first person this has happened to. I admire how you are handling this and it's up to you if you wish to share the details of what happened. There is more than one nebie here that someday will find themself in a predictiment the same as yours, but hearing from you what went wrong, could prevent that from happening to others here.

                  I would never have written this if I felt Rip would want to keep everything private, but seeing how helpful Rip has been to all of us, he may be OK with helping those that are new to sports betting, by sharing his experience. I hope I'm not too out of place in asking this of him and if he wants to just ignoir what I wrote, then he should and I would not think any less of him. Of course, if I am wrong in my assumptions of why he quit, then I'm sorry for posting this. In any event, I wish Rip only the best Rip and who knows, someday our paths may cross again.

                  If any of you are thinking there is nothing to be learned from Rips experience because to you, he bet too much and lost, it's not that simple as many of us know.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by BettorsChat
                    2 Nics huh? Like HughJass
                    Yeah, I saw that also Monte ... I was just going to keep that in my hip pocket ..


                    • #40
                      3 Dimes Woah
                      OVERALL OPINONS 1ST 2 WEEKS 136-121-52.9%
                      NBA 98-97 TOTALS 54-44 SPREADS 44-53 THRU 12/4
                      NFL 38-24 TOTALS 19-13 SPREADS 19-11 THRU 12/4

                      NEED 2 MAKE SOME G'S BAD N GET OUT OF THIS RUT

                      dont call my p.o.


                      • #41
                        Where do retired Faders go?? GL 2 U Rip !!
                        "3 Stacks of High Society."


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by DZNUTZ
                          Where do retired Faders go?? GL 2 U Rip !!

                          they come to All Sports Discussion.


                          • #43
                            If you ever come back to check this Rip, heres a big WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!for you, best of luck buddy.
                            Thanks for showing me something I only knew a little about.. the fades.
                            Sandman, I'm like you a little. Been gambling for 15 years and think overall I must have lost close to 15,000........why do I still play? Geuss I just love the abuse, the highs and the lows. I play alot more disciplined now, but I hope you younger guys take notes......learn from our experiences, not your own.
                            Best of luck gang!!!!!
                            "Sometimes it's not what you play, but what you don't play."


                            • #44
                              Best of luck to the "Godfather". The "Boys" will run things as usual so no fret. Most important thing is you take care of YOU!! You will be missed and I know there are several with me in saying a HUGE thanks for the plays/fades. A big Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooHoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo my friend!!


