Standings after Day 4....
dogg47 $302
KazDog $300
CheCheBoFumbe $200
MarkLemke $200
Sharkbait $200
hammy85 $200
PhilJr $180
kbsooner21 $173
garth $116
zeib10 $100
Longnex $0
Let us know if there are any mistakes
Here are the rules for those of you wanting to get in....There's still plenty of chances to catch up.
Rules are simple and as follows.....
1. First one to $1200 is the winner!
2. Pick ONE GAME per day. Contest will be graded from closing lines from
3. You WILL NOT incur a loss for any pick you make. If you miss one day, it's just graded as $0 for that day.
4. You DO NOT need to start your own thread. Just post your pick in the contest thread each day, where the current standings will be posted.
5. There will be a -200 cap on favorites. Favorites from -101 to -200 will get you +$100 on the winner. Any dog will get you whatever that dog pays based on a 10 cent line from the closing line of that particular game.
6. Choose any sport from the Scoresandodds listing.
7. Again.First one to reach $1200, wins the cash.
dogg47 $302
KazDog $300
CheCheBoFumbe $200
MarkLemke $200
Sharkbait $200
hammy85 $200
PhilJr $180
kbsooner21 $173
garth $116
zeib10 $100
Longnex $0
Let us know if there are any mistakes
Here are the rules for those of you wanting to get in....There's still plenty of chances to catch up.
Rules are simple and as follows.....
1. First one to $1200 is the winner!
2. Pick ONE GAME per day. Contest will be graded from closing lines from
3. You WILL NOT incur a loss for any pick you make. If you miss one day, it's just graded as $0 for that day.
4. You DO NOT need to start your own thread. Just post your pick in the contest thread each day, where the current standings will be posted.
5. There will be a -200 cap on favorites. Favorites from -101 to -200 will get you +$100 on the winner. Any dog will get you whatever that dog pays based on a 10 cent line from the closing line of that particular game.
6. Choose any sport from the Scoresandodds listing.
7. Again.First one to reach $1200, wins the cash.