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Month long June contest begins TODAY!!!

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  • Month long June contest begins TODAY!!!

    New month long contest begins today. Going to do this a little bit different than the other contests we've been doing. Here are the rules.

    1. Make 10 picks/plays per week for the first 4 weeks. A week will be considered Monday thru Sunday. The 5th week will consist of 5 plays (only 2 days (Monday/Tuesday) in the 5th week. You will have a total of 45 picks in the contest.

    2. You will make a new thread each week in this forum and all plays must be posted in that thread, along with posting your plays in the appropriate forum (MLB forum/NBA forum, etc.) Have your thread named such as: kbsooner21's Week 1 June contest plays, then next week you will start a kbsooner21's Week 2 June contest plays, etc.

    3. Winner will be graded by total units won, not a W/L record as baseball will give us most of the plays.

    4. There is no restriction on how high of a favorite or how big of an underdog you can play. If you want to risk -300 on a ML fave, you are free to do so, but you will lost 3 units if it loses, just as if you take a +300 dog and it wins, you will gain 3 units.

    5. All lines will be graded from closing lines. A 10 cent line will be used for dogs, so if you play a dog and the favorite closes at -150 and you win, you will be graded at +140 or +1.4 units.

    6. If you end up being short on picks for the week, you will lose -110 or -1.1 units per pick you miss.

    7. If a game is rained out, it is consided no pick and a make up pick must be added. Try not to wait until Sunday to make all 10 picks in case there is a rainout.

    8. $50 will go to the winner and $25 will go to the runner up.

    9. Have FUN and please ENCOURAGE others to play. You can sign up anytime throughout this contest, but keep in mind you will be docked -1.1 units for every pick missed. If you sign up on Friday in Week 1 and make all 10 picks before Sunday, no harm/no foul.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions in this thread.

    Thanks guys and gals and let's have fun! Good luck to ALL!!!
    Last edited by kbsooner21; 06-01-2015, 05:37 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
    New month long contest begins today. Going to do this a little bit different than the other contests we've been doing. Here are the rules.

    8. $50 will go to the winner and $25 will go to the runner up.
    Just to let everyone know. The sponsors of this contest are our own CheCheBoFumble ($50 donation) and site owner Monte ($25 donation).

    Should be fun and you can join anytime this week without a penalty! Good luck and may the best man/milf win!
    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • #3
      Thanks for adding that Kaz, I forgot that.

      A HUGE thanks to CheChe and Monte for sponsoring the contest!!!


      • #4
        Just now saw the contest started and the rules. I'll get mine in asap
        Today I will be Happier than a Bird with a French Fry


        • #5
          909 New York Mets
          914 Boston

          Monday Week 1 Picks
          Today I will be Happier than a Bird with a French Fry


          • #6
            The contest threads will be posted in the Contests 2014 and 2015 forum?

            And why not post each weeks plays in the same thread? Seems easier to grade etc.


            • #7
              NYY +130
              Week 1 monday


              • #8
                Hey guys. It's best if you make a new "THREAD" in this forum to put all your picks in. Just call it "CheChe's Week 1 Contest Picks" or whatever so we know which week it is.

                It's also required that you post a thread each day with your picks in it for the respective forum. Such as the MLB forum if it's baseball that you're using as contest plays.. If you post all your picks in one day, then you'd just post them all in your contest thread and then all in your MLB thread.

                It's also not too late to join. You have until Sunday to post them without incurring a penalty.

                Good luck! Thanks to KB for starting this. Should be fun!
                [email protected]

                I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by CheCheBoFumbe View Post
                  909 New York Mets. (6-1-15)
                  914 Boston

                  Monday Week 1 Picks
                  961 Mets -1- runs +155
                  966 Detroit -132
                  980 Washinton -200
                  Today I will be Happier than a Bird with a French Fry


                  • #10
                    Everyone post your contest plays in the 2014 and 2015 contest forum.

                    And then post your regular plays in each perspective forum.

                    Example if your contest plays for today are 2 mlb plays and 1 nba play then post that thread in the contest forum.

                    Then you would post your NBA play in the regular NBA Forum and your 2 MLB plays in the MLB Forum. They would be Tuesday's MLB plays no contest needed to mentioned in the thread title of the regular forums.


                    • #11

                      Hey guys....It's still not too late to join in on this contest. You have until the end of this week to post 10 picks. Join in and win $50. Just 10 picks per week!
                      [email protected]

                      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by KazDog View Post

                        Hey guys....It's still not too late to join in on this contest. You have until the end of this week to post 10 picks. Join in and win $50. Just 10 picks per week!

