i got a great book for chronic back pain and specifically failed back surgery........I had been having crazy sciatica lately...MRI's came back negative, yet pain all the way down to heel......went to PT...nothing....chiropractor....nothing.....i am doing trigger point on myself....and had a massage therapist do myfascial release...and i feel 100% for a month now.....I get these knots deep...1 in my low back, 1 in my gluteus medius and 1 in my piroformus.....All of which when tight force hip flexors to tighten and these muscles clamp down on the nerve.....I can even drive 3 hours a day at a time and no pain......i can forward this to you.....
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Originally posted by TwoTonTonyi got a great book for chronic back pain and specifically failed back surgery........I had been having crazy sciatica lately...MRI's came back negative, yet pain all the way down to heel......went to PT...nothing....chiropractor....nothing.....i am doing trigger point on myself....and had a massage therapist do myfascial release...and i feel 100% for a month now.....I get these knots deep...1 in my low back, 1 in my gluteus medius and 1 in my piroformus.....All of which when tight force hip flexors to tighten and these muscles clamp down on the nerve.....I can even drive 3 hours a day at a time and no pain......i can forward this to you....."Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"
i have bought and tried everything.....at least 12 books the best are the 2 i told you about before since they contend that most back pain is not disc related....that is why when it is removed many people still have pain....Physical therapy is a waste other than the stretches.......But this book has me feeling 97% healthy....i could not sit in a car for more than aa half hour only 2 months ago...burning in hamstring and calf....But now i hit these triggers...i actually roll a lacrosse ball on them and i feel the release....It took a few times but it is amazing....Ever have a massage and the girl hits some knots in your shoulders.....same thing here, but they are so deep in your postural muscles (you may not even know they are there)......mostly gluteal and piriformis......but it provides relief....I was in a pain clinic for a year in 1988...1 year after my surgery and i finally checked out and said fuck it....I am going to workout regardless of the pain....I walked and walked and walked....and swam and swam....and lifted and lifted (light)....well in 6 months i was pain free....Alot was my attitude i believe (mind over back pain, by dr. sarno) the rest is i built a strong muscular base that took away the inflammation.....I went 17 years with no pain until i packed a few pounds on since i quit boxing and i tweaked it......So i feel your pain...Do not stop searching....whatever doctors say...most can not stop back pain...they approach it mechanically and most times it is not....oh the book is called
THe Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Clair Davies NCTMB and Dr. David Simons...this specifically deals with soft tissue pain.....it cost $19.95 and is in barnes and noble.....
Originally posted by LsufanI'll try anything at this point buddy.
However, Ergonomics may be part of the problem- sitting with your back rounded oppose to sitting straight up with your butt in the back of the chair can be a prevention.
The iliopsoas and Quadratus Lumborum muscles can be in spasm as well. The piriformis is directly innervated but pain in the calf and hams are due to a contraction of these muscles generally from sleeping in a fetal position or sitting for long periods of time. Ice on the lumbar region for 15-20 minutes will help the nerve inflammation to settle down. Stetches to the hams, piriformis and calf muscles are short - to a count of 4 and no more or it will inflame the nerve.
Think muscle spasm-> nerve inflammation -> muscle spasm ==Pain. Can't address it properly in this post. Good Luck and E-Mail if ya need help!Last edited by Spearit; 04-15-2006, 12:19 PM."The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.
Originally posted by TwoTonTonyi got a great book for chronic back pain and specifically failed back surgery........I had been having crazy sciatica lately...MRI's came back negative, yet pain all the way down to heel......went to PT...nothing....chiropractor....nothing.....i am doing trigger point on myself....and had a massage therapist do myfascial release...and i feel 100% for a month now.....I get these knots deep...1 in my low back, 1 in my gluteus medius and 1 in my piroformus.....All of which when tight force hip flexors to tighten and these muscles clamp down on the nerve.....I can even drive 3 hours a day at a time and no pain......i can forward this to you.....
Gl to you chief hope that you can get it calmed down enough to allow you to box this year