well lets see who it cant be shall we:
it cant be spark, guy looks to be about 80yrs too young to be him
it cant be kb. KB doesnt own a tie
it cant be JCindaville cause in his town they havent invented the razor or glasses
it cant be wayne1218 cause the guy doesnt appear to be stoned. Note i even enlarged the pic to look for red eye. None found
it cant be jmarty cause there isnt 27 kids in the pic
it cant be BHS no gold chain is visible
ummmmm let me think about this one alittle i'll get back to you guys in a bit
it cant be spark, guy looks to be about 80yrs too young to be him
it cant be kb. KB doesnt own a tie
it cant be JCindaville cause in his town they havent invented the razor or glasses
it cant be wayne1218 cause the guy doesnt appear to be stoned. Note i even enlarged the pic to look for red eye. None found
it cant be jmarty cause there isnt 27 kids in the pic
it cant be BHS no gold chain is visible
ummmmm let me think about this one alittle i'll get back to you guys in a bit