It’s a Cold Rainy Saturday February Afternoon in New York, and I can’t decide what I’d rather be watching more …
Notre Dame / USC ?
Alabama / Auburn ?
Ohio State / Michigan ?
Or Some Fruitcake named Justin Leonard with that goofy hat , scratching his ass while pondering over whether to hit a hard 6 iron or an easy nickel.
I like to play once or twice a week, and it’s always fun , but Imagine the mentality of people who devote their entire lives to just hitting golf balls ?
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Tough Guy Tony Soprano
Don’t make me laugh !
We had rougher people in the 8th grade
Let’s see …
there was …
Ox, Bull, Scarface, Weasel … and Moose
And those were The Nuns
In Science class one kid was asked to prove the Law of Gravity … he threw the teacher out the window.
The cafeteria served Broken Leg of Lamb …
The school newspaper had an Obituary Column…
In English class Rocco was asked “What comes after a sentence ? “ He answered: “ You make an Appeal. “
After school we hung out in a pool hall … it was called “ Dominick’s Black and Blue Room “
So take a look at these clowns … One is fruitier than the next.

Now you wanna know what really scares me ?

THEY DO … right down to my socks, Buster !
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So I had my tongue up this chick’s Twozzle the other day …
Ever notice that people in hardware stores have no sense of humor ?
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Am contemplating the idea of coming out of retirement.
So I applied for Head of Pediatrics at Long Island’s prestigious North Shore Hospital.
Unfortunately , those bastards did some fishing around.
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Mark Knopfler
Dire Straits

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Gave our pussy cat a bath this morning …
I still have fur on my tongue.
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The Mc Nabbs ………

For the last 4 years Donovan McNabb has been pitching an inferior product to the ghetto … one that is laced with salt and preservatives … low grade dog food … and make no mistake … The Inner City IS the targeted audience.
There is no excuse . McNabb is an athlete. He of all people knows the value of proper nutrition and diet. And now the family must be well off … they SHOULD KNOW by now what is good and what is not.
They Do .
This is from Sports Illustrated:

The NFL'S most famous mom, Wilma McNabb, has been joined by her husband as a soup pusher. Sam McNabb made his debut as a Campbell's Chunky Soup spokesman in a 30-second spot in which he watches from the stands and says, "That's my boy !" after Donovan throws a touchdown. "He practiced that one line for two weeks," says Wilma.
She should know. Tom Riedel, Chunky's senior brand manager, says Wilma, who has been in commercials with Donovan for four years, was Sam's unofficial acting coach. "She was giving him a lot of hugs and saying, 'Come on, rookie, you can do it!' Sam, a retired electrical engineer, is expected to get expanded roles and already has his sports clichés down pat. By hiring him, he says, "Campbell's has taken it to another level."
They Sure Have !!!
The McNabbs are doing it for the money no doubt, with little or no social conscience , and it’s a low down shame.
People in the public eye ( Actors , Actresses , Athletes ) have a clear cut choice before they endorse any product. Some have a sense of pride and moral fibre , thinking carefully first before acting ... while others will just take the buck and sell any old item out there … regardless of the consequenses.
“ Donovan’s “ hypocritical back and forth with T.O. means nothing. What he and his family are pushing on other African – Americans constitutes a true Black on Black Crime.
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So what did I learn from watching THE GAME ? .....
1) That it was nothing more than Glorified Monday Night Football and it didn’t even crack the top 10 of all the MNFB games played this past season.
2) That it now takes 2 people to butcher Our National Anthem
3) That for 5 million dollars I will write a better commercial than most.
4) That The NFL desperately needs full time officials, not moonlighters working at Foot Locker, who won’t hijack one team’s momentum at every turn.
5) That at 62 years of age , Mike Jagger has as much athletic ability than anyone on either Pittsburgh or Seattle.
6) That a team can commit more turnovers , have less total yardage and time of possession, and whose QB can have the worst game of any winning SBQB in NFL History … a 22.6 Quarterback Rating.
And win by 11.
7) That one team was playing not to lose and the other … not to win.
8) That the Texas – USC game made the Superbowl seem like a game of Stickball.
9) That Mike Holmgren is still a fraud who years ago Piggy Backed on Favre’s shoulders and parlayed it into a career for himself. He is more suited for being a night watchman at Wall Mart . His body language is that of a Loser and his spoken language is, at most times , incoherent.
10) That when New England was winning their 3 Superbowls it was crystal clear that they were the best team in each of those years and nobody could beat them. After last Sunday , I came away with the thought that any of 4 or 5 NFC teams could have did Pittsburgh.
11) That I still don’t know what “One for The Thumb “ means, and I still don’t care. If I had to venture a guess , I’d say that “ The Thumb “ was that thing up Holmgren’s Ass … and the head official’s as well.
12) That with all the boredom and the PISS POOR QUALITY of football I won $1,000 on Pittsburgh, and it was like watching water boil for 5 hours at $200 / hour. You think that’s simple ?
13) That I will always refer to NFL 2005-2006 as “ Strike Season 2 “ … that it really doesn’t count … and that The New England Patriots will be going for a 3 Peat in February 2007.
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New Jersey authorities said Tuesday they had busted a nationwide sports gambling ring financed by NHL coach Rick Tocchet. So far 6 players and the wife of Wayne Gretzky have been implicated.
Tocchet is Wayne Gretzky’s assistant in Phoenix.
Every player involved, including The League, is denying any wagering on Hockey itself.
Of course they’ll deny it …. Until the truth comes out … and it will . Forensic numbersmen will prove out that NHL Players bet their own sport and their own games for that matter. I don’t care what anyone says … One MUST go hand and hand with the other.
That’s all The NHL needs right now is a scandal and they’ll do everything they can to sweep Hockey Betting under the rug.
As bettors we all know ( or should, unless we are teenagers ) that the ones involved, including Gretzky’s wife , wagered on Hockey Games. It’s only natural to stick with what AND ESPECIALLY WHO you know in matters of greed. And let’s face it , NHL players are basically back woodsmen, and not very sophisticated in general …
Am I being insensitive ?
History tells us that only Morons would use The Pete Rose Defense after getting popped.
If this entire matter is aggresively pursued …. and well it should … we can brace ourselves for lots of laughs in the coming months.
Sometimes, stupidity is funny.
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Cards Manager Tony LaRussa does not live with his family during the baseball season, saying that being a manager is just too intense.
Or is it that he’s just not allowed to sit on his ass and pick his nose in his home ?
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And Lastly ..... The Hits Just Keep On Coming .....
Tony Kornheiser and Mike Tirico are officially headed to the booth to join good old windbag Joe Theismann for the maiden voyage of Monday Night Football on ESPN.
Suzy Kolber was not fired and will return.
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