************************************************** **********************

Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant may have buried the hatchet before their game last week , but then Shaq promptly got into it with another Laker , a cocky 18 year old named Andrew Bynum.
After the game O’Neal was interviewed , and I quote:
"Tell Bynum Shaq doesn't respond to juvenile delinquents without a college degree … tell him to get his degree and we can talk. In the meantime, he should call me 'Dr. Shaq' because I'm working on my PhD."
Brilliant !!! Wouldn’t you say ???
That alone should earn him the honor of “ Doctor “
Of course he was reading it from Gip Sheets that he wrote on the palm of his hand…
But I never knew that he measured another NBA player by his education and intelligence.
Interesting … coming from a man who can’t string 5 coherent words together without someone cattle prodding that fat ass of his.
I wonder how many times Shaq was given the answers for test questions when attending LSU … and grammar school too for that matter.
Dale Brown , Shaq’s recruiter , friend, and Coach at LSU , was far too classy and important a man to stoop that low , so the answers must have been handed him from other “sources”.
So Shaq … stop talking this nonsense about earning a PhD because that’s a hoop which measures 50 feet in height , and let’s face it … whatever you can’t slam dunk is just not gonna go in.
There are 2 chances of ever earning a doctorate … SLIM AND NONE
And Pal … unless you build your own University … SLIM left town this morning .
*** A Footnote ***
Coming into this season, Mr.Doctor Fat Ass has missed 4,347 NBA free throws.
Instead of trying to change his title from Mister to Doctor, he really should consider switching his last name to
“ Freethrow “
Yeah , that’s it !!! … Shaquille Freethrow
Mr. Freethrow
EVERYONE … Say this out loud and keep repeating it :
************************************************** *********************
************************************************** **********************
The Grace, Charm, and Elegance of Anna Benson ……

“I told him, cheat on me all you want. If you get caught, I'm going to screw everybody on your entire team; coaches, trainers, players. I would do everybody on his whole team."
“I've been saying that comment for about six years now. We couldn't believe it turned into such a big deal. We laughed it up. There's no way I would touch some of those guys with a 10-foot pole. I don't care what Kris did. Some of them are disgusting.”
Some athletes can dominate the line of scrimmage with toughness and determination …
Some control the tempo of a basketball game with finesse …
Some skate like the wind …
Others corkscrew hitters into the ground with split finger fastballs ….
It’s amazing how some of these very same men have neither the respect nor any control in their relationships with women
As a side point,
When family, community minded, and overall great guy Boomer Esiason moved next to a friend of mine in Manhasset, his property value increased by 1.5 million. Another friend has also benefitted greatly, even by living a few blocks away.
Imagine now the converse … how unlucky would it be for a homeowner if one day “The Bensons“ were to stroll into the neighborhood ?
My best advice would be not to panic … you’ll only be selling at a depressed price … besides , it’s just a temporary cause for concern … wait it out and your problem will eventually resolve itself … the woman is a gypsy and will drag around her poor schmuck husband by his tiny sac … anywhere she wants.
Baltimore … You’re Next !!! … Brace Yourselves … The Bensons’ are coming.
************************************************** **********************
Pittsburgh vs. Seattle Update
Are The Steelers Destiny’s Team ?
It sure looks that way , given that 2 weeks ago they were a stab wound away from being bounced by Indy.

Steeler Patron Saint Daniell Harper’s Mug Shot should be posted on the bulletin board of their locker room in Detroit. Before the game , they should all kneel down and pray to her . I know Bettis for one should be wearing a gold chain and locket around his neck as a token of appreciation … Hell … he should have a tattoo of her, inked on his ass cheek.
Here’s a twisted analogy …
Daniell Harper is to Lucky Jerome as Jonnie Cochrane was to OJ.
By wielding her knife , she prevented him from spending a lifetime in fumbler’s prison. And he got her free of charge.
Staying with Lucky , what’s all this nonsense about him returning to Detroit and why would anyone care ? I mean , is it likely that he’s going to donate some of his millions to send underpriviledged kids to college , or build recreational facilities for the inner city , or a library , or a hospital wing . For all we know this guy will stop off at his favorite Rib Joint , pack away 200 - 300 , wash it all down with 5 or 6 Fortys , leave a $10 tip , then get flat bedded to Hawaii.
Hell , he might even have some outstanding arrest warrants waiting for him in Motown ?
You never know !!!!
Comically , it’s apparent that people are actually buying into all the dribble about Lucky going home. It’s a trick to get bettors emotionally involved with one side of a game. Newspaper writers and reporters have been using trivia like this since the beginning of time. Most likely he will be one great big gigantic Non Factor in The Game … and who knows ? … maybe even another fumble, … a biggie … and this time he may get a life sentence without parole.
So if you Like The Steelers for this game , make sure it’s for all the right handicapping reasons. An individual player’s personal homecoming is certainly not one of them.
As of today I’ve heard nothing but Pittsburgh opinions from prognosticators in the candy store , the delicatessen, restaurants, the gasoline station , dry cleaners , radio talk shows, Dunkin Donuts, my Orthopedists’s waiting room … you name it. The deli is great … I get frequent updates from the guys behind the counter … just saw them a few hours ago … ALL PITTSBURGH !!!!
Heck, Mike and The Mad Dog jumped right out last Monday and both said they love Pittsburgh , and promised they’ll try to make a case for Seattle , but, they said, “ don’t count on it “ . This kind of narrow mindedness is scary.
That can’t be good for The Steelers , but we still have a long way to go until Showtime. In the meanwhile , I’ve retained the services of a Private Eye who has tapped into Seattle Police Radios and will be keeping me posted about any and all Seahawk Players’ Domestic Altercations.
As of now I’m leaning toward Seattle but that can change at any time … and with as little as a flick of a knife.
************************************************** **********************
Sure Daunte Culpepper wants to be traded
It would take him 9 years to learn The West Coast Offense.
And then he’s got to turn to page 2

************************************************** *********************
We lost my grandmother recently
She didn’t die … we just lost her.
(She actually shrunk to the point that we can’t find her.)
************************************************** *********************
A model presents a design from Jefferson Kulig during the 20th Sao Paulo Fashion Week in Brazil….
Wow, would you look at that !
And to think … all those years my buddies and I wasted our time getting laid night and day at Carnival Brazil … when we could have been going to " Fashion Week " instead.
************************************************** **********************
Ever see a marriage proposal at a stadium ? …
where this guy gets on his knees during a ball game and puts some poor girl on the spot in front of 50,000 people all looking at this on a monster sceen called a “Jumbotron “ ? Not to mention the National Audience watching on television.
Please tell me how this works … Are these public spectacles pre-planned and staged by both parties, or does the guy do this on his own ?
If he’s on his own it’s pretty shifty if you ask me.
Talk about your leverage !!! Why doesn’t he just use a crow bar and bludgeon her into saying “YES I DO” ?
Just once I’d like to see a flat out refusal ! … something like “ Of course not, Schmuck … and stand up already … you’re kneeling in puddles of beer “
A lady with principle who won’t cave in under pressure …
Now that would be someone worth keeping.
************************************************** ***********************
Is anyone tired and nauseated over betting basketball yet ?
If a different criminal were trying to pick my pocket each and every night , more sooner than later would it dawn on me that I’m hanging around in the wrong neighborhood.
************************************************** ***********************
Ever get sick and one of your friends gives you medical advice and he tells you he’s not a doctor … like you didn’t know that ? ..........
My friend Tony … he says “Hey Neil that stuff really works for a cold … but I’m not a doctor. “
“ Well Gee Tony I had no idea you weren’t a doctor … I mean I knew you didn’t get out of 7th grade cause you couldn’t read … but I always thought you were one of the finest Neuro Surgeons in North America …. Boy, the medical community will be stunned when they get wind of this. “
“By the way Tony … you gaining some weight ? “
“Nahhhhh Neil … I’m just big boned “
(I love that expression “ Big Boned “)
“Yeah … Tony it’s amazing how you have those big fat bones in your ass … and the other ones above , underneath and below your belt … must hurt like hell when you sit down … I would recommend that once in a while you eat a salad … but hey … I’m not a doctor “
************************************************** *********************
I hear that red wine is actually good for you ….
Have you heard the same thing ? It’s really true !!!
Isnt that cool ? … See … now I want to hear more things in life like that … I wanna hear that Red Wine , in conjunction with a Lap Dance while watching NFL Football is the best cardio - vascular workout you can have.
************************************************** **********************
This little kid’s in the park eatin’ candy ......
An old guy comes up to him and says: “ You know that’s bad for your health “
Kid says: “ I like candy “
Old Man: “ that stuff will give you pimples and make you fat “
Kid: “ But I like candy “
Old Man: “ it will rot your teeth “
Kid says: “ Oh yeah ? … my grandfather lived to be a hundred and he had all his own teeth “
Old man said : “ Oh … did you grandfather eat a lot of candy ? “
Kid Says: “ No, but he minded his own Fucking Business “
************************************************** **************************
A few days ago Cheech IM’ed me with some breaking NBA news …
Cheech: “ Big trade … Artest for Peja “
Cb: “Who ?“
Cheech: “Peja Stovakojic“
Cb: “ I’ve heard of HIM … who’s the other shaver? “
Cheech: “ LOL … Ron Artest .. the criminal”
CB: “Oh … OK … now I can drop dead a happy man knowing that … thanks Cheech “
Cheech: “ LOL ….. LMFAO “
Cb: “ Does this effect our plays for tonight ? “
Cheech: “ No … it hasn’t been completed yet … but Larry Bird is on ESPN now and he said that the trade is imminent “
Cb: “ You liar …. Lol “
Cheech: “ ???? “
Cb: “ you’re lying Cheech , no way Bird used the word imminent “
Cheech: “ LMAO … he did “
Cb: “ no chance ”
Cheech: “ He did … but he was reading from a dummy card “
Cb: “ That’s more like it “
Careful Ron … you may be one big juicy criminal action away from twirling pizzas.

************************************************** ************************
My strategy of just going with Cheech’s NBA and Kmann’s Demolishers has paid off . I have great partners . We make money for one another when one decides to take a 3-4 month breather . Cheech takes the summer , I’m on vacation from January thru April .
Kaptain minds the store all year long.
He’s amazing … he never gets tired or burnt out.
They just do not make em any more like Our Karl
************************************************** ***********************

I heard Isiah Thomas’ Statement this morning at a press conference regarding the sexual harassment claim brought against him.
It sounded like he scribbled it down on a Hooters Cocktail Napkin
************************************************** ***********************
And Lastly ....
Why I'm such a CREEP sometimes
Once in a while I go a little too over the top and I’m sure it bothers people who are fans of the athletes I poke fun at.
Truth is , if this were a non betting site I would never have started “ Hip “ in the first place.
But it is and by now you know the message … that it’s very difficult to be a successful wagerer and an idolizer at the same time … I can only think of 3-4 good handicappers in BC ( there may be a few more ) who are also die hard fans of certain players and teams , and frankly I just don’t know how they pull it off.
But they sure do seem to, and I think it’s really cool that they live in the best of both worlds … good capping with the riches it brings , and also having the luxury being involved with their favorite team and players.
But these fine cappers are the exception , not the rule , I assure you … because handicapping and emotion mix like oil and water and our “psyche“ can either make us or break us at doing what we do. And when it becomes compromised with “ feelings “ , doom looms large for most of us.
I can never have both. I’m not that slick . If I had ever tried to mix business with pleasure, then instead of being able to do it for all these years , I surely would have lost my ass and dropped out after 1 , never looking back . And I also would have missed out on all the drama and the excitement, not to mention a few extra Fazools.
A few of you guys play my stuff sometimes and that makes me responsible. I take this challenge very seriously. You may find it hard to believe but during a game I’m thinking more of you than I am my own agenda. I’m certain Frank and Karl will back me up on that. I guess it’s just my protective nature.
I owe you the best that I can bring.
And that means that I have to live 2 lives … one with a heart bigger than life itself filled to the brim with love for family and friends … and the other , that of a cold blooded bastard without any feelings or heart at all. I need to be a creep to be a half way decent capper.
There’s just no wiggle room for allowing any athlete or team to work their way into my heart. Sorry , but that dance card is filled.
So I build gigantic fences and refer to them as strangers.
I have to … it works for me, and we have made some money together.
If you’re young and it’s in your blood, you’ll need to choose between being a real handicapper or a fan. Unless you’re extremely gifted , don’t attempt to be both.
See you next week,

Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant may have buried the hatchet before their game last week , but then Shaq promptly got into it with another Laker , a cocky 18 year old named Andrew Bynum.
After the game O’Neal was interviewed , and I quote:
"Tell Bynum Shaq doesn't respond to juvenile delinquents without a college degree … tell him to get his degree and we can talk. In the meantime, he should call me 'Dr. Shaq' because I'm working on my PhD."
Brilliant !!! Wouldn’t you say ???
That alone should earn him the honor of “ Doctor “
Of course he was reading it from Gip Sheets that he wrote on the palm of his hand…
But I never knew that he measured another NBA player by his education and intelligence.
Interesting … coming from a man who can’t string 5 coherent words together without someone cattle prodding that fat ass of his.
I wonder how many times Shaq was given the answers for test questions when attending LSU … and grammar school too for that matter.
Dale Brown , Shaq’s recruiter , friend, and Coach at LSU , was far too classy and important a man to stoop that low , so the answers must have been handed him from other “sources”.
So Shaq … stop talking this nonsense about earning a PhD because that’s a hoop which measures 50 feet in height , and let’s face it … whatever you can’t slam dunk is just not gonna go in.
There are 2 chances of ever earning a doctorate … SLIM AND NONE
And Pal … unless you build your own University … SLIM left town this morning .
*** A Footnote ***
Coming into this season, Mr.Doctor Fat Ass has missed 4,347 NBA free throws.
Instead of trying to change his title from Mister to Doctor, he really should consider switching his last name to
“ Freethrow “
Yeah , that’s it !!! … Shaquille Freethrow
Mr. Freethrow
EVERYONE … Say this out loud and keep repeating it :
Mr. Freethrow
Mr. Freethrow
Mr. Freethrow
Mr. Freethrow
Mr. Freethrow
Mr. Freethrow
Mr. Freethrow
************************************************** *********************
Thanks Spark !!!
This one is good … Spark mailed it to me last week
A man and his wife walked into a dentist's office.
The man said to the dentist, "Doctor, I'm in one heck
of a big hurry! I have two buddies sitting out in my car
waiting for us to go play golf. So forget about the
anesthetic and just pull the tooth and be done with it--
I don't have time to wait for the novocain to work!
The dentist thought to himself, "My goodness … this
surely is a very brave man, asking me to pull his tooth
without using anything to kill the pain."
So the dentist asked him, "Which tooth is it, sir?"
The man turned to his wife and said, "Open your
mouth, Honey, and show the doctor which tooth hurts."
This one is good … Spark mailed it to me last week
A man and his wife walked into a dentist's office.
The man said to the dentist, "Doctor, I'm in one heck
of a big hurry! I have two buddies sitting out in my car
waiting for us to go play golf. So forget about the
anesthetic and just pull the tooth and be done with it--
I don't have time to wait for the novocain to work!
The dentist thought to himself, "My goodness … this
surely is a very brave man, asking me to pull his tooth
without using anything to kill the pain."
So the dentist asked him, "Which tooth is it, sir?"
The man turned to his wife and said, "Open your
mouth, Honey, and show the doctor which tooth hurts."
************************************************** **********************
The Grace, Charm, and Elegance of Anna Benson ……

“I told him, cheat on me all you want. If you get caught, I'm going to screw everybody on your entire team; coaches, trainers, players. I would do everybody on his whole team."
“I've been saying that comment for about six years now. We couldn't believe it turned into such a big deal. We laughed it up. There's no way I would touch some of those guys with a 10-foot pole. I don't care what Kris did. Some of them are disgusting.”
Some athletes can dominate the line of scrimmage with toughness and determination …
Some control the tempo of a basketball game with finesse …
Some skate like the wind …
Others corkscrew hitters into the ground with split finger fastballs ….
It’s amazing how some of these very same men have neither the respect nor any control in their relationships with women
As a side point,
When family, community minded, and overall great guy Boomer Esiason moved next to a friend of mine in Manhasset, his property value increased by 1.5 million. Another friend has also benefitted greatly, even by living a few blocks away.
Imagine now the converse … how unlucky would it be for a homeowner if one day “The Bensons“ were to stroll into the neighborhood ?
My best advice would be not to panic … you’ll only be selling at a depressed price … besides , it’s just a temporary cause for concern … wait it out and your problem will eventually resolve itself … the woman is a gypsy and will drag around her poor schmuck husband by his tiny sac … anywhere she wants.
Baltimore … You’re Next !!! … Brace Yourselves … The Bensons’ are coming.
************************************************** **********************
Pittsburgh vs. Seattle Update
Are The Steelers Destiny’s Team ?
It sure looks that way , given that 2 weeks ago they were a stab wound away from being bounced by Indy.

Steeler Patron Saint Daniell Harper’s Mug Shot should be posted on the bulletin board of their locker room in Detroit. Before the game , they should all kneel down and pray to her . I know Bettis for one should be wearing a gold chain and locket around his neck as a token of appreciation … Hell … he should have a tattoo of her, inked on his ass cheek.
Here’s a twisted analogy …
Daniell Harper is to Lucky Jerome as Jonnie Cochrane was to OJ.
By wielding her knife , she prevented him from spending a lifetime in fumbler’s prison. And he got her free of charge.
Staying with Lucky , what’s all this nonsense about him returning to Detroit and why would anyone care ? I mean , is it likely that he’s going to donate some of his millions to send underpriviledged kids to college , or build recreational facilities for the inner city , or a library , or a hospital wing . For all we know this guy will stop off at his favorite Rib Joint , pack away 200 - 300 , wash it all down with 5 or 6 Fortys , leave a $10 tip , then get flat bedded to Hawaii.
Hell , he might even have some outstanding arrest warrants waiting for him in Motown ?
You never know !!!!
Comically , it’s apparent that people are actually buying into all the dribble about Lucky going home. It’s a trick to get bettors emotionally involved with one side of a game. Newspaper writers and reporters have been using trivia like this since the beginning of time. Most likely he will be one great big gigantic Non Factor in The Game … and who knows ? … maybe even another fumble, … a biggie … and this time he may get a life sentence without parole.
So if you Like The Steelers for this game , make sure it’s for all the right handicapping reasons. An individual player’s personal homecoming is certainly not one of them.
As of today I’ve heard nothing but Pittsburgh opinions from prognosticators in the candy store , the delicatessen, restaurants, the gasoline station , dry cleaners , radio talk shows, Dunkin Donuts, my Orthopedists’s waiting room … you name it. The deli is great … I get frequent updates from the guys behind the counter … just saw them a few hours ago … ALL PITTSBURGH !!!!
Heck, Mike and The Mad Dog jumped right out last Monday and both said they love Pittsburgh , and promised they’ll try to make a case for Seattle , but, they said, “ don’t count on it “ . This kind of narrow mindedness is scary.
That can’t be good for The Steelers , but we still have a long way to go until Showtime. In the meanwhile , I’ve retained the services of a Private Eye who has tapped into Seattle Police Radios and will be keeping me posted about any and all Seahawk Players’ Domestic Altercations.
As of now I’m leaning toward Seattle but that can change at any time … and with as little as a flick of a knife.
************************************************** **********************
Sure Daunte Culpepper wants to be traded
It would take him 9 years to learn The West Coast Offense.
And then he’s got to turn to page 2

************************************************** *********************
We lost my grandmother recently
She didn’t die … we just lost her.
(She actually shrunk to the point that we can’t find her.)
************************************************** *********************
A model presents a design from Jefferson Kulig during the 20th Sao Paulo Fashion Week in Brazil….
Wow, would you look at that !
And to think … all those years my buddies and I wasted our time getting laid night and day at Carnival Brazil … when we could have been going to " Fashion Week " instead.
************************************************** **********************
Ever see a marriage proposal at a stadium ? …
where this guy gets on his knees during a ball game and puts some poor girl on the spot in front of 50,000 people all looking at this on a monster sceen called a “Jumbotron “ ? Not to mention the National Audience watching on television.
Please tell me how this works … Are these public spectacles pre-planned and staged by both parties, or does the guy do this on his own ?
If he’s on his own it’s pretty shifty if you ask me.
Talk about your leverage !!! Why doesn’t he just use a crow bar and bludgeon her into saying “YES I DO” ?
Just once I’d like to see a flat out refusal ! … something like “ Of course not, Schmuck … and stand up already … you’re kneeling in puddles of beer “
A lady with principle who won’t cave in under pressure …
Now that would be someone worth keeping.
************************************************** ***********************
Is anyone tired and nauseated over betting basketball yet ?
If a different criminal were trying to pick my pocket each and every night , more sooner than later would it dawn on me that I’m hanging around in the wrong neighborhood.
************************************************** ***********************
Ever get sick and one of your friends gives you medical advice and he tells you he’s not a doctor … like you didn’t know that ? ..........
My friend Tony … he says “Hey Neil that stuff really works for a cold … but I’m not a doctor. “
“ Well Gee Tony I had no idea you weren’t a doctor … I mean I knew you didn’t get out of 7th grade cause you couldn’t read … but I always thought you were one of the finest Neuro Surgeons in North America …. Boy, the medical community will be stunned when they get wind of this. “
“By the way Tony … you gaining some weight ? “
“Nahhhhh Neil … I’m just big boned “
(I love that expression “ Big Boned “)
“Yeah … Tony it’s amazing how you have those big fat bones in your ass … and the other ones above , underneath and below your belt … must hurt like hell when you sit down … I would recommend that once in a while you eat a salad … but hey … I’m not a doctor “
************************************************** *********************
I hear that red wine is actually good for you ….
Have you heard the same thing ? It’s really true !!!
Isnt that cool ? … See … now I want to hear more things in life like that … I wanna hear that Red Wine , in conjunction with a Lap Dance while watching NFL Football is the best cardio - vascular workout you can have.
************************************************** **********************
This little kid’s in the park eatin’ candy ......
An old guy comes up to him and says: “ You know that’s bad for your health “
Kid says: “ I like candy “
Old Man: “ that stuff will give you pimples and make you fat “
Kid: “ But I like candy “
Old Man: “ it will rot your teeth “
Kid says: “ Oh yeah ? … my grandfather lived to be a hundred and he had all his own teeth “
Old man said : “ Oh … did you grandfather eat a lot of candy ? “
Kid Says: “ No, but he minded his own Fucking Business “
************************************************** **************************
A few days ago Cheech IM’ed me with some breaking NBA news …
Cheech: “ Big trade … Artest for Peja “
Cb: “Who ?“
Cheech: “Peja Stovakojic“
Cb: “ I’ve heard of HIM … who’s the other shaver? “
Cheech: “ LOL … Ron Artest .. the criminal”
CB: “Oh … OK … now I can drop dead a happy man knowing that … thanks Cheech “
Cheech: “ LOL ….. LMFAO “
Cb: “ Does this effect our plays for tonight ? “
Cheech: “ No … it hasn’t been completed yet … but Larry Bird is on ESPN now and he said that the trade is imminent “
Cb: “ You liar …. Lol “
Cheech: “ ???? “
Cb: “ you’re lying Cheech , no way Bird used the word imminent “
Cheech: “ LMAO … he did “
Cb: “ no chance ”
Cheech: “ He did … but he was reading from a dummy card “
Cb: “ That’s more like it “
Careful Ron … you may be one big juicy criminal action away from twirling pizzas.

************************************************** ************************
My strategy of just going with Cheech’s NBA and Kmann’s Demolishers has paid off . I have great partners . We make money for one another when one decides to take a 3-4 month breather . Cheech takes the summer , I’m on vacation from January thru April .
Kaptain minds the store all year long.
He’s amazing … he never gets tired or burnt out.
They just do not make em any more like Our Karl
************************************************** ***********************

I heard Isiah Thomas’ Statement this morning at a press conference regarding the sexual harassment claim brought against him.
It sounded like he scribbled it down on a Hooters Cocktail Napkin
************************************************** ***********************
And Lastly ....
Why I'm such a CREEP sometimes
Once in a while I go a little too over the top and I’m sure it bothers people who are fans of the athletes I poke fun at.
Truth is , if this were a non betting site I would never have started “ Hip “ in the first place.
But it is and by now you know the message … that it’s very difficult to be a successful wagerer and an idolizer at the same time … I can only think of 3-4 good handicappers in BC ( there may be a few more ) who are also die hard fans of certain players and teams , and frankly I just don’t know how they pull it off.
But they sure do seem to, and I think it’s really cool that they live in the best of both worlds … good capping with the riches it brings , and also having the luxury being involved with their favorite team and players.
But these fine cappers are the exception , not the rule , I assure you … because handicapping and emotion mix like oil and water and our “psyche“ can either make us or break us at doing what we do. And when it becomes compromised with “ feelings “ , doom looms large for most of us.
I can never have both. I’m not that slick . If I had ever tried to mix business with pleasure, then instead of being able to do it for all these years , I surely would have lost my ass and dropped out after 1 , never looking back . And I also would have missed out on all the drama and the excitement, not to mention a few extra Fazools.
A few of you guys play my stuff sometimes and that makes me responsible. I take this challenge very seriously. You may find it hard to believe but during a game I’m thinking more of you than I am my own agenda. I’m certain Frank and Karl will back me up on that. I guess it’s just my protective nature.
I owe you the best that I can bring.
And that means that I have to live 2 lives … one with a heart bigger than life itself filled to the brim with love for family and friends … and the other , that of a cold blooded bastard without any feelings or heart at all. I need to be a creep to be a half way decent capper.
There’s just no wiggle room for allowing any athlete or team to work their way into my heart. Sorry , but that dance card is filled.
So I build gigantic fences and refer to them as strangers.
I have to … it works for me, and we have made some money together.
If you’re young and it’s in your blood, you’ll need to choose between being a real handicapper or a fan. Unless you’re extremely gifted , don’t attempt to be both.
See you next week,