Originally posted by diesel
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For Every Member On This Forum!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by dieselJBC, No diresepct towards you but if you follow his picks you should know if the pick won or lost. I just don't see what the big deal. Calling him out like this although good for reading the rest of the day is uncalled for.
~~~ Tigger
As frank said before, "I'll go on record" saying that I am a firm believer that EVERYONE that posts plays should post a record as well. Whether it's good or bad.
Originally posted by dieselAll I am saying is that a mistake on his record by a game or too isn't the end of thw world.
RJ could have simply fixed his record. He chose to create a new thread daring his doubters to challenge his record in his thread.
Originally posted by JBC13I dont follow his picks....and i didnt call him out. He is the one calling people pussies and little bitches for not saying something on the board. That is why i did it through email so there would not be a huge problem but obviusly RJ isnt man enough to admit he fucked up and just change it to the correct record. He didnt need to say anything, he could have changed it and shut his mouth.
AS I said before Slim, if I made a mistake, then please just come into my thread and say, hey RJ I think you were 1-2-1 last night, not 2-1-1..............I would've went back in and changed it and thanked you for seeing my error. But instead you sent an e-mail to Spark saying "i'm at it again".
Don't be such a pussy next time, say something in MY thread and it will be fixed.
Originally posted by RJeremyAS I said before Slim, if I made a mistake, then please just come into my thread and say, hey RJ I think you were 1-2-1 last night, not 2-1-1..............I would've went back in and changed it and thanked you for seeing my error. But instead you sent an e-mail to Spark saying "i'm at it again".
Don't be such a pussy next time, say something in MY thread and it will be fixed.
Originally posted by frankb03I agree. We are humans. We make mistakes.
RJ could have simply fixed his record. He chose to create a new thread daring his doubters to challenge his record in his thread.
you missed the point Frank. I was simply asking these "secret" members to say something in my thread, that way it will be brought to my attention RIGHT AWAY, instead of e-mailing Spark about it, then he has to forward it to me, and make me feel like some fucking cheater.
i am human, i did it at 7:00 am this morning after taking Jaden out, it was a mistake on my part, i fixed it, but I don't know why u can't just say something in my thread about it being wrong.
I've seen people do it to Chuck, and I think spaarkie last week, so please you are ALL invited to come into my threads and let me know if I've made a mistake.
You're right Frank, I do go through a local, but I take a lot more games than what I post. Last night I took Homer's BIG under and I took Denver, and Albany in College Hoops, but didn't post any of them. And yes, I do write down what i take, but 9 times out of 10 they are not EXACTLY the same.
Originally posted by JBC13Unlike you RJ i do not like to create problems and drama on the forum. That is why i emailed spark about it. I dont understand why you could not have said i fucked up and just changed it. Instead you want to call everybody out.
just calling out the people that DON'T HAVE THE BALLS to say something straight to me! You of all people! You have my e-mail, send me something like:
Hey Mike,
I think you might've miscalculated your record from last night on your NBA plays. Just wanted to give you a heads up buddy.
That'll would've been fine, and what a MAN would do, but instead you send an e-mail to Spark saying "RJ's at it again", as if I purposely did it!
What do you do for a living???? Certainly you're not in any position to manage people or deal with people, because that's not the way you do it! Just a bit of advice young man!
unreal how some humans are. a simple question in my thread or a simple e-mail to me directly would've been fine, but to go about it like a RAT or a fucking SNAKE makes me sick.
I don't know how any of you guys were brought up or where u came from, but I was brought up where if you have a problem with someone tell them, or deal with them. Don't go crying to mommy and daddy.
Originally posted by RJeremyjust calling out the people that DON'T HAVE THE BALLS to say something straight to me! You of all people! You have my e-mail, send me something like:
Hey Mike,
I think you might've miscalculated your record from last night on your NBA plays. Just wanted to give you a heads up buddy.
That'll would've been fine, and what a MAN would do, but instead you send an e-mail to Spark saying "RJ's at it again", as if I purposely did it!
What do you do for a living???? Certainly you're not in any position to manage people or deal with people, because that's not the way you do it! Just a bit of advice young man!
I am a mortgage broker and i deal with people every day.
Originally posted by RJeremyunreal how some humans are. a simple question in my thread or a simple e-mail to me directly would've been fine, but to go about it like a RAT or a fucking SNAKE makes me sick.
I don't know how any of you guys were brought up or where u came from, but I was brought up where if you have a problem with someone tell them, or deal with them. Don't go crying to mommy and daddy.
Originally posted by JBC13I just didnt want to start arguing with you about your record. I emailed spark he is mod WTF is the big deal, change it and shut your mouth.
I am a mortgage broker and i deal with people every day.
This isn't high school, which wasn't too long ago for you, but if you have an issue with someone talk to THEM about it!
What does Spark being a MOD have to do with ANYTHING? Can only MOD's say something to me? Can only MOD's tell me my record was off by 1 play? Can only MOD's e-mail me?
Don't give me that bullshit you little punk, if you have a problem in the future come into MY thread or e-mail me directly! Don't pull this crying to a MOD bullshit, it makes you look like a little kid. BE A MAN and COME TO ME!
Originally posted by JBC13whatever spare me your fucking sob story, im sure if i would have said something in your thread you would have blown up like you did today.. I have better shit to do than argue with you all fucking day. You are classless RJ and you prove it time and time again.
you're absolutely wrong, why would I get mad at YOU if I made a mistake in my record? I'm glad that you caught that mistake, I want my record to be 100% accurate. I'm irritated at how you went about it.