LoveDoc- hasnt had a date in 5 years
Spark - cause spark is 100+ yrs older than guy in pic
jbc- guy looks to old to be jbc
griffey mojo- nope guy appears to have $$$$$ and a job so he's out
rwall- met rwall and comment
frankb - only dates porn stars
wayne1218- 20,000+ posts on here. No way
Monte- ?????????
kbsooner- guy appears to be clean shaven and looks to have all his teeth. this eliminates kb
bhs- no visable Mr T chain
TMAC- no miami,texas,nyy,usc,san antonio gear on
rook - guy has hair on his dome
RJ- no man bag visable
Chuck lazar- nope guy appears to be to pasty white to be chuck
Jmarty- cant be him the pick would have to include his 27 kids
LoveDoc- hasnt had a date in 5 years
Spark - cause spark is 100+ yrs older than guy in pic
jbc- guy looks to old to be jbc
griffey mojo- nope guy appears to have $$$$$ and a job so he's out
rwall- met rwall and comment
frankb - only dates porn stars
wayne1218- 20,000+ posts on here. No way
Monte- ?????????
kbsooner- guy appears to be clean shaven and looks to have all his teeth. this eliminates kb
bhs- no visable Mr T chain
TMAC- no miami,texas,nyy,usc,san antonio gear on
rook - guy has hair on his dome
RJ- no man bag visable
Chuck lazar- nope guy appears to be to pasty white to be chuck
Jmarty- cant be him the pick would have to include his 27 kids
We all know it cant be 10DimeCry because if it was we wouldnt be able to see the chick in the pic because he would take up all the space and another reason it cant be Cry is because his HAND doesnt count as an engagement lol