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Guess the Member #15

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  • #16
    With the inside information that LSUfan brought here... I'm gonna say it's....

    Dimer during one of his trips down to Florida

    ~~~ Tigger


    • #17
      Originally posted by BorgataRob
      Tony Vegas
      No dice. I am 6 foot 2 and weigh 200 lbs.

      I would guess dimer but I know he left in anger yesterday so I don't think this would be when he would post his pick.

      I am going to guess seaofred. honestly i have no idea.


      • #18
        DimeBag........ ( Tony Stewart Undershirt is a dead Give Away !!! )

        And his RoomMate Feura Bush !!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Tony Vegas
          No dice. I am 6 foot 2 and weigh 200 lbs.

          I would guess dimer but I know he left in anger yesterday so I don't think this would be when he would post his pick.

          I am going to guess seaofred. honestly i have no idea.
          Remember, Dimer doesn't post the pick.... SPARK does and he's one tricky BASTAGE sometimes. I still say it's Dimer, and btw, great timing Papi

          ~~~ Tigger


          • #20
            Originally posted by Tigger
            Remember, Dimer doesn't post the pick.... SPARK does and he's one tricky BASTAGE sometimes. I still say it's Dimer, and btw, great timing Papi

            ~~~ Tigger
            no way. dimer would be here busting balls if it was him.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Tony Vegas
              no way. dimer would be here busting balls if it was him.

              Let me go ahead and throw out a few other details of why I think it's Dimer......

              1) The picture is taken in Florida as our buddy, Charlie has already pointed out. Although Dimer doesn't live there, he travels there quite a bit and this would be the perfect "cover up" for the location.
              2) I wouldn't call the guy in the picture "fat", but he is stocky.... the exact way that Dimer once described himself
              3) He just looks like a goofy mofo.. someone that everyone hangs out with because he's a fun guy and knows how to take and give a joke.
              4) If you look close, he still has the carpet marks on his left cheek from sleeping against the cubical at work, Dimer also works in a cubical.
              5) The man in the picture, looks like he is no stranger to TV Dinners, LOL
              6) Dimer stormed off in a very uncharacteristic-like way yesterday. The perfect way to "leave"... and conviently right before this "Guess the Member" went up. which makes me think Papi was also in on it as well. THAT TRICKY BASTAGE!

              I build a strong case, good luck fellas!

              ~~~ Tigger

              BTW, no offense, pretty girl, great body!
              Last edited by Tigger; 08-06-2005, 01:30 PM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Tigger

                Let me go ahead and throw out a few other details of why I think it's Dimer......

                1) The picture is taken in Florida as our buddy, Charlie has already pointed out. Although Dimer doesn't live there, he travels there quite a bit and this would be the perfect "cover up" for the location.
                2) I wouldn't call the guy in the picture "fat", but he is stocky.... the exact way that Dimer once described himself
                3) He just looks like a goofy mofo.. someone that everyone hangs out with because he's a fun guy and knows how to take and give a joke.
                4) If you look close, he still has the carpet marks on his left cheek from sleeping against the cubical at work, Dimer also works in a cubical.
                5) The man in the picture, looks like he is no stranger to TV Dinners, LOL
                6) Dimer stormed off in a very uncharacteristic-like way yesterday. The perfect way to "leave"... and conviently right before this "Guess the Member" went up. which makes me think Papi was also in on it as well. THAT TRICKY BASTAGE!

                I build a strong case, good luck fellas!

                ~~~ Tigger

                BTW, no offense, pretty girl, great body!
                you might be right Sherlock


                • #23

                  Originally posted by Tigger
                  With the inside information that LSUfan brought here... I'm gonna say it's....

                  Dimer during one of his trips down to Florida

                  ~~~ Tigger

                  I have read your detailed explaination, but I just can't see how it could be 10Dime. Here, let me show you ...

                  1) 10Dime is married. There is no ring on this guy's finger. (Well, you may say some people don't wear rings. You are correct, but see # 2).

                  2) 10Dime lives in Furry Bush. This beautiful girl has all her teeth. No way she could live in Furry Bush.

                  So, in 2 short sentances, I think I have shown where this is not 10Dime.
                  "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                  is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                  • #24
                    Ring-Schming... you're grasping for the wind!

                    Who said the girl is from Furry Bush???? The guy is in Florida and in my many trips playing in national vball tournaments in Florida, the chicks have all their teeth... believe me, LOL

                    ~~~ Tigger
                    Last edited by Tigger; 08-06-2005, 02:05 PM.


                    • #25
                      hahahahahaha roflmfao ... I just Love this Place


                      • #26
                        the guy looks like Tat2 before he clean shaved his head and went on the Subway diet!


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            LMAO, first of all.....

                            Vegas - Love your UserTitle..... believe me running is not the problem for Ricky, LMAO. Try to watch him catch the ball with his T-Rex arms and tiny hands, LOL. On the flip side, keep him off the pot and he might get 1000 yards this season... I doubt it though.

                            LSUfan - all I'm saying is Dimer knew that we'd be looking for things like that so "IF" he was wearing it, he took it off to fool us.

                            Papi - you're in on this one, seeing as Dimer is your buddy, so no comments from the peanut gallery, LMAO

                            ~~~ Tigger


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Tigger
                              LMAO, first of all.....

                              Vegas - Love your UserTitle..... believe me running is not the problem for Ricky, LMAO. Try to watch him catch the ball with his T-Rex arms and tiny hands, LOL. On the flip side, keep him off the pot and he might get 1000 yards this season... I doubt it though.
                              Dolphins should be alright. The Offense has a lot of good players and they have started to get the line to gel. Ronnie Brown 2005 ROY and R. Will will be comeback player of the year!


                              • #30
                                Bry's not pissed, he's just taking a break from BC

                                Rented Mule, you are fuckin funny.

                                My guess is lovedoc, but I'm sure I am wrong!
                                Everybody dies, but not everyone lives.

