I mean we all know that Wayne is a sixteen year old, pimped face kid that has no life, has never kissed a girl, and plays Dungeons and Dragons.... but he is a MOD.
~~~ Tigger
My Child Support payments say otherwise. :christmas
You Bastard, stop looking in a mirror when typing!!!! :D
all thsi suing bullshit is rdiculous....if it is really about that its very simple to change the name of the service before you post it or add a few letter or anythign and you wont be riding any capers picks or any of that shit.. Big Al could be made Big ALF and they cant do shit...is not too complicated ..i majored in law
This is exactly what I said earlier. Rename the services. We would all know who Small Penis Al and ASSASA would be. Am I wrong?
I know the service section is popular but these guys are not nearly as good as our own cappers here at bettorschat. I follow a certain few guys here loyally and love it. Services like TyGaston and Feist and so on will kill you in the long run. Fuck the services Wayne is 100% right it bogs down the site on the weekends of football with all the freeloaders that dont put anything to this site. Not to say I do but the regulars here are Number one all the way across the board there like family. Services just care about your money and I know this from a personal experience with them.
Hey rip, what's going on brother? Hope things are well. You do a great job with things here and i just want you to know and hear that. I'm not bothered by the services nearly as much as i am the kids bitching about them. Just wanted you to know that.
This is exactly what I said earlier. Rename the services. We would all know who Small Penis Al and ASSASA would be. Am I wrong?
Here are a few of my suggestions for other service names:
The trio: Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe
Wheel Rip'U'Off
Scum Bags
We Sux At Gambling
Kyle Baugues
Sticking It 2 Da' Public
Knife 'N' Da Back
Take Your Money and Run
well guys, :uzi:
This is my last post in this thread,I just want to thank everyone on here who made this service section alot of fun to be part of,,I met alot of great people thru this service section.Some i have become friends with and i want to thank them for that..I for one will miss this section but its not the end of the world and the plays will be posted all over..I;ll see you in a few weeks with the fades for some FOOTBALL..guys best of luck to every member and vistor on bettorschat.Your good friend ,,Rip :bestwishe
All I know is iI hope for the day when some forum, consensus site, etc. is threatened by a big name sports service(Feist, Root, Jack Price, Stu Feiner, etc.) and tells the latter to "bring it on"(meaning the law suit) and then relish when the forum wins and the sports service loses, and then see the results of the trial plastered all over the internet and on every sports forum. That would be my dream outcome-to put those lying, deceitful and scamming jerks in their place once and for while.
Hey rip, what's going on brother? Hope things are well. You do a great job with things here and i just want you to know and hear that. I'm not bothered by the services nearly as much as i am the kids bitching about them. Just wanted you to know that.
GL Buddy!
thanks wayne buddy ..good luck and thanks and see you in Rips fades forum in a few week ..wooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooo
well guys, :uzi:
This is my last post in this thread,I just want to thank everyone on here who made this service section alot of fun to be part of,,I met alot of great people thru this service section.Some i have become friends with and i want to thank them for that..I for one will miss this section but its not the end of the world and the plays will be posted all over..I;ll see you in a few weeks with the fades for some FOOTBALL..guys best of luck to every member and vistor on bettorschat.Your good friend ,,Rip :bestwishe
Good job buddy see u soon if i have any money left come football!!!!!!!!!!!!!F*** the cubs that makes me feel better...ps how about a winner...lol...JK..Take it easy love that avatar!!!!!!!!!!!!Wooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh oooooooo
All Star Sports comp.is OVER in the Yankees game.
Are we going to retain comp. picks or are they going out the window also?
I wonder if a sports service would sue over giving out a comp pick, saying that only the person who calls should have it.
I sure hope this never happens and/or is successful or else thousands upon thousands of folks will have to subject themselves every day to 5 minute orations/torture with Phil Steele on the Northcoast Comp. Line rather than just a few unlucky souls.
On the other hand Phil would not like it either as his phone bill would skyrocket.