Hello eveyone I hope everyone is doing fine here. I havent been around much lately of course I was just a guy who provided some funny stories. I guess I could use some cheering up from some of you guys. I lost my Dad to lung cancer at the age of 69 on June 23 I have kept this to myself since I lost him can anyone tell me how to sleep or eat or feel like laughing again. My old man was my best friend and if I could give A year off my life to have one more day with him I would do it in a heart beat. I know i had my chances and now they are gone. I hope everyone has a great day and life and rember your loved ones because they matter more then anything in the whole world. I really didnt get this untill the last few days but I sure do now.
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Hello Everyone
Man....I feel your pain. It really hurts to have a family member pass on, and I realize there is nothng I can say to make you fell better, but you, your father, and the rest of your family are in my prayers tonight and I know things will be better for you. Remember...."time heals all wounds". I know that right now that seems dumb, but one day you will be able to look back on the time you and your father shared and crack a smile....you may still shead some tears but all you can do is keep on living and fulfill your life in a way that would make your father proud!5* 0-0
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I lost my Dad when he was but 61....we were real close also...It takes time, but one of the easiest ways to overcome grief, is to remember the great times and especially the Laughs you 2 had together....I buried myself in his pictures and laughed all the way through the Album....I had Guilt feelings cause I felt like I could have seen him more, but my work and own Family was first....He loved his Grandsons and that was all he talked a bout in his last days.
All I can suggest is, "Don't" feel guilty about not spending more time with him, just remember the good times, the humor, and what he tried to teach you...Bring his presence to your children...Let them know what PAPA would have done, and don't ever think you'll forget him or the times you had, cause you won't...
Grab the Album and laugh together with him, he's watchin and laughing with you....Some things between a Dad and Son, are never broken....
Best to ya my man, you just have to accept what this life is all about....You loved him then, you love him now, and every day in your own special way, tell him thanks for all he did, and the sacrifices he made for you, and in return, you give the same love to your children or nieces and nephews...kapt
Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!
I hate to hear stories like that. It's never easy to lose a loved one. I'm very sorry for your loss, and you know there's about 50 guys on here that would do anything for you if you needed us, all you have to do is ask.
Best of luck to you and your family during this hard time.
I have known you for a while. I read your post and I will be honest I started crying myself. I honestly can't picture anyone of my parents dying. You look at your Mom and Dad has living forever. Now that I'm grown up I realize they won't. I know my kids look at me and my wife in that light right now.
I lost my Grandparents 6 1/2 years ago. I can only relate with them. It took me along time to stop crying. But like Kaptain say. I looked at all the great times we had. To this day I smile everytime I think about them.
I'm really sorry for your families and yours lose.1 of 1 Morons
Sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. I honestly dont know what to say. I havent lost a parent so I really cant relate. It must be aweful. I cant imagine. I wish you all the best in the future. And keep your head up. If you ever need to talk I'm here for you.2013 NCAA POD Record
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I lost my mother to cancer when I was 21. She was 45. We to were very close (I was and still am a mommy's boy) I carried some guilt around for missed opportunities and for things that, looking back, should have been said.
It wasn't until I had my own children and realized that not everything needs to be said by a child for a parent to understand or to know what you are thinking.
I am POSITIVE your father knows exactly how you feel, how you felt and what you were thinking at times when words were not said.
If you felt love for him, he heard you say it.
If you missed him, he heard you say it.
...and even during disagreements, he knew he was LOVED by you.
It's just something parents know....
It will never be easy, BUT it will get easier. Not a day goes by that I don't think about my mother, but boy am I thankful that I had her for 21 years and for the WONDERFUL times we had. I feel sorry for those who never met her, more then for my loss.
and YOU should to.
If you need some smiles and some jokes you leaned towards the best group of ASSHOLES on the planet.....
Good Luck my friend and God Bless....Remember the three R's:
Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
Knowlez, the Kaptain said it best. Don't you ever feel bad for the time you didn't spend with him. Remember the great times you had together and in due time, when it's right, you'll learn to look back and smile at the moments that brought joy to your heart and made you the person you are today.
We go through life so fast, running here and doing this and that... and we lose what's really important to us. Hang in there buddy, it's good for the soul to grieve for a little while. It puts life in the right perspective and shows us what REALLY MATTERS, the people in it.
Like RJ said as well, there are 50 guys right here that I know would be more than happy to listen if you need to talk. GL2U
~~~ TiggerLast edited by Tigger; 07-06-2005, 04:44 PM.
Rwall, Kapt .. You have said it perfectly ...
Knowlez, I am so sorry to hear about your loss ... This makes me so sad .. Lost my dad when I was 14 and he was 37 ... Lost my mom 3 yrs ago and my mother-in-law right now is not doing well .. Bless you my friend and stay strong ... always make him proud of you ...
Originally posted by SPARKRwall, Kapt 10Dime.. You have said it perfectly ...
Knowlez, I am so sorry to hear about your loss ... This makes me so sad .. Lost my dad when I was 14 and he was 37 ... Lost my mom 3 yrs ago and my mother-in-law right now is not doing well .. Bless you my friend and stay strong ... always make him proud of you ...2013 NCAA POD Record
8-3ATS +3.80 units
2013 NFL POD Record
1-2 ATS -4.50 units
Knowlez I am extremely sorry for your loss. When I read that post (3 times now) my heart sank about a foot. I can feel your pain through your words. I don't think theres much to say to cheer you up besides whats already been said. Take it 1 day at a time my friend. The pain must be so raw right now but it will numb. Surround yourself, at times, with friends and family that really matter to you and feed off them, they will carry you. I lost my mom in 2000 when I was 21, the shock lasted quite a while, but in time that event has helped me to learn more about myself and to really be proud of the woman she was. So many cliche's, I understand that, but you need time. Try and be sure you are taking care of yourself however, try not to go on a drinking binge or not eating for days or sleeping, that will only make the pain worse my friend.
I WILL be praying for you and your family tonight, I wish you the best my man and I hope that the Peace of God will overtake your heart.
BrianEverybody dies, but not everyone lives.