Half of the bettorschat crew decided to take a Kruise to Europe on the S.S. MINNOW, the other half had to remain stateside. $JIMMY$ & TonyCarusoSpts were on the main deck Sucking EACH OTHER'S BALLS, when the KAPT announced the first port of call would be Venice, Italy. TwoTonTony made plans to visit the MEATBALL FACTORY with Hoosier Daddy. Bigmike was really excited because he was finnaly going to see A naked teenage Girl. griswold was seasick and refused to come out of the pool. The guys said they would bring him back a Candy bar (EXLAX) so they could FINALLY Swim.
Meanwhile back in the states, SPARK was upset because he Was to old to come on the trip
, even though he had been using Moisturizer to look younger for the past year. 10DIMEBRY was having computer troubles and kept getting pop-ups for GOAT SEX and spam from The A$$hole of the month club. The doorbell rang and KBSOONER21 was there holding HIS AWARD and a giant INFLATABLE DALE JR DOLL. They gave each other a Blindmice handshake and jumped in jmarty6969 minivan, and *****
That night On the Kruise some of the guys got to eat at the Big kids table, and others were at casino, enjoying hands of blackjack and strip poker. TheRook shouted: this is the most clients I've had in years, and raised his Mask to REVEAL He was actually LSUFAN. It was getting late so LDAWG (LISA) & RJEREMY went down to their cabins to Cuddle with one another. CHICAGODOG went up to the main deck to look at the Moon with BigWeiner and hope they would get a chance to get a nude full body wax.
Back in the good ole USA LSUMONSTER was taking a break from HIS FAVORITE WEBSITE: Sublimedirectory.com and decided to call PeteRose for awhile. He was shocked to see blackbeard on the news that night, involved in some sort of Boss punching sting with Ripple and Larryonion. He put down his GLASS OF GIN and called his buddy Waynechung to translate. They both knew that they had to POST BAIL for the OTHERs or they would be getting RUSTY TROMBONE'S. MONTE had also seen the news and gave WAYNE a CALL and waited for Some one to post their e-mail. (LOL , SORRY)
The Kruise was coming to its final port of call IN ROME. Most of the guys were still HUNGOVER from the festivities, and were unable to EAT , DRINK , OR BET FOR WEEKS. The news from the states got around to the guys and they all decided that BLACKBEARD needed their PICKS TO AFFORD A LAWYER as soon as they got back. PHONEPOLE & SPAARKIE were buying some PIZZA from THE POPE when they heard the kruise foghorn go off. They knew there was not enough time to see ALL THE FAT BITCHES at the WHORE HOUSE so they headed back to the ship, with their bags of WEED AND COOKIES at their sides.
A week later the ship pulled into dock in the US. THE LOVE DOC had souveniers of POCKET ROCKETS AND TOYS to give to the guys who had to stay home and help BLACKBEARD get out of JAIL AND HIS MOST LIKELY ASS POUNDING. BHS4LIFE turned to his friend JBC13 and said WHAT A PUNCH OF FUCK-
UPS and couldnt wait for the next MADLIB NEXT WEEK
Meanwhile back in the states, SPARK was upset because he Was to old to come on the trip

That night On the Kruise some of the guys got to eat at the Big kids table, and others were at casino, enjoying hands of blackjack and strip poker. TheRook shouted: this is the most clients I've had in years, and raised his Mask to REVEAL He was actually LSUFAN. It was getting late so LDAWG (LISA) & RJEREMY went down to their cabins to Cuddle with one another. CHICAGODOG went up to the main deck to look at the Moon with BigWeiner and hope they would get a chance to get a nude full body wax.
Back in the good ole USA LSUMONSTER was taking a break from HIS FAVORITE WEBSITE: Sublimedirectory.com and decided to call PeteRose for awhile. He was shocked to see blackbeard on the news that night, involved in some sort of Boss punching sting with Ripple and Larryonion. He put down his GLASS OF GIN and called his buddy Waynechung to translate. They both knew that they had to POST BAIL for the OTHERs or they would be getting RUSTY TROMBONE'S. MONTE had also seen the news and gave WAYNE a CALL and waited for Some one to post their e-mail. (LOL , SORRY)
The Kruise was coming to its final port of call IN ROME. Most of the guys were still HUNGOVER from the festivities, and were unable to EAT , DRINK , OR BET FOR WEEKS. The news from the states got around to the guys and they all decided that BLACKBEARD needed their PICKS TO AFFORD A LAWYER as soon as they got back. PHONEPOLE & SPAARKIE were buying some PIZZA from THE POPE when they heard the kruise foghorn go off. They knew there was not enough time to see ALL THE FAT BITCHES at the WHORE HOUSE so they headed back to the ship, with their bags of WEED AND COOKIES at their sides.
A week later the ship pulled into dock in the US. THE LOVE DOC had souveniers of POCKET ROCKETS AND TOYS to give to the guys who had to stay home and help BLACKBEARD get out of JAIL AND HIS MOST LIKELY ASS POUNDING. BHS4LIFE turned to his friend JBC13 and said WHAT A PUNCH OF FUCK-
UPS and couldnt wait for the next MADLIB NEXT WEEK
