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Another Forum Stealing Members From BC's Family

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  • Originally posted by spaarkie

    Now that was class act to step up to..we email each other and never once had you mentioned it to me...
    No you shouldn't be banned...your still tops in my book bud
    and still more than welcome to visit in April

    Guess I've just been a total cancer since my 1st posts in this place
    Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


    • Wasn't trying to be a tough guy.

      Don't see the be-all end-all of BC's thread. No purpose. You'll see no finality come of anything. Nothing gained.

      Nobody knew I was here until I jumped over there for ACTUAL INFO ON GAMES. Then saw his thread. Figured you guys knew my handle the whole time. I also have nothing to hide. Really like coming up with the names though.

      I'm sure Wiz knew I was posting here all the time since he was banned. He never said a thing to me about it. Guess it's just "my word" for what that's worth.
      Last edited by HUNGlikeabear; 02-23-2005, 08:03 PM.
      Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


      • Originally posted by wayne1218
        Hey YFJ2005

        I see your a Mod there too huh? What a coincidence with a post like yours, Bye!
        Wayne if thats him your better then I am. I didn't know that.
        1 of 1 Morons


        • Originally posted by HUNGlikeabear
          I'm sure Wiz knew I was posting here all the time since he was banned. He never said a thing to me about it. Guess it's just "my word" for what that's worth.
          What the hell could he have said?? He was banned for many reasons and it's funny how you skipped over the fact that you were a mod and friend of his with your bashing here. Real big surprise that your on his side.


          • Oh stop it Homer.

            It's one big conspiracy remember
            Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


            • HUNGlikeabear,

              You better check that record again as wiz is a 50/50 capper as I documented him for 4 or 5 weeks.

              And you have your opinion girlfriend as to whether to what I posted should have been posted or not. I thought people on this site should know the real reason he's gone and what he's doing! If you don't like that then fine, but to make comments like you have are not appropiate.

              I take it that you're ok with someone threatining another person?
              I take it that you're ok with someone constantly stirring the pot?
              I take it that you're ok with me helping him recover thousands of dollars then him pissing on me?

              If that's the way you feel then why are you even here?


              • Also I would like to Thank everyone that posted there support in this thread!


                • Originally posted by Homer
                  Wayne if thats him your better then I am. I didn't know that.
                  It was easy to figure out since he went there in the thread and said he posted here 4 minutes after the fact of bashing AND they were both from Chicago. Their talking over there and they think were idiots and don't know what their doing. wiz is now trashing me there, whatever.
                  Last edited by wayne1218; 02-23-2005, 08:06 PM.


                  • Originally posted by wayne1218
                    What the hell could he have said?? He was banned for many reasons and it's funny how you skipped over the fact that you were a mod and friend of his with your bashing here. Real big surprise that your on his side.

                    Sides are not the issue

                    I have NOTHING against ANYBODY!

                    You guys are in OBVIOUS PAIN over YESTERDAY'S NEWS!!!

                    Read my thread.
                    Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


                    • Originally posted by wayne1218
                      wiz is now trashing me there, whatever.

                      You know how the guy is better than I do. What else is Wiz going to do in this situation? I knew when I went there sh*t would be hitting the fan.

                      And I'm not trying to DO ANYTHING.
                      Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


                      • Originally posted by HUNGlikeabear
                        You know how the guy is better than I do. What else is Wiz going to do in this situation? I knew when I went there sh*t would be hitting the fan.

                        And I'm not trying to DO ANYTHING.
                        You trashed us and said nothing to him except "I'm in the thread now"??????


                        • TIME TO LOCK THIS THREAD!!!!!!

                          This will drag on for days. It's old news.

                          His site won't last 6 months.


                          • my 2 cents

                            Man, this is tough but i have to say what i feel. First, for all the people that think people are 'too emotional' over this subject, i think that is laughable. It is easy for so many people to forget very quickly how much money people like wayne, ez, homer, rj, and the countless other have won them. It is the nature of the gambler to forget the winners they are given and to remember the losers. It is also the gamblers nature to be considered "a good gambler" because we all have people we make fun of that always lose.

                            Most of the people who first discovered this site were people who either gambled themselves (and lost), paid for services over time (and lost) or some cobination of the 2. Look, this site provides the free plays from every loser service out there; and for those of you who are too stubborn to follow the FREE cappers because you believe "if i have to pay for , it must be better", well then you have everything you want right here. But wow, look, this site has the best free cappers in the country. Yeah, maybe i am exaggerating, but show me people who win as consistently as these people. You cant.

                            Homer, more than anyone, your brought me here and gave me the confidende to post so i will NEVER insult you. I do though , question going to another site which you know ill not be as good. I will assume you are doing it for the right reasons because you have proven over time to be a very stand-up guy. But i like the attitudes of 10dimebry and RJ because like them, I think we have the best thing going and if other people want to start their own sites, i have to believe it is only their attempt to try and prove to themslves, they are better cappers. Good luck. To anyone listening or reading, these are the best cappers, end of conversation. I am not self-promoting and i have never even spoken to wayne, bc, rj, chuck, frank, spaarkie, or any of the others by email (although i would like to). But to those who are considering going over to wiz's site, if you are doing it because you think you will get more respect with less people, all you are really doing is leaving what is clearly the internet's best site to go to one that even you yourself know will never get the respect or views we get here.

                            I hope people can swallow there own pride and understand that if you feel confident enough to post, you will get rewarded here and if you are one of those guys who never posts, and only get plays from the people who do, you guys are INTEGRAL to making this thing work and i do not want to lose you. There is nothing more satisfying that seeing a lot of views on my thread and winning, knowing that sometimes 100's of people won money .

                            Sorry so long, but I sincerely hope the core group of people here never leave and for anyone new to this site, believe me, it does not matter how many cappers we have or how new you are, if you post and win consistently, you will get tons of respect, and if you lose, you will get treated with more respect than anywhere else, That is a fact.

                            And to all the people like 888 and montenegro and dingleberry who come on this site, post 3 games and go 3-0, in an attempt to steal our business or get paid, you always get exposed and truthfully, i have confidence that no other site with steal our people. ever


                            • Originally posted by Homer

                              Where from all this do you get that I'm his right hand man??????

                              Being a MOD - HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING A RIGHT HAND MAN - I had nothing to do with setting up the site or anything just Helping him with the MOD Duty.

                              You can believe or not. I showed you through emails. If I would have told you like I said in the email that would have been promoting the site. I didn't and I get slammed for it. If I would have told you I would have been told I was promote.

                              As if telling me would promote the site, that is such a copout its pathetic. I for one would be the last person to visit or tell people about wiz's site. Forget it, its done with.
                              2013 NCAA POD Record

                              8-3ATS +3.80 units

                              2013 NFL POD Record

                              1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                              • Originally posted by BettorsChat

                                I take it that you're ok with someone threatining another person?
                                I take it that you're ok with someone constantly stirring the pot?
                                I take it that you're ok with me helping him recover thousands of dollars then him pissing on me?

                                This didn't have to be handled in the manner you chose. Sh*t, you now got guys coming in this thread that NEVER heard of Wiz.

                                Not a good play on your part.

                                And, unlike many here, I'm not being emotional about this.
                                Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.

