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Another Forum Stealing Members From BC's Family

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  • This is like a thundertorm that passes through-the thunder and lighting is scary and disquieting, but once it passes, calm returns, BC will once again prevail easily over any competition, and is usually the case, the cream will rise to the top and everything said today will have little relevance.


    • Dear Wiz,
      Can I be a mod on your new forum. Please!!
      Seanie Mac

      Dear Wiz,
      They sure suck over there at BC, don't they? I'm glad your site lets me post my b****sh*** w/o getting deleted.

      Dear Wiz,
      Was that play tonight on the Celtics two or three hot chicks??

      Dear Wiz,
      How many different screen names do I get to have?
      Kyle Baugues

      Dear Wiz,
      Can you make sure Blackbeard isn't allowed to post on out site? He catches all my scams.
      Mike Nowlin


      • Fleetfox & Griswold, you guys are freakin hilarious. I have no gripes with Wiz, but what he tried to do to BC was just bullshit. I guess he felt that if he took some prominent members, he could get some measure of revenge for being tossed(or was trying to get more defectors by going after these guys), but I doubt if that is working. Any clown can start his own website. Thick, homer and others will be moderating a ghost town for quite sometime, as anyone who has started their own business can attest, getting customers to come in your door is the hardest thing. I post on other sites sparingly - usually leaving a service play if I take one(I dont have more than 50 posts on any other site), but this is my home sweet home, and there are a great bunch of guys here, no reason to go anywhere.
        Lord Knows I'm A Voodoo Child

        My record Click Here


        • In simple terms WIZ has proven to be a disgusting underhanded person that likes to bully people through the Internet. That is pathetic. Monte and Wayne treat people with respect here even when they don't agree with what your saying. Wiz is not capable of that kind behavior because simply put the guy is a PUNK.


          • well, i don't know much about capping, but am feel very privileged to see all the class on this site. ive seen other sites, but never visit them on a regular basis. im here almost everyday, cause here's where the real "meat" is-not a bunch of fluff or hype like the service who calls u on the phone times times a week with the next goy. thanks bc for be classy, oh, and check this out... i did my good deed the other day by reffering a guy who was just surfing for anything on sports bettingto your site. i hope he realizes how much i saved his ass. i always refer this site to anyone interested in sports or the stock market.


            • It's pretty funny. wiz posted what he thinks is the town i live in but it's the town that provides my service. They provide for 5 towns or cities and he's an idiot cause he picked the wrong one. Inspector Gadget at your service. He somehow thinks this will affect me either way but what he doesn't know is once again his true colors and tactics are showing AGAIN! Real classy guy that he is. :D


              • Originally posted by wayne1218
                It's pretty funny. wiz posted what he thinks is the town i live in but it's the town that provides my service. They provide for 5 towns or cities and he's an idiot cause he picked the wrong one. Inspector Gadget at your service. He somehow thinks this will affect me either way but what he doesn't know is once again his true colors and tactics are showing AGAIN! Real classy guy that he is. :D
                just call his parole officer, you know he still has one


                • P.S.

                  BIG KISSES WIZ! I know you too are watching.


                  • Originally posted by Tony Vegas
                    just call his parole officer, you know he still has one


                    • Best Site Out There Thats All There Is To Say I Use Bc's Sponsers As Well To Keep It Up And Runnig Thanks To Everybody For There Time And Hard Work


                      • swghost,

                        Thanks for the referral


                        • Fuck Wiz!!

                          Yes,, Fuck You Wiz!!!!!

                          [B]YES I KNOW --- BRONCOS SUCK!! :


                          • Without a doubt, this site is head and shoulders above all others.

                            I am touched by the friendship and the kindness shown by the members as they unselfishly share knowledge and insight with all of us.

                            I am grateful to be a member.

                            With a tip of the hat to Henry V, I feel we too are:

                            "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers"

                            And we are led by the mad king, Ripple the First.

                            And furthermore, where else could I get such a rousing BWAAAAAAAAAAA laugh, as i was able to earn from Big Mike, from one of my dumb jokes.


                            • bump


                              • THIS SITE IS GREAT. But I really like it cause most the people are postive. But im glad its not an anything goes site as that can attract alot of A HOLES.......which really delutes any site. BETTORSCHAT is top notch and thats really the only story i have on the matter!

