here is one....
It is Ms. Jones 5th grade biology class and the excercise for the day is the teacher points to a body part and then a student tells what the part is and what it does....
They have already gone through the heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, liver and most vital organs....
Next Ms. Jones points to the penis.....
Little Sparky can not contain himself and raises his hand and Ms. Jones calls on him..
he says, "my dad has 2 penises"...which brings a confused look to Ms. Jones' face and she asks,...."can you explain that to the class Sparky"?
So Sparky obliges and says. "My Dad has a real small one he pees out of, and a really big one that he brushes the babysitters teeth with"!!!
It is Ms. Jones 5th grade biology class and the excercise for the day is the teacher points to a body part and then a student tells what the part is and what it does....
They have already gone through the heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, liver and most vital organs....
Next Ms. Jones points to the penis.....
Little Sparky can not contain himself and raises his hand and Ms. Jones calls on him..
he says, "my dad has 2 penises"...which brings a confused look to Ms. Jones' face and she asks,...."can you explain that to the class Sparky"?
So Sparky obliges and says. "My Dad has a real small one he pees out of, and a really big one that he brushes the babysitters teeth with"!!!