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Relief for achy joints

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  • #76
    I leave for two weeks..........

    and come back to find out that everyone here is a f-in' chemical engineer that minored in organic pharmacology. So, gather around the campfire boys and girls because I, Tigger, am a organic bench chemist. I am always amazed at the number of people that pickup an article in the latest "Walking for Idiots" mag. only to read a short write on the latest discoveries of some new vitamin or drug and then go on to preach about it as if they've discovered it, and have a clue of what they're really talking about.

    MSM is not a new vitamin people. Yes, it does work aiding in the help of blood flow, yes it can help in some cases of arth., as well as it can do many other things such as reduces scar tissue, helping snoring at night, and better transition energy to cells in the body. The active ingrediant is Sulfur. The MAIN reason that MSM was produced though is for dietary needs. The reason that MSM assists in curing arthritis is the sulfur is a vital component in the repair of connective tissue, such as joints. Also, if you are having arthritis problems then also take calcium/magnesium as well, this like MSM is also great for joints and connective tissue.

    Here is where you will get your benefits though, if you are having great success with MSM in pill form, switch to the gel capsules. Compounds must be in liquid form in order to exchange, oxidize, and reduce. Vitamins are too dense for the human body to break down and absorb before they leave the system and when you swallow a pill, you are only using on average 10-15% of the pill before it's traveled past the small intestines where most of the exchange takes place prior to. On the other hand, if you were to take the gel-tabs, the body can immediately use the compound (being they are already in liquid form).

    ~~~ Tigger

    PS. Yes, I am campaigning for the asshole of the month award


    • #77
      Great Post tigger .. So in other words I am not just imagining this ... It really does help ... Thanks


      • #78

        Much research has been done in the field of vitamins versus the placebo effect. The placebo effect is something that has not been explained in many cases when it comes to drugs, and if you don't understand what it is, just ask, I'll expound more upon it later. BUT........

        No, you are not imagining the effects of it. MSM is a very good supplement to take when it comes to the benefits that it brings to your body. The chemistry is there. If you are in to good health and strong body, then you may want to look into flaxseed oil and coconut oil as well. Both of these are Omega 3 compounds, very fatty as well, but it's a good fat. Yes, people there are good fats out there. Fats that your body will immediatly burn up first. The key with the Omega compounds is that the carboxly groups are on the end of the compounds so not much energy is needed to synthesize these to recieve the benefits, hints why they are burned up first.

        The one "downfall" of things such as flaxseed oil and codliver oil is that they taste horrible, so if you can get past the 10 seconds of bad taste, then you'll be one healthy dude.

        ~~~ Tigger
        PS. Switch to gelcaps


        • #79
          Thanks Tig


          • #80
            Hey Spark, my signature is just for you ol' buddy. LOL

            ~~~ Tigger


            • #81
              Originally posted by Tigger
              Much research has been done in the field of vitamins versus the placebo effect. The placebo effect is something that has not been explained in many cases when it comes to drugs, and if you don't understand what it is, just ask, I'll expound more upon it later. BUT........

              No, you are not imagining the effects of it. MSM is a very good supplement to take when it comes to the benefits that it brings to your body. The chemistry is there. If you are in to good health and strong body, then you may want to look into flaxseed oil and coconut oil as well. Both of these are Omega 3 compounds, very fatty as well, but it's a good fat. Yes, people there are good fats out there. Fats that your body will immediatly burn up first. The key with the Omega compounds is that the carboxly groups are on the end of the compounds so not much energy is needed to synthesize these to recieve the benefits, hints why they are burned up first.

              The one "downfall" of things such as flaxseed oil and codliver oil is that they taste horrible, so if you can get past the 10 seconds of bad taste, then you'll be one healthy dude.

              ~~~ Tigger
              PS. Switch to gelcaps
              Great info, Tigger!!


              • #82
                This may be one of my favorite threads......
                Remember the three R's:
                Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


                • #83
                  i saw the title of this thread mentioning something about joints. Count me in.


                  2013 NCAA POD Record

                  8-3ATS +3.80 units

                  2013 NFL POD Record

                  1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                  • #84
                    Intersting. I'm only 25 so I dont have to deal that but my pops is feeling his old age. I told him to take glucosamine but since he has some digestives issues he doesnt like taking it. He said taking glucosamine takes his digestion difficult. Just some info for those who might also have the same problems like my pops...wanted y'all to be aware
                    NFL Kruise

                    *updated as of 9/9

