a big 41 been playing for 26yrs.....
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Age Check - Everybody!!!!!!
Originally posted by SPARK
52yrs young ...
Handle comes from one of my best friends that passed from cancer at the age of 14 ... He was the most loyal and trustworthy companion anyone could ask for ... Every dog owner should be lucky enough to have a dog like Spark ....
Great thread RJ ...:D :D
Great to have ya!
27 and feelin' 47
But make no mistake about Auburn will roll big in the dome tomorrow night. Campell will have a caree night against a very weak and depleted secondary. Look for tha Lack' and big R.Brown to have 2 t.d.'s a peice. Guys, this will be a route. The Tigers will make a huge statement tomorrow night that will have USC and OK thanking the good Lord above for computers. Look the guy with the AU hat and AU polo shirt on the 50 yard line club level.
!!! WAR EAGLE !!!
I'm so old some days my fingers won't type these dam keys...well atleast some days i feel old..i believe self employment adds 10 years to you in my case 15 LOL
34 yrs and turning another page in 10 days
best of luck to all this weekend$$$$Every time i make ends meet ..someone moves the ends????