All of us teaching writing assume that you will do honest work and that you will work with your instructor on improving writing that is your own. But, since plagiarism is a serious matter, we feel that it is important to explain what plagiarism is and what the consequences are.
What Plagiarism is (Two Basic Forms):
1. Using someone else's work as your own, without citing the source. This includes direct copying, rephrasing, and summarizing, as well as taking someone else's idea and putting it in different words.
2. Not indicating directly quoted passages or ideas even while citing the work as a general source.
What the Consequences of Plagiarism are:
If a paper involves plagiarism of the second kind (less serious), the instructor may ask you to rewrite the paper, using correct forms of documentation.
If a paper involves plagiarism, the instructor is empowered by regulation 0-2 of the University Bulletin award you a failing grade in the course. In addition, the instructor will refer the case to the Dean of Students who will bring charges against you for violating Article II of the UI Student Code of Conduct.
Instructors may demonstrate that a paper involves plagiarism in two ways: 1) by identifying the source, and 2) by showing the discrepancy of style between previous papers and the paper in question.
A final word on plagiarism: we understand the occasional temptation to plagiarize—but we are surprisingly good at recognizing plagiarism. Our basic message is DON'T DO IT. When you need to take something from another person's work—an idea, a powerful statement, a set of facts, or an explanation—cite your source.
OK FastBreak , now I get your drift .
And I now see you stance on this , and thats fine with me as you too can now get in the line as I get ready to run the gauntlet .
I am stating once again that I had those games picked out long before the source of my post . I am often guilty (because of four computers) of coping and pasting along with everyone else here . Time is of the essence to me and I do it for nothing so it not like Im trying to gain anything from it , but I am left to wondering what your trying to gain :confused:
That is quite impressive showing some Universities rules and regulations regarding plagiarism.....Thats like trying to enforce the jaywalking rules of one State in the USA, while visiting Japan...
You obvisiously have your mind made up to target this particular person, so nothing I can say will change that...
I think we should bring the "accused" befor the "Dean of Students" and see how he/she figures out the "Punishment" for this person...
Sorry I got involved, I've got a lot more important things to do, and I'm doubly sorry for letting myself stoop down so low as to argue with you....
You have a nice day, keep your un trusting attitude, this will enable you to feel better about yourself....
Lady M---do me a FAVOR...don't even bother to reply anymore..
I for one, am through with this conversation...All replies will be read, absorbed----with no response...
This is the problem, "only problem", with this forum...
Originally posted by FastBreak "And I now see you stance on this , and thats fine with me as you too can now get in the line as I get ready to run the gauntlet ."
Nonne did anything to you but yourself....
I suggest you get some rest.
So knowing that , I attempt to offer a few (not like me) that will put me in line with most the members here and go with just a limited amount of looks today , instead of my usual cornacopia .
Does that look like I said in any way that I compiled this ?
< (not like me) >
< instead of my usual cornacopia >
And now I ask ,,,,, " What did I do to myself ? "
Your acting like the rest of the previous posters here FastBreak , like you guys stumbled upon a great secret .... Not !
Lady M---do me a FAVOR...don't even bother to reply anymore..
I for one, am through with this conversation...All replies will be read, absorbed----with no response...
This is the problem, "only problem", with this forum...
Frankly, I couldn't give two shits on where she got the information. As long as she keeps posting winners, do we really care if they're her write-ups or someone else's?
With daugherty. Who cares where she go the information but I do understand the point of other members. I realize that my picks could mirror other's picks ( as in the case yesterday with EZ's parlay pick) but to have the same write-up is a bit disturbing. I don't understand the reasoning for copy and paste of another's write-up.
Something has seemed funny to me for awhile about things around here. And suddenly things have become a bit clearer. Much to my dismay. GL!
MMM, like I said before, don't let a few bad apples ruin your day.. When its all said and done, the number of people in this forum that support you far out number the ones who don't. Thanks for all the hard work and many hours you put in...........
I have found that FastBreak seems to have a fondness for a certain member around here . But I also remember when as long as he was winning he had this to say :
BettorsChat Veteran
Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 622
Memphis Mafia
Dear MMM,
I have mostly been a lurker ....following your plays since last October.
I ,like other members of this forum, have immense respect for your knowledge and experience at the "fine art" of prognostication.
When you post in the following format (SEE BELOW).....I say to myself,..." Yes, that makes perfect sense...".
Iona @ Manhattan - 14 ( 143.5 )
Play : Going out on a limb here and taking Iona + 14.5* , they usually hang tough as indicated by thier avgs.
Manhattan : 17-4 / 10-10-1 ats / 72.1 pts per / + 11.0 home / + 10.1 avg / avg score 73 to 63 / ranking 86
The fact that you are willing to take the time to share your plays and how you arrive at your choice does not go unappreciated from this forum member. Your mention of the importance of confidence in keeping winners in tow was interesting. I have never seen this expressed before.
I will also be at the Bradley Center for the NCAABB games in March. It would be both my pleasure and honor to meet you.
Thanks for the knowledge and love you bring to this board day in and day out.
You bring this forum up a notch everytime you post!
Thanks for the sunshine,
Last edited by FastBreak on 02-14-2004 at 02:57 AM
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02-14-2004 02:47 AM
Now it seems thats not the case , Im just another hunk of meat for the sharks to peck away at in thier leisure time .
I can only say with regret , that this forum is starting to let a cancer spread unchecked that will eventually destroy it if not treated ........ and soon !
Registered: Jan 2001
Location: USA/ Mexico
Posts: 413
Memphis Mafia>>>>
39 (or so) ways to say welcome...
Barka Dá Zuwá!
Bem Vindo!
Bieqc Biauv Oc!
Cara Buni!
Djirri Nyurra!
Dobro Pozhalovat'!
Fiti Binevenit!
Hos Geldiniz!
Huan Ying!
Iras Haimasu!
Isten Hozta!
Kalos Orisate!
Laipni Lúdzam!
Ma Moyolihcatzin!
Salaam A Lekum!
Sat Sri Akal!
Selamat Datang!
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09-20-2003 10:18 PM
~* Number Expropriate *~
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: " In Class "
Posts: 5385
You are deserving of at least 39 smooches and one " thata boy " for your post , since I cant deliver them from my present position I guess we have to make a date ?
I get down there at least once a year and sometimes twice [ when time allows ]
I`ll let you know because I have a trip that I won at the nationals I have yet to use !
ps - I am running low on Cabo-Wabo anyway
" Study Of The Relations Of Quantities Or Forms "
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09-21-2003 10:51 AM
Is it just me or is there a pattern starting to develop here that hasnt exisited for " Boko Months "
Further evidence of a definite cancer that seems to have a very recent occurrence that really alarms me .
HAM*MER & Tony & daugherty 11
Thanks and let us as a forum ask a very important question :
Why wasnt it asked of me , were those my exact words ?
Because that was not the point in the first place , the point is all so clear and apparent that even a sandbox player could see thru this disguised attempt to resurface very old hashing .
And I wonder at whos request or urging ....... I really do !
Its a pity , a real pity :confused:
And excuse me , but I really shouldnt be exposing this in the first place . HAM-MERS right as well as others
this is down right silly ... what the fuck is the point of copying somebody elses write up or plays ... to boost your ego a little? lame as fuck if u ask me