anyone want cash? get serious and lets roll. [email protected] we watch vegas go up in smoke. bases/madness weeks away best time of year is now. don't miss out and play on your own and lose your shirt without top notch info from syndicate they are amazing as you know back up everything consistently.
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Vegas trap game goes sunday
I wish these ads would go to their own page...This fucking guy gets old! Lose your shirts ask anyone on here we have been kicking the book's A$$! What are your phones really quiet?We do fine without your ads that never come with comp. picks please do not give this Joker's website 1 click from your mouse he is a SCAMMER!
you could not be farther from the truth. posted tons of winners galore and everyone knows thats fact. Several people in here very happy to say the least. You don't want cash so be it. Don't ruin it for the high ballers that are serious and love the games to pound and win big and consistent. Good luck.
Always a SALESMAN! I do not see a comp pick today. There are 100 games out there you could not find one and aaaaaaaa IDIOT there is a sport services page when you are placing just adds. Did all your "contacts" oversleep today and not make it to the local gym? AHOLE!
Goldmember, where are your documented winners? I keep asking and you never respond. I do remember 2 straight comp losers last week. I'm playing all the winners from Wayne's World. Want to make serious cash, pay anyone on here for their picks. ON FIRE!!!! Unless you can document all your plays and prove you can win, go sling your shit on a different forum Ted Jr.You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning
He actaully has posted some comp plays. He does post a bit in between comp plays. Doesn't everyone?
I played a few of his winners when he first came here. However he did lose a couple last week. He posted Syracuse, Texas and Ariz St as comps for today in a post last night. That post got moved? over on the service board even though it had comps.
It would be nice if he gave out his record for the comps he has posted. No way he can document the record he claims because they weren't all comps. If he says "gave out winners galore" well then show the numbers and there is no problem.
I don't really care either way whether someone talks funny, spells funny or looks funny. It's just a chat board. If you don't like his posts then don't read them. I can see see why it bothers some. He is abrasive and cocky to be sure. I'd rather chuckle at it.
Read what you want and play what you want. There have been plenty of winners around here. GoldClub is dead wrong when he says people here can't win. Thats for damn sure. Looks like lots of winners to me.
Well I'm playing Ole' Miss +2 over Vandy. Should handle Vandy.
I Think that's my point, if he wants to join in like other cappers do is one thing but to keep coming here and telling us to get serious and we don't know what were doing then it does get annoying Zanz and we don't have to look your right but on day's like saturday his adds only add to the weight of the server and it's bs that he never replies like a human and give documentation of records and no the spelling doesn't matter we all make mistakes but he is such an asshole and cocky that he deserves hearing about every flaw he has. I don't know about everyone else but when i'm wagering my hard earned money on games i take it pretty serious.
I'm with ya Wayne. Great day by the way.
Your right he should document his numbers.
The reason I was actually posting was to state that he actually has given out comps and I went south from there.
If you really want to shit ask how much he wants for his service.
get serious get cash and win big no b.s. Players in here who have jumped on are very happy case closed. Play with big ballers and get serious and win big and consistent. It takes cash to make cash and thats why I get paid the bucks. My contacts are amazing as you know make myself and my high ballers a boat load of cash all sports 65% winners and thats legit. I will take care of anyone. I will not post every day top play that public knows nothing not fair to any of my players as you can understand. I posted tons of winners galore ane people who played with me very happy with top play each night while public gets buried and they win big. [email protected] serious ballers only.
My messages have been bombarded with mail so please e-mail me only not send private message as I can't respond they tell me. Don't lose sleep over it and be happy like everyone. I apologize for this nothing I can do to many private e-mails they say and there is a limit. Thanks.
longhorns get the cash congrats
congrats all my players and those who were stubborn shame on you. thats why the line was high for a reason special top notch solid info public knows nothing. shoot 60% from field miss 16 free throws and still get the cash. You found someone legit that can make you boat loads of cash with madness/bases weeks away don't cost yourself better investment than stock market as you know thanks to my contacts who are incredible two minute warning does it again blowing books coast to coast. [email protected]