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Who the HELL is reds12?????

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  • #31
    It does not take a blind man to realize what he is doing but if thati accpetable I give up.....


    • #32
      This is better than Days of our Lives. Not that I watch it but this sure is better.


      • #33
        reds all the eveidnence is outlined in front of cant say shit now.....thought you could pull a fast one huh....
        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


        • #34
          Originally posted by Chado1
          It does not take a blind man to realize what he is doing but if thati accpetable I give up.....
          Don't worry about it buddy. We'll get to the bottom of this.


          • #35
            Originally posted by kbsooner21
            Don't worry about it buddy. We'll get to the bottom of this.
            Thanks KB....I would not be causing such a big deal about itf I didnt have a good reason.....he has never posted before me EVER and I mean EVER....
            SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


            • #36
              Even JC wrote in my thread yesterday afternoon:

              Thanks for the fade,



              This what JC and I have been talking about the last 3 weeks and now he comes here I left there to avoid this punk and now this....
              SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


              • #37
                I reds12 is not banned I am gonna fuckin jump of the building I am so angry about this you dont even know....fuckin little punk fading my picks.....perfect examples are the fact they are always posted after me and even the one night there were 4 games....I had one over and one under and he had the other over and the other under.....
                SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                • #38
                  Morning Fockers ! Seems to be alot of goofy shit happening around here lately ! Good Humor !


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Chado1
                    I reds12 is not banned I am gonna fuckin jump of the building I am so angry about this you dont even know....fuckin little punk fading my picks.....perfect examples are the fact they are always posted after me and even the one night there were 4 games....I had one over and one under and he had the other over and the other under.....
                    Wow you want me banned. Having a winning record means you get banned?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by reds12
                      Wow you want me banned. Having a winning record means you get banned?
                      This is the kind of bullshit lies and comments I had to deal with over there and left for this exact reason....I come home over here and have to deal with it again.....I dont care about your record....its from fading should be very proud of your record of my fades.....unreal!!!

                      SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Chado1
                        This is the kind of bullshit lies and comments I had to deal with over there and left for this exact reason....I come home over here and have to deal with it again.....I dont care about your record....its from fading should be very proud of your record of my fades.....unreal!!!

                        Again you forgot the plays that were the same as you and the plays that you never played. You must have selective memory.


                        • #42
                          And Joe yes there were a few I may have left off last night cause when I was writing the emai I was so pissed off but if you go through all of my threads and com[paer them to all of his you will definately see a pattern....there are a few games that he didnt fade me on cause he knew the heat and fingers were on him.....
                          SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                          • #43
                            Oh now you may have left a few out. Maybe you left them out so it would make your ridiculous case look better.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Chado1
                              JC thanks for the half truth answer about this guy....

                              Chado, i think he is fading some of your stuff. But he has an amazing Knack to know when to follow and what to fade.

                              You have to admit that.

                              Seriously Chad, its not worth it. Fuck that helmet. Dude, you really need to focus on your plays and if he fades you so what.

                              It is disrespectful, but he isnt coming in your thread and saying thanks for the fade. If he does that Joe will ban his ass.

                              Chad, let it go. Your allowing him to push your buttons even more by responding to all of this
                              Questions, comments, complaints:
                              [email protected]


                              • #45
                                reds .. can i just post your e-mail .. it would make it a lot easier on me??? if not I understand

