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Hockey plays for wednesday

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  • #76
    Originally posted by reds12
    I just came here to post my hockey plays. I didnt mean to cause any trouble.

    Don't worry about it. Chad tends to be Bi-Polar at times.


    • #77
      Originally posted by TheRook
      There are other sites then this?


      BC4LIFE is what i got on my liscense plate

      ASS KISSER!!!


      • #78
        Originally posted by ***THA FIX***
        ASS KISSER!!!

        go away ree-ree


        • #79
          Originally posted by ***THA FIX***
          ASS KISSER!!!
          We are still waiting for you to join the Pools oh Nascar Wizard!


          • #80
            Wow Chado....First Chuck and now this guy?

            Does BC stand for....Bitchy Chado? Bi-polar Chado? Ballistic Chad?

            [email protected]

            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


            • #81
              Originally posted by wayne1218
              We are still waiting for you to join the Pools oh Nascar Wizard!

              That reminds me...I owe you

              I'll email you in a bit.


              • #82
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                We are still waiting for you to join the Pools oh Nascar Wizard!
                You guys do pools here? Im a nascar fan. Am I allowed to join? On 2nd thought, is Chado in it? Dont want to be accused of stealing his favorite driver.


                • #83
                  Wow, another great read...what's with all the drama around Chado lately?
                  Three Jack's Record


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by TheRook
                    I Was just thinking the same thing.

                    This is just strange.

                    Reds12...please don't think anything of this. The majority of members here don't act like this. Give Chado some time. I'm sure he'll be fine sooner then later.

                    In the meantime...Lets go Ducks!!!
                    1-0 Anaheim


                    • #85
                      Chado I already told you who Reds12 is overthere so I doubt he is gonna also sign up here with the same name so it is someone else fucking with you (not the same Reds12 from over there otherwise the IP would match).....for those that dont the deal Reds12 selectively faded Chado and starting making Chado Chado would post 6 picks and Reds 12 would fade 3 of them and go 3-0

                      Chado you are making a mockery of yourself by falling for these games and traps........I dont even know why you mustve had nightmares in high school if you are this easy to get all riled up

                      Last edited by MtrCtyPimp; 01-09-2008, 11:19 PM.


                      • #86
                        Joe you have mail......
                        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                        • #87
                          Damn that is some funny stuff.

                          Hey MCP who you think it is over there? Im guessing lovedoc, spark or chuck.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by longnex
                            Damn that is some funny stuff.

                            Hey MCP who you think it is over there? Im guessing lovedoc, spark or chuck.

                            Its JMarty from Ohio and hes a Reds fan...I already knew it was him from long before this new episode...and yes it is funny and Chado kept talkin about it so much that now someone over here decided to take it upon themselves to pull his chain and Chado keeps taking the bait LMAO



                            • #89
                              Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
                              Its JMarty from Ohio and hes a Reds fan...I already knew it was him from long before this new episode...and yes it is funny and Chado kept talkin about it so much that now someone over here decided to take it upon themselves to pull his chain and Chado keeps taking the bait LMAO

                              Then why does jmarty deny it? Or is that for obvious reasons cause he doesnt want me to know....
                              SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                              • #90
                                Ronnie by the way reds on here is conducting and presenting himself in the manner in which he is acting it is the same reds as over there.....
                                SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!

