I don't know where the thread is, but the funniest thread ever, was when Spark changed that service guy's avatar to some weird headed troll looking thing, and the service was saying something about defamatory remarks. I was crying. Can someone find that thread?
I don't know where the thread is, but the funniest thread ever, was when Spark changed that service guy's avatar to some weird headed troll looking thing, and the service was saying something about defamatory remarks. I was crying. Can someone find that thread?
I don't know where the thread is, but the funniest thread ever, was when Spark changed that service guy's avatar to some weird headed troll looking thing, and the service was saying something about defamatory remarks. I was crying. Can someone find that thread?
I think that was Co-Captain. But the avatar has been changed since then.
"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"
PAPI----you know if you initiate controversy towards me, it takes the spotlight off of you
Jimmy I'm sure there some of PAPI in that scrapbook of yours....
PAPI----find the Avatar with our lil monkey, we shall affectionately call "Banned", that drove dimer crazy for a while....paste it in here for me please
Well you guys can "kiss my Demo Crack"
Great thread you started KR-V3, this is the kind that won't die....