Whoever it is has a camper....That is a picture taken in front of the door in a camper, probably around 30-35 feet (I'm guessing) soooooo despite the teeth all being present it may still be someone from the south.....
Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
Whoever it is has a camper....That is a picture taken in front of the door in a camper, probably around 30-35 feet (I'm guessing) soooooo despite the teeth all being present it may still be someone from the south.....
Whoever it is has a camper....That is a picture taken in front of the door in a camper, probably around 30-35 feet (I'm guessing) soooooo despite the teeth all being present it may still be someone from the south.....
Definitely the south with the bud light, smirnoff and dueling crockpots behind them.
Whoever it is has a camper....That is a picture taken in front of the door in a camper, probably around 30-35 feet (I'm guessing) soooooo despite the teeth all being present it may still be someone from the south.....
he said a camper....................baaaaawaaaahhhhhh LMAO freakin rwall u too funny bro