This is getting so old of an excuse ... and you saw mine and others on this forum .. we can sum this up by saying you are not really wanted here any more ...
#19 Why did I just waste 10 minutes reading this
#20 Why can't I pick a NFL game to save my a-s-s
#21 Why is JC's niece going to be hot, and why will she hook up with Dimer...sorry, I went back to check your teeth...yep - they are all there, but I am more disturbed by the Dimer/Your niece part of the thread
#22 Who is this MCP?
#23 Doesn't he know Detroit sucks and Blows on its own - city don't need no ho's or no pimp
2010 One play a day record
22-19-1 51%
+0.74 units
Passes: 7 days
Streak: L2
#19 Why did I just waste 10 minutes reading this
#20 Why can't I pick a NFL game to save my a-s-s
#21 Why is JC's niece going to be hot, and why will she hook up with Dimer...sorry, I went back to check your teeth...yep - they are all there, but I am more disturbed by the Dimer/Your niece part of the thread
#22 Who is this MCP?
#23 Doesn't he know Detroit sucks and Blows on its own - city don't need no ho's or no pimp
lol.. @ my boy beaver.....very funny post........ i would totally take jc's niece 2 the drive in's and drink some shine go cow tippin with her in a couple years......
lol.. @ my boy beaver.....very funny post........ i would totally take jc's niece 2 the drive in's and drink some shine go cow tippin with her in a couple years......
What is the countdown anyway JC? I could program a counter image to put in your signature..."Minutes until Dimer's twinkie makes an appearance at JC's...."
I'll put one in mine "minutes until Monte jumps Larry's assistant and gets slapped"