You can't ban a guy for expressing their opinions. Posting capped games is posting opinions. Should we ban every capper? It's the same thing.
Read the nutrition thread. Winner was copying and pasting from the FDA website. Why was he banned 12 hours later? There was not one bad word spoken from either Monte or Winner. Monte never even warned the guy. He was banned 12 hours later!!!!
What I posted and who I conversed with should have no bearing what happens at this site. Last week, I told you you should ban Chuck for continuing to air his dirty laundry from another site here at BC. Today, Monte did the same thing Chuck's been doing. He used what I said at another site here. One has nothing to do with the other.
Regarding H_usker I'll go on record here at BC. We did email each other. I reached out to him because after reading his last dozen or so posts I could see no reason he was banned. I also posted on the other site a message to him about his witch hunt. I'm sure you and Monte read that post.
Coverboy no longer posts here. Should I no longer speak with him? Dimer left for a week or so. Should I never speak with him again? The list goes on and on.
Today, I was BANNED by Monte for questioning why winner was banned. Did that deserve me getting banned? I've had many disagreements with Wayne and you. I was never banned. Monte plays by different rules. Anytime something is posted he disagrees with he accuses others that they are stirring the pot. Show me where I was disrespectful to Monte. Show me where I've disrespectful to any mod. Monte's been following around members. Posting negative shit. Why is it ok for him to stir the pot but not others? If I fired every employee that disagreed with me I'd be out of business.