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To Kappa, MotormouthPimpleface, TWR and the rest of you losers

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  • #31
    Keep it gangster Chuck- you know we appreciate your skills. Any time you're good at something there will always be haters, take it as a compliment that they consistantly go out of their way to focus on you. Words of a few cowards are no reason to stop posting winners for the FAM. We're deeper than that...
    Great Day To Win

    MLB 2008 (19-23-1) +3.0 units

    NBA 08-09 (10-7) + 1.59 units

    GOY (4-1)


    • #32
      Originally posted by wayne1218
      If chuck didn't bother posting a record, came here and posted his daily plays, and ignored those other places all together. He would be happier and live 5 years longer!
      that is why I suggested that he not post a record and everyone jumped all over my shit .. I knew this was going to happen .. the hand-writing was on the wall ...


      • #33
        chuck u are an asset to BC u need to ignore the haters who cares about internet bullies they hide behind a computer and run their mouth man they are tough....the mods will weed out the bad seeds
        edification will take place pull up the reins and get outta the race.


        • #34
          why are they talking shit especially since hes always having winning days.
          How many more titles will the Yankees try to buy it never ends.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Spark
            that is why I suggested that he not post a record and everyone jumped all over my shit .. I knew this was going to happen .. the hand-writing was on the wall ...
            I had your back Pappy!!!
            "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
            is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


            • #36
              Originally posted by Lsufan
              I had your back Pappy!!!
              You always seem to be "BEHIND" guys ... hmmmmmm .......


              • #37
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                You always seem to be "BEHIND" guys ... hmmmmmm .......
                That's It ......

                I'll Deal WIth You On Monday!!!!!

                "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                • #38

                  All i can say is you better hope bover doesn't find out .............


                  • #39
                    chuck u should just copy and paste this thing every week its never going 2 stop untill u quit responding 2 these labia's......:smoking:
                    MY MEAT IN THE HOT DESERT.......


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Spark
                      that is why I suggested that he not post a record ..



                      • #41
                        Originally posted by DAREALDEAL
                        chuck--- you have awd--attention whore disorder!!



                        • #42
                          BTW Ive been draftin all day for leagues.....I have no clue where this came from



                          • #43
                            That's the point Bover, he can't quit responding to these guys or Huskturd. I'm looking at this as an outside opinion. Sorry, I don't care one way or another. But to me, he brings a lot of this on himself.

                            Who cares about Huskturd? He does and he brings it into his thread quite often, so often he looks silly, it really and truly does. Who gives a fuck?

                            And who cares about internet police guys like Kappa, who check every nuance of his posts? He does, because it bothers him with every little comment that's made, whether it's a compliment or not. Now he's banned. I think that's crazy as well.

                            I have no doubt Chuck is an ex-athlete because he acts like one. Those guys have rabbit ears and he has rabbit eyes. Quit taking everything you read so personally and stay away from the other site you hate so dearly. Wayne does....

                            Chuck has a checkered past as well that he's admitted to. Fake ticket and posting some BS numbers. Guys feed off crap like that. It's too bad they do, but it's true. But if I lose money on a play he puts in and then claims to have won for the day, you can damn well bet I'm going to be pissed. I'd want someone checking into that.

                            Just post your picks, leave your record out, and leave Huskturd, Kappa, et al, out of it. He'd be much better off. But he just can't do it. They'd get bored and leave him alone, I'm 100% sure of that.

                            I have NO DOUBT, Chuck is a great guy in person, but he takes things too personally on a frigging internet betting forum. That's quite obvious. Chuck, if you're listening, you're an asset here, and guys like you, I mean REALLY LIKE YOU. So learn to let it go and be a man about things....JMO

                            Last edited by KazDog; 08-28-2006, 12:35 AM.
                            [email protected]

                            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by KazDog
                              That's the point Bover, he can't quit responding to these guys or Huskturd. I'm looking at this as an outside opinion. Sorry, I don't care one way or another. But to me, he brings a lot of this on himself.

                              Who cares about Huskturd? He does and he brings it into his thread quite often, so often he looks silly, it really and truly does. Who gives a fuck?

                              And who cares about internet police guys like Kappa, who check every nuance of his posts? He does, because it bothers him with every little comment that's made, whether it's a compliment or not. Now he's banned. I think that's crazy as well.

                              I have no doubt Chuck is an ex-athlete because he acts like one. Those guys have rabbit ears and he has rabbit eyes. Quit taking everything you read so personally and stay away from the other site you hate so dearly. Wayne does....

                              Chuck has a checkered past as well that he's admitted to. Fake ticket and posting some BS numbers. Guys feed off crap like that. It's too bad they do, but it's true. But if I lose money on a play he puts in and then claims to have won for the day, you can damn well bet I'm going to be pissed. I'd want someone checking into that.

                              Just post your picks, leave your record out, and leave Huskturd, Kappa, et al, out of it. He'd be much better off. But he just can't do it. They'd get bored and leave him alone, I'm 100% sure of that.

                              I have NO DOUBT, Chuck is a great guy in person, but he takes things too personally on a frigging internet betting forum. That's quite obvious. Chuck, if you're listening, you're an asset here, and guys like you, I mean REALLY LIKE YOU. So learn to let it go and be a man about things....JMO

                              Agreed also......Kappa really shouldnt be banned either



                              • #45
                                Why doesn't Chuck just ignore what is posted on other sites?

                                Why doesn't a Mod step in and call Chuck on this as well as the so-called problems with his postings and records? It seems like if any other poster stirred the pot half as much as Chuck, they would have been banned by now. I realize he posts plays daily, and wishes everyone GL on their threads, but bringing in shit from another site is pointless. No one should be untouchable.

