Please, what im about to say, dont take it personal or to the heart. I'm just giving out my opinions here......
Its times like today, where i thank god that i dont visit here that much. After i had my arguement with Wayne a while back, I sat back and made me think to myself (What the fuck am i doing)?? I just got into an arguement with somebody on the internet... Yes, folks the internet... Alot of you people, including myself at 1 point in time, live and die by bettorschat. When, i wasn't working i would be on here the entire night, yapping it up with you guys and protecting this forum day in and day out. That was my life!! Sitting in front of a computer protecting it from people who would come in and scam this site. Pretty much, after the wayne incident, it woke me and said, wow, there is much more to life than the interent. I was even putting my family aside so i could be on this forum. There has been a few more people which you have noticed who have been gone also which i talk to here and there who's life has changed for the better after not being on all the time. By all means i'm not saying to Leave this forum... But, sometimes you need to give yourself a break. Alot of you have good hearts and mean well, but look at yourself in the mirror. Put yourself into your girlfriend's or wife's shoes and they see thier husband/boyfriend always sitting on the computer. Spark, you know i think the best about ya, but go ahead and ask your wife this question? "Hey hun", "Would you like it more if i spent less time on the computer and more time with you cuddling or holding hands watching tv or maybe going out" Tell me what her response would be... (And this goes out to the rest of you also) Now, i know being a mod is tough and you have duties...LOL..well, i really dont know because im not one but, i believe you do spend ALOT of time on here.. Go out and enjoy life... Your young "at heart" that is..haha.
Ok now, i'm pretty much done with my speech and you can take it any way you want... I had no intentions of hurting anyone on this site, i just want to make you realize that family and life is way more important than the internet. By all means i'm not asking people just to leave, but to give yourself a break and do things that you might not do on a normal night where your always on the computer.
In closing.....I'm The Lovedoc damnit!!!
this is my alltime favorite post here-kick back,enjoy the old lady,enjoy your friends,put a copy of brokeback in the dvd...SINCERELY CHUNGER !!